I saw that Chi Tong had already taken off her top and bottom, revealing her smooth and delicate skin. She had a good figure, and her career line was unexpectedly taller at a young age.


Wuchen didn't expect Chi Tong to suddenly undress, and was a little dazed for a while.

"What are you looking at?"

Chi Tong's clear eyes were full of doubts, and she looked at her body subconsciously, thinking that she was contaminated with something dirty, and looking at Wu Chen's straight eyes, her pretty face couldn't help turning red.

"Cough, cough... Hurry up and put on your clothes, and leave the task of saving Tazmi to me!" Wuchen patted his chest and assured that he was just a dangerous species.

At the same time, the war under the sea also came to an end.


A dangerous species of dust-free control, a super swing tail flicked Tazmi, spitting blood, and even threw Tazmi directly to the shore due to his excessive force, smashing it heavily on the ground.

"Tsk tsk tsk... Tazmi is really embarrassed."

Chitong and Wuchen walked in front of Tazmi and looked at Tazmi, who was covered in friction/scratch scars. Wuchen was fine, but Chitong couldn't stand it anymore.

"This is all caused by your arrogance. If this is a one-time mission, you are likely to cause the entire team to be wiped out!" Chi Tong's tone was extremely serious, which was completely opposite to the usual girl who was a bit natural and dumb.


Tazmi's mouth wriggled when he heard the words, and he lowered his head in shame, "Sorry, I was impulsive."

"Tsk tsk..."

Wuchen smacked his lips extremely harshly, silently mocking Tazmi.


Tazmi raised his eyes to look at Wuchen, and those contemptuous eyes seemed to say: "Why are you so useless, you can't even settle a fish!"

"Go catch it!" Tazmi said indignantly: "Otherwise, please keep your mouth shut, and you will be waiting to starve with me at noon."

Wuchen has not caught a single fish now.

"Dust free..."

Chi Tong's eyes also swept to Wuchen, looking forward to his method.

"Grab it? Simple."

Unexpectedly, Wuchen suddenly landed on the ground, staring at the dangerous big fish dazzling in the water with clear eyes, and explained: "This is a dangerous species called swordbone fish, quite dangerous, as terrible as his name, it Its bones can be used to make swords, and at the same time, the defense is also very strong, not to mention the water that occupies a favorable location, even on land, it is difficult to hurt it..."

"After all, you can't do it." Tazmi's shattered confidence finally recovered.

"No, it's actually easy to catch them!"

Wuchen showed a meaningful smile and said lightly: "This super dangerous species is very strange. Because of its strong strength, the supplemented food is not proportional to its consumption, so there is a period of dormancy to restore physical strength, and it is almost time to calculate. "

"Why do you know so clearly, so eruditely?"

Tazmi and Chi Tong were both stunned and surprised.


It was precisely at this moment that a very human voice suddenly came, and when I looked closely, as Wuchen said, this dangerous big fish was snoring on the lake.

"good chance!"

Tazmi's eyes lit up and he wanted to catch the dangerous species, but the stinging pain all over his body made him unable to move, but Wuchen looked at him with a smile and said, "The strength is not strong enough to exercise, but the lack of culture is yours. Wrong! Eat less snacks and read more books in the future!"

"Damn bastard!"

Looking at Wuchen who was leaving, Tazmi had a bad look on his face, and he seemed to have become a negative teaching material.

"Wuchen is right. You have to know how to apply what you have learned. He has read a lot of books these days and has a strong learning ability."

Chi Tong looked at Wuchen with admiration. The biggest difference between a smart and a fool is that he will apply everything he has learned to reality.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

With a strong gravitational force in his hand, the sleeping dangerous species was immediately caught by Wuchen.

"Let's go back."

He stretched his waist and said lazily without dust. The dangerous big fish just floated in the sky and landed in the eyes of Tazmi and Chi Tong, which was particularly shocking.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! !


Chapter 1603 Esdes who returned early [Fifth More]

It was noon, and it was time for dinner at the base of the night raid.

Many members of Ye Xi dined around the table, and Wu Chen was naturally among them, and Tazmi was struggling, standing aside with bandages all over his body, watching the gobbling crowd, drooling.

But no one paid attention to him, who let his own mission fail!In the end, it was cheap and clean, and Najeshtan, who heard the incident, not only did not sympathize with Tazmi, but scolded that there was no cure.

In the water, fighting against dangerous fish species, isn't this a brain-dead act!

For a time, Tazmi turned into the villain's big boss and became the focus of everyone's attack, while Wuchen smiled and said nothing, attacking Tazmi comfortably while watching the show.

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