"Tazmi hurry up and rest, you will study with Chi Tong tomorrow morning, and I will train you in the evening." Brand said very seriously.


Tazmi nodded first, then he didn't hide it, and said straightly: "I'm going to challenge Wuchen now. I don't think there is anything special about that guy's face like a young master."

"Challenge him?"

The corner of Brand's mouth twitched violently when he heard the words, but Tazmi, who was angry, didn't notice it.

"Yes, that guy is too arrogant, and everyone clearly doesn't recognize me, I want to prove my strength with that guy!"

Tazmi's eyes were like torches, and he regarded Wuchen as a stepping stone in his heart.

"Idiot, don't look at Wuchen like that, in fact he is very strong." Brand said cautiously, his face was speechless, Tazmi obviously didn't know what it meant to be unattractive.

"Don't look at Wu Chenchang so handsome and handsome, he doesn't look like a fighter. Although he looks harmless to humans and animals on the surface, he looks like a scholar with far-reaching knowledge, but remember, all these are superficial phenomena!" Rande lowered his tone, his eyes filled with a vague respect.

"Could it be better than Big Brother? I heard Big Sister Leonae said that you are known as the Hundred Killer!" Tazmi was full of admiration. No matter which world, people respect the strong.


Brand heard the words and smiled even more and explained: "Three days ago, when we went to welcome Wuchen to join the night attack, he killed hundreds of elite soldiers of the empire in just a few minutes... This thunderbolt Oh Nay didn't tell you, she didn't tell you this just didn't want to hurt your confidence."

"Beheading hundreds of elite soldiers of the Empire in a few minutes?"

Tazmi showed a shocked expression, opened his mouth, and finally stared at Brand's helpless cheek, and closed his mouth aggrieved.It was not easy to be choked by Brand's words.


In the dense jungle, three figures stood side by side.

"What does catching fish have to do with killers? Digress!" Tazmi asked in a very speechless manner, always feeling that he was hired to be a cook.

"There's no other way. In the night raid, I'm in charge of everyone's favorite food." Chi Tong said as he walked, holding the roasted calf of the dangerous species in his hand.

"Is this guy really as strong as eldest brother said?" Sighing, Tazmi secretly looked at Wuchen, who was doing nothing, frowning indistinctly.

"It's best to find a chance to test him." Tazmi thought.

Soon, the three of them came to a vast pool. The water was very clear and cool, and they could clearly see the fish swimming in the depths of the water droplets.

"You two start."

Pointing to the pond below, Chi Tong continued to nibble on the meat in his hand, explaining: "Today's lunch is to eat fish, and the one who catches less has nothing to eat!"

"No food? Pfft!"

Tazmi was stunned when he heard the words, and jumped into the water without taking off his clothes.

"It's so boring."

On the other hand, Wuchen was just sitting very lazily by the pond, as if nothing to do with the little fish that were swimming by, as if nothing to do with him was hanging up high.

"If you sit like this, you won't have anything to eat at noon." Chi Tong reminded kindly.

"However, I am also a person who has lived for hundreds of years, so let Tazmi." Wuchen said with a very generous expression on my face, but he smiled cunningly in his heart.

"There seems to be a dangerous species at the bottom of the water, unexpected joy."

Staring at the super big fish whose water droplets are full of fangs, the dust-free smile is even worse.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1602 Miserable Tazmi [fourth more]

Deep in the bottom of the lake, Tazmi was swimming around very vigorously, trying to grab these big fish... But he was obviously too tender. This kind of fish is not an ordinary fish on the market, and he was very alert. Not only did Tazmi not have Caught one, but attracted the attention of a dangerous species with fangs and big fish.

While he was staring at the other fish, he didn't know that other people also became other people's dinners!


Looking at the timing, this super dangerous big fish swept out, his fangs big enough to bite steel, and went straight to Tazmi.

"Tazmi leave soon, you are being watched!" Not everyone is as black as Wuchen, Chi Tong just caught the dangerous species, and stood up immediately to remind Tazmi.

Tazmi was shocked when he heard the words, and turned his head quickly, a head full of dangerous species hurriedly attacked.


At the critical moment, Tazmi shook his body vigorously, and then barely escaped from the tiger's mouth.

"This stupid fish!"

Seeing this, Wuchen scolded angrily, a cunning look flashed in his eyes, and thought to himself: "If you can't do it, let me help you."

The pupils of a decent scale rippled in their pupils, and the dangerous big fish on the bottom of the water was immediately controlled by the dust-free.

"Today's dinner is yours!" Dodging a blow, Tazmi's confidence skyrocketed, and he decisively took out the big steel sword tied to his back.

"Come on, idiot, this dangerous species under the water has an absolute advantage." Chi Tong reminded nervously.

"Cough cough cough... Chi Tong, there's no need to worry, just let this kid endure hardships. When he is in danger, we will teach him a lesson."

Holding Chi Tong's soft/soft arm, Wu Chen smiled maliciously.

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