Seeing that Oka was chasing Tazmi, Wuchen had to come out to check his presence, and said solemnly: "My plan was successful. In fact, my original intention was to deliberately let Oka see through Tazmi's disguise!"


Chi Tong and Leonai, who were on their way, both vomited blood and scolded Wuchen as shameless... Just now, before the plan was implemented, Wuchen didn't say that!

"If I remember correctly, what you originally meant was to make Tazmi dress up as a girlish girl / seduce Oka...?" Leonai stared at Wuchen speechlessly, with an expression that you underestimated my IQ.

"no no……"

Wuchen hurriedly shook his finger and said in a deep voice, "This is just my superficial meaning.... In fact, my real idea is to deliberately expose Taz as a woman, so that Oka will be suspicious of him. Oka. Although he looks rough on the surface, he is a thick and thin man inside... He who realizes that something is wrong will definitely not let Tazmi easily! And Tazmi's performance is also what I expected, For the first time on the mission, he was still very scared..."

"Really?" Chi Tong looked at Wuchen's thoughtful face in doubt, and immediately locked his eyes on Oka, who was chasing after him, and immediately praised: "Jun Chen is so smart!"

"Cough cough cough..."

Wuchen's face turned slightly red when he heard this, is that really true?In fact, it is like this. Wuchen intends to use Oka's hand to kill Tazmi, but this kid's protagonist's halo is not covered. His own strength is not bad, and he is slightly better than Oka.

"Almost all right."

Tazmi hurriedly ran to the alley that he had made an appointment with before. It was pitch-dark and dead, and there was no one, except for Tazmi, who was desperately fleeing, and Oka, who was mad.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

At this moment, Tazmi stopped suddenly, turned his head and stared at Oka with a black face, and his cold sword was unsheathed!

"Break out seven or eight of my teeth, and I'll give them back double to you!"

Huo Zhuang and cowardly, at this moment Tazmi is full of rage, and finally has the appearance of a killer... He is eager for revenge, and the stinging pain in his mouth makes him feel ashamed and humiliated. He can't forgive this guy. Throw it out of the sky!

" look good!"

Oka glanced at Tazmi with admiration, and then his eyes shot a ferocious light, "Unfortunately, your opponent is Uncle Oka!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

As soon as the voice fell, Okana's broad blade swept out like a wave, hitting Tazmi's neck straight, wanting to kill him.

Killing the night attack can lead to promotion. Under such a huge temptation/temptation, Oka burst out with unimaginable power!


However, Tazmi is not a vegetarian, and he has practiced swordsmanship for several years, and he also swings his sword.

"Boom boom boom!"

The two blades collided, and suddenly there was a dull explosion, a dark void, and a dazzling flame swept up.

In terms of strength, today's Tazmi is obviously not as strong as Oka, who is stronger than an ox, but he also has an advantage that Oka cannot make up for.

"you lose!"

Looking at Oka, whose weaknesses were all exposed, Tazmi's sword edge was instantly given a divine nature, attacking in a direction that was both inconceivable and unstoppable.


Oka's abdomen suddenly had a shocking crack!

"In terms of strength, I'm not as good as you, but when it comes to swordsmanship, you're still a few years away from catching up with me!" Glancing coldly at the corpse behind him, Tazmi smiled brightly.

I suddenly feel that I have lived for so long, and today is the happiest and most exciting!


At this moment, the excitement on Tazmi's face subsided, and he suddenly realized that a raging look was staring at him, and a cold light hit him.

Immediately, without hesitation, he picked up the big sword and put it on his head.

"Boom boom boom!"

A heavy blow like the top of Mount Tai suddenly came, and a thick blade came across, all the force hitting Tazmi's blade. He was smashed by this violent force, and the ground he stepped on burst burst.

"Go to hell, kid!"

Oka roared loudly, the big knife in his hand was infinitely close to Tazmi's head, and the blade that Tazmi used to resist had been suppressed by Oka.


A dazzling light fell from the sky, and the sharp edge cut through Oka's body and divided it into two!

"It's so embarrassing, Tazmi!"

Wuchen's voice of schadenfreude suddenly sounded, and his eyes were full of jokes. At this moment, Tazmi was extremely embarrassed. He was beaten into a pig's head by Oka with a few punches, with a blushing nose and a big nose.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! !


Chapter 1606 Esdes Appears [Second More]

Oka turned his head with difficulty, and the dust-free face in front of his eyes showed frost, and those contemptuous eyes were obviously looking at the dying ants and insects.

"You are lucky boy."

Glancing at Tazmi, who was still in shock, he was helpless when he tried to save this kid. If Wuchen didn't do anything, Chitong and Leone would also kill Oka.

Since Tazmi will be saved no matter what the result is, it is better to take the initiative to attack without dust, and he can also get a super good reputation of "saving his companions".

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