The sudden appearance of the Emperor Quan Temple’s sneak attacker shouted loudly. The blade of the crescent moon in his hand had already stabbed at an extremely fast speed, and almost only an afterimage could be seen!

"So fast!"

Maine's face changed slightly, because this person was speeding up and running on an "S"-shaped route, almost every time it was a fleeting moment!

In an instant, it was approaching Maine and Wuchen.

"Seeing you perform so hard, let's prepare a luxurious funeral for you."

Glancing at the black afterimage, Wuchen whispered softly, and in the void, boundless sharp black knives attacked from all directions.

"The Ninety Black Coffins of Destruction!"

Although this person ran fast, he was nothing compared to No. [-]'s "Black Coffin". His speed was as slow as a turtle crawling, and he was instantly killed by the black coffin!

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

The sound of body cutting suddenly sounded, and the sneak attackers from the Imperial Fist Temple disappeared instantly. There were only some more corpses on the ground, white broken bones, and dismembered internal organs...

"Ouch, vomit, vomit..."

Seeing such a bloody scene, Tazmi couldn't help but gag. Although he had been a killer for a few days, it was the first time he had witnessed such a tragic ending.

"Cough cough cough..."

Maine coughed awkwardly, and immediately jumped out of Wuchen's embrace, pointing at Wuchen Ao/Jiao and saying, "Don't think you saved me, you can just hold me!"

"Is it…"

Wuchen just glanced at her coldly when he heard the words, and said to himself: "I don't know who was arching and arching in my arms just now, like a cat..."


When these words fell, Maine blushed instantly, her neck was thick, and she stomped her feet... Then she quickly turned her back to Wuchen, there was nothing she could do, it was a reflex she couldn't help.

The abnormality on Wuchen and Maine attracted the attention of the other members of Ye Xi. When everyone rushed over, the scene was already mourning. Among the dozens of corpses, only three were alive.

Maine and Wuchen, and vomited Tazmi.


The next morning, the sun filled the entire sky.

"Yesterday's mission was done very well, you really didn't disappoint me, Wuchen!" Patting Wuchen's shoulder, BOSS Na Jehitan had a very relieved expression on her face.

As for Tazmi, he had already ignored it.


With a helpless glance at Najeshitan, Wuchen said bluntly, "BOSS has a task to give to me, or else he won't come to me early in the morning!"

"Uh... You found out?" Najeshtan was surprised, and immediately admitted it generously, and said cautiously: "There is indeed a dangerous person."

"Is that the one who beheaded Zank? The boss came to witness, just want me to kill him, it's better to even grab that kid's Teigu by the way, right?"

"You know?" Najeshtan was surprised, she didn't tell anyone about this.

"It's simple."

Wuchen explained to himself: "Although the night raid is a killer, its essential purpose is to eradicate the corruption in this country. Those turbulent factors, which the future country does not need, are naturally the first objects to be eliminated by the night raid. "


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! !


Chapter 1616 Sneak into the Imperial Capital [Sixth More]


Having said this, Wuchen's voice fell silent. He was not afraid of the beheading Zanke. That kid was just a clown jumping on the beam. The rise of the country, almost no trace of them is found, it is really not worth paying for them.

"You know that it's good to behead Zanke. He is different from other enemies. He is an emperor's envoy... In a duel between emperors, one party must die, so..."

When Najeshtan said this, her voice stopped, and she looked at Wuchen with anticipation. The meaning was self-evident, [-]% of which was expecting Wuchen to single-handedly kill Zanke.

Unfortunately, his plan was doomed to fail!

"Najshitan... The next time I discuss this kind of secret, you'd better look behind you!" Pointing to the position of the bedroom door, Wuchen spread his hands and said it had nothing to do with him.


Najeshtan turned her head and saw that it was Akatsuki and the others in pajamas.

"It's too dangerous for such a dangerous person to be solved by Wuchen alone. The emperor should leave it to those of us who have the emperor to solve it."

Chi Tong took a step forward and asked Ying, and looked intently, Chi Tong and Maine, as well as Leone and Hill, including Najeshtan, were all wearing pajamas, and their concave/convex/prosperous figures were fully revealed, only But at the moment, everyone is immersed in the incident of beheading Zanke, and ignore the eyes of the thief Yoo Yoo, looking back and forth.

Lubbock was still sleeping, Brand and Tazmi were out on patrol, and the scenery was cheap and dust-free.

"Leave it to me, I also want to see what's different about the Emperor."

Deeply stretched, Wuchen came out of the quilt, opened the curtains, and enjoyed the morning sun comfortably, closed his eyes, his expression was a little lazy, he closed his eyes very lazily, and the corners of his mouth were still muttering words, humming indistinctly. The little song seems to be in a good mood.

"This guy……"

Maine looked at Wuchen with a bit of dementia. Right now, he was the opposite of the usual exaggerated Wuchen. He looked very peaceful and warm, and he was trustworthy.

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