"I can't believe that this guy is so gentle..."

Thinking of the experience of being hugged by Wuchen yesterday, Ma Yin couldn't help blushing, her eyes subconsciously spread, but she found that Chitong and others were staring at Wuchen absently.

For some reason, Maine felt quite uncomfortable. Because of the nature of a woman, Maine could feel the strange gaze of Chi Tong and others. In this state, Wuchen was particularly lazy, revealing an indescribable unique temperament.He is different from the usual sloppy guy, and he is very confident.

"No, let's go together this time." Maine was the first to retort, with a tone that was determined to behead Zanke.

"As you like."

He glanced at Maine in surprise, Wuchen felt strange in his heart, and was stared at by Maine to make his heart feel empty. After all, this guy hated himself a few days ago, and today's tone has a hint of maintenance.

"Start after dark."

Witnessing everyone's insistence, Najeshtan no longer blocks it. Everything is opposite. Any harm will be beneficial. You can also gain experience by forming a group to kill everyone who beheaded Zanke. After all, Esdes is a serious emperor. User, you will meet this guy sooner or later, and it is also good to do an experiment in advance.

"But I have a suggestion..."

Maine suddenly spoke at this time, and rationally suggested: "This time it is a battle between Teigu users. I suggest not to let Tazmi join in. That beheading Zanke is too reluctant for him."

"No problem, I will explain this matter to Tazmi myself, and act tonight - sneak into the imperial capital!"


"Whoosh whoosh!"

The cold and cold wind swept across the vast land, and the empire at midnight/night was particularly frightening and panicking. In some alleys, hysterical curses could be heard.

The emperor at night is a hell in human skin.

"Looks like the boss failed, and Tazmi is here again."

On the abandoned building, there are several dark shadows looming in the night sky, and only those with excellent sight can see these figures clearly with the faint moonlight.

The person who complained about Tazmi was Wuchen.

"What are you looking at, you can't come without Digu, why can't I come!" Tazmi immediately shouted dissatisfied when he noticed Wuchen's strange eyes.

"Whatever you want, don't resent everyone for not reminding you when you die, but..."

Looking at the wanted order in his hand, Wuchen was quite entangled and complained: "This must be Estes' intentional revenge on me, how can I look so ugly?"

Just a few days ago, Wuchen was inevitably wanted, and the streets were full of his wanted orders.

"The guy who beheaded Zank specially selected the candidates who were singled out. Each of us was divided into two groups to walk on the street, and it was enough to attract that guy out."

Maine and Hill, Brand and Tazmi, Leone and Lubbock, as for Wuchen, this time they searched for Zanke beheading Zanke with Chi Tong.

On the dark street, Wuchen and Chitong walked side by side, and the bottomless street was particularly eerie.

"We don't seem to be the target."

Wuchen shook his head slightly, remembering Tazmi who was targeted in the original book, grabbed Chitong's little hand and rushed to the area in charge of Tazmi and Brand.


Was suddenly attacked by Wuchen, Chi Tong struggled twice with no results and then gave up, letting Wuchen bring himself with him.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! !


Chapter 1617 More dangerous than the two of them! 【First Update】

On the other side, Brand and Tazmi are also chasing after the beheading of Zank.

"Damn it!"

Tazmi cursed Wuchen in his heart as he walked. Since meeting this guy, his life has fallen into the most tragic period.

"Tazmi, when you perform the task, you must concentrate!" Looking at the absent-minded Tazmi, Brand suddenly shouted loudly: "Otherwise, at your level, don't try to surpass the dust in your life!"

Brand had to come up with a secret weapon. To Tazmi, the word "dust-free" was spiritual food.

"So I still have a chance to surpass that guy?"

Sure enough, after hearing the two handwritings of Wuchen, Tazmi was suddenly refreshed, and asked with great anticipation, "I also hope that I will have a day that surpasses Wuchen in the future, but unfortunately..."

Speaking of this, the corner of Tazmi's mouth twitched obviously, thinking of the dust-free metamorphosis record, like a deflated ball, and suddenly very sluggish.

"That guy is very strong, but... it's just a human being. Everyone is human. If you can work hard, you may directly surpass him in the future!"

Brand smiled to persuade him, but he smiled bitterly in his heart. Not to mention Tazmi, he couldn't do it himself, so he just wanted to cheer him up.

"Happy, happy..."

On a high-rise building, a ghastly-looking geek looked down at Brand and a depressed Tazmi. The devil's face was twisted and taken, revealing a thrilling killing intent.

"Since you are so depressed, then I will send you to heaven!" This person was the one who beheaded Zanke, and the character he was staring at was also Tazmi.


"Where did those two guys run off to?"

After hurriedly running for a few streets, Wuchen did not find any trace of Tazmi. In desperation, he could only spread the domineering look and feel.

"Why are you sure that Zanke's beheading will find Tazmi? That guy is moody, and the target may also be us." Chi Tong asked with beautiful eyes.

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