The appearance of General Bude changed the whole situation at once.

"What about that fellow Brand? Tazmi will die if he doesn't come out."

Seeing the domineering spread quietly, Wuchen tried to find Brand's breath, and soon this guy came into view, and he was quite surprised to find that this guy was by his side.

"Isn't this old boy trying to assassinate me?"

Out of curiosity, Wuchen didn't take the initiative to ignore Tazmi, but continued to choose to play dead, as if I didn't see anything.

However, Brand does not eat this set.

"Why do you deliberately target Tazmi? Everyone should be your companions!"

The voice full of dissatisfaction resounded in the dust-free ears, the sound was extremely small, only he could barely hear it, and no one else could hear Brand's hoarse voice.


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Chapter 1628 Dangerous situation [sixth more]

When Brand's words fell, Wuchen opened his eyes, his eyes were slightly surprised, and he secretly sighed at the greatness of Jiqing. He didn't expect Brand to tear his face with him for Tazmi.

"Actually there is no reason, it's just uncomfortable watching that innocent kid all day long." Wuchen gave an answer that made Brandt angry.

This is also a common problem of dust-free. People with the halo of the protagonist are often very annoying.He always scoffed at the idea that his own ideas were right and everyone else was wrong.


Stunned by Wuchen's nonsensical answer, Brand, who came back to his senses, was furious, "Wuchen, you deliberately targeted Tazmi for such a ridiculous answer? You even nearly killed him several times."

"You think it's funny?"

Wuchen glanced lazily at Brand, and then shook his head gently, "We are really not the same people, and I have nothing to say to you. The differences are not conspiracy, and we will not send them."

"Same!" With a cold glance at Wuchen, Brand walked away, as if he was looking for Liva's trouble, and at the same time, Brand's unequivocal declaration lingered in Wuchen's ears.

"No matter what, I will definitely defend Tazmi, don't ask me why, just because he called me big brother just now!"

"This guy insists on courting death, is he trying to be my enemy on purpose?"

Staring at Brand's back, Wuchen really didn't want to kill him if he could. Although this guy is GAY, he's not bad, but he has to protect Tazmi, a degenerate god!

"It's time for the camouflage mission to end."

Staring at the sturdy figure approaching Chi Tong, that is General Bude, Xiong Wu's height is several times larger than Chi Tong, and it is obvious who is at a disadvantage.

"It's really sad, like your genius, can become the backbone of the future of the empire."

Extremely oppressive, he walked in front of Chi Tong, and seeing Chi Tong with firm eyes, General Bude smacked his lips and sighed very sentimentally, but his eyes looking at Chi Tong were full of murderous intent.

"People like you, if you don't kill them as soon as possible, it will be a big trouble in the future!" General Bude sighed and restrained, and replaced it with endless chills.

"Cunning old fox."

Chi Tong vigilantly snorted, I am afraid that General Bude knew that the "three beasts" were lurking in the ship, and the reason why he did not rush to stop the three beasts from harming the civil servants was that he had the same plan as the three beasts, attracting Ye attacking out. court death.

"It's not that I'm cunning... it's just that you are too immature!"

The tiger's eyes shot a raging color, and General Bude stepped several meters away in one step, and came to Chitong in an instant, and the mighty fist slammed down.

"So fast!"

Chi Tong's pupils shrank, and after being startled, she quickly took out the sword to block it.

"Bang bang bang!"

As a result, as Wuchen guessed just now, Chi Tong was forced to go backwards.The swordsmanship Chi Tong may be good, but relatively, her strength is much weaker, and she was smashed by General Budd and flew out, her face turned pale.

"The old guy is very strong."

Wuchen glanced at General Bude in amazement. This old guy's Emperor Tool is also considered an extremely top-notch existence, and he can control powerful natural forces such as thunder and lightning.

Not only is the speed strong, but also the strength, Chi Tong has no advantage.

"What a powerful force."

Feeling the overwhelming power of General Bude, Chi Tong, whose face changed slightly, said to himself cautiously. The eyes that usually look at him as gentle as water are now wise and bright, trying to catch the loopholes of General Bude.

"You may be able to surpass me completely in a few years, but, as for now..."

General Budd slowly approached Chi Tong, saw that she could still stand still, and gave Chi Tong an admiring look. He used all his strength for the blow just now.

"Now I have the advantage of age after all, die in peace, young man!"

General Budd once again appeared behind Chi Tong, and the exaggerated and abnormal speed of thunder and lightning was fully revealed. Chi Tong didn't even have time to reflect. Human's reaction speed is always fundamentally lightning.

After all, not everyone has the same domineering arrogance and many eye skills as Wuchen.


Aware that General Bude suddenly appeared, Chi Tong scolded badly, turned his head to look, and the powerful fist of General Bude had already smashed into her head, and hitting her head on would definitely kill her.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

At the critical moment, Wuchen did not hesitate to stand up to disrupt the situation, and with a light grab of his right hand towards the void, Chitong's body flew into Wuchen's embrace uncontrollably.

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