"Ahhh... After the interrogation, I came out for a drink, it really was the most comfortable!"

On the street, a big man with a ferocious appearance was shouting. He looked terrible, very gloomy, his face was black, and his eyes sometimes skipped the raging light. At first glance, he was not a good person.

"Then, that Oka-sama..."

At this moment, a worried voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"who are you?"

Oka was stunned, turned his head and saw that it was a young man in a robe.Oh no, it's a maiden!This man has a very strange appearance.

"Damn Wuchen, if I fail, I will strip you alive!"

Tazmi, who was disguised as a girl, roared fiercely in his heart. It was because of Wuchen's bad idea that he had to disguise as a girl who looked like a flower like jade...

The most frustrating thing for Tazmi was that Leona and Chi Tong agreed indiscriminately!

"A beautiful girl, no matter who she is, will let down her guard against you!" As he left, Wuchen explained to Tazmi like this.

But even so, Tazmi disguised as a girl is not bad, barely able to see.

But... some people, born into the strange type, such as Oka, stared at Tazmi for a moment, and then flashed a thick rage and murderous intent on their faces.

"Get away from me, you goddamn shemale! You are so ugly! My uncle Oka has a normal sexual orientation. You are a kid disguised as a beauty and can't be recognized by me? Give me death!"

Oka shouted with flames, realizing that his IQ was being underestimated, and then he was furious, raising his fist and smashing at Tazmi unceremoniously.

All this is between lightning and flint, Oka hit again with strength, and instantly hit Tazmi on the cheek, and Tazmi was still immersed in the three words Oka scolded him - ugly!What an insult to self-esteem!

"Boom boom boom!"

Tazmi was smashed and flew five or six meters upside down, his head was bleeding, and he almost fainted on the spot!

"Cough cough... This is an accident!"

Witnessing Tazmi's disguise being seen through and being beaten by Oka, Wuchen quickly distanced himself from the relationship, and said in a reproachful tone: "Tazmi is too immature after all, and his acting skills are too poor. If it were me... I can definitely trick Oka into other alleys and get rid of it."

"You bastard!"

Chi Tong and Leonai were speechless when they heard the words. You are obviously trying to trick others... Okay is not an idiot. Although Tazmi is disguised, some of them look like girls, but they are like Okka. The veteran of planting vertical and horizontal flowers can see the clues of Tazmi at a glance.

Poor Tazmi is not wanted by the dust-free pit!

"Say, who sent you to approach me? Especially with such an ugly disguise, who are you my uncle? Could it be that I would be fooled by you if just a few stubborn branches and willows were brought in? Can't figure out the south, east, north and west?"

Okka drew his sword and asked, the cold light reflected from the wide blade all shone on Tazmi's face.

"What a terrifying murderous aura!"

Tazmi's face was full of fear, his eyes were filled with fear, and he looked at Oka who was approaching. His body was uncontrollably backward, and cold sweat fell like rain.

"You're too timid to be of great use."

Wuchen and the others who were watching in the dark shook their heads. Although it was said that exposure was the reason for not being prepared, Tazmi's performance today is really uncomplimentable.

Rather than being a killer, he now looks like a thief with a guilty conscience.

"I guess you are the member who specializes in assassinating dignitaries - Night Raid? Very good, very good, this uncle needs your heads to give me merit and promotion!"

Oka showed a demonic smile, and immediately walked towards the frightened Tazmi.


Suddenly remembering the instructions of Wuchen and others, Tazmi hurriedly swept away like a place with few people. After all, it was still on the street, running non-stop into the dark alley.

And Oka, who followed, seemed to regard Tazmi as a prey in his heart. Maybe he thought that the other members of the night raid were just as common as Tazmi.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1605 Kill Oka [First More]

Touching the bloody mouth, several teeth were knocked out, Tazmi hated Wuchen in his heart... When he just left, Wuchen gave him a thumbs up and praised him for being very feminine!

But now...

"Damn dust-free, this account, go back and calculate it for you!"

Turning his head to look at Oka who was rushing towards him frantically, his face was hideous, and he could not wait to tear himself into eight pieces... His cheeks full of flesh trembled even more.

Tazmi was heartbroken!

"Damn dust-free!"

Tazmi's anger rose to a higher level when he thought of flickering himself as a man disguised as a woman without dust. This guy's bad idea, he didn't want it.

Originally, Tazmi thought Oka was a monster, but now it's the complete opposite... Tazmi has instead become an important shortcut for Oka to get promoted and rich, and he has been chasing Tazmi for a while!

It is impossible to let it go easily!

In Oka's eyes, Tazmi seems to be a sweet treat. After all, as long as he catches the members of "Night Raid", he can successfully dedicate these people to the minister.

In the Empire, Minister Ornest can call the shots, and his promotion will naturally follow.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

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