"Is this gravity?"

Squinting his eyes and realizing the power of the void that has not dissipated, General Budd was quite surprised, and his eyes couldn't help but swept past the source.

Among the forty-eight pieces of Teigu, there seems to be no weapon to control gravity.

"Little old man Bud, you bully a teenage girl even at your age. The three words shameless are tailor-made for you."

Wuchen's harsh ridicule fell into the ears of General Bude. He couldn't help but raise his brows. After staring at Wuchen for a while, he said in a very surprised tone: "It's really similar to the dead prince, You can just pretend to be real."

"None of my business."

When Wuchen heard the words, he curled his lips in disdain. He was not interested in the so-called prince, but Chi Tong's eyes flashed with surprise, and he looked at Wuchen with a dazzling gaze. It seemed that he had a good plan in mind. .

"Is this kid the dust-free that Esdes said? On the surface, it is indeed extraordinary, and his abilities are quite strange. No wonder Esdes wants to join hands with me to deal with him."

General Bud's eyes were fixed on Wuchen's head, and he couldn't help nodding with satisfaction. Just by looking at his complexion, he could feel that Wuchen was extraordinary, even if he knew the identity of his general, he was very calm.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update!


Chapter 1629 Are you a pig? 【First Update】

General Bud's eyes are round, and his eyes are around dust-free as if he is looking at a dead person. The dead eyes make everyone feel their scalps numb.

The atmosphere of the whole ship was suppressed to the extreme.

"This old fox!"

Liwa, the three beasts and one warrior, saw General Budd, and immediately understood the cause and effect. In retrospect, it was no wonder that he was able to board this big ship unharmed. Eight achievements were acquiesced by the strong old man. He not only wanted to annihilate the members of the night attack, but also wanted to kill them. The three beastmen can even take this opportunity to attack Esdes and kill Minister Ornest.

"The younger generation who is trying to destroy the peace of the empire, this time I will let you try the sanctions of my Teigu [Thor's Wrath Admiral]."

General Bud shook his sturdy arms, and suddenly there was a dull explosion. His arms were wrapped around extremely heavy iron stakes, and the strength and power of the attack would inevitably increase.It's okay to dust-free, characters like Chi Tong or Brand can't eat and walk around even if they are smashed.

"bring it on."

Turning a deaf ear to General Bude's demonstration, Wuchen is just a hook thumb of extremely contempt.

"court death!"

Seeing this, General Budd immediately launched a powerful attack. Lightning radiated from his body, flashing and slamming, hitting him head-on with a straight ray of light.

"Boom boom boom!"

Even because the speed of General Budd's running was too exaggerated, the ship swayed slightly following his pace. Every time the blond old man took a step, the wooden deck would be smashed by him.

"What an amazing momentum, is this the combat power of the empire's strongest general? It's really strong. Esdes is also at the same level as Bude."

Chi Tong was secretly frightened, unless she was fighting for her life, she would have no chance of winning.

"Fortunately, we still have Wuchen here. The situation is 2v2, which is fair." The tensed face showed relief, Chi Tong pursed his lips and smiled easily, which was extremely beautiful.God is always fair.

"The armed color is hardened."

The fair-skinned arm suddenly turned dark black, and Wuchen blasted over without any fear.

"Boom boom boom!"

The fists of the two collided together, and a powerful shock wave spread out. After Tazmi, who was caught off guard, Chi Tong and others were forced to retreat again and again.


Chi Tong is okay, after all, her strength is worthy of recognition, but Tazmi was not so lucky, her body was thrown out and smashed on the deck, the pain was unbearable.Although the body hurts, Tazmi's mental blow is even more serious.

"Can I really reach that level?"

Tazmi was at a loss. For the first time, he questioned Brand, who he believed in, and always felt that this guy was fooling himself. After all, Wuchen is unreliable. From a distance, it will be affected if it is a little bad.


A black shadow roared and attacked, and Tazmi, who was in a daze, received another punch.


The miserable Tazmi was beaten again and spat out blood. The smell in his mouth was pungent, and blood stained his entire gums.

"You dare to lose your mind when you fight with me. Are you an idiot, or are you confident in your own strength?"

Liwa's yin and yang sarcasm was undisguised, and he sneered at Tazmi, mocking unceremoniously: "Is Brand's head rusted! During the period of joining the night raid, it seems that both mind and spirit have fallen. I really don't know why he values ​​a mediocre person like you."

"Brand is so stupid!"

Liwa pouted and despised Tazmi unscrupulously. Originally, he thought that even if Tazmi was not strong enough, he still had two brushes, and at least he was worthy of being treated by others. He tested it a few times just now, but it was just an embroidered pillow.

"No, I understand why Brand values ​​you. If you think about it carefully, you actually have your own specialties. No wonder Brand treats you differently." At this moment, Liwa's words changed, A light flashed in his eyes, he clearly remembered something, and took back what he just said.

"Really? What's special about me?" Tazmi also became interested when he heard the words. Originally, he thought he was also an ordinary person, and there was nothing special about him, but after listening to Liwa, he understood He is a man whom God has mercy on.

"Ha ha……"

Liva smiled, then grinned and said: "You are lucky, after all luck is also a part of strength. And there is one thing I admire very much - durable! No matter how many times you have been knocked on the ground, it is still difficult to stand. Get up, how hard is your skin?!"

After saying that, Liwa showed a look like I'm not as good as you.


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