"Breaking... Yin Yin Yin..."

A heartwarming light hum came out of Esdes' mouth slightly, looking down at her crimson cheeks. It is estimated that Esdes' head is abnormal at this moment.

Her eyes were full of spring, and she tried to raise her hot right arm to pull the corner of Wuchen's clothes. She couldn't help but touch the most important place in Wuchen, all of which came from instinctive awareness.

"Tsk tsk, it really isn't normal."

Carefully observe the blurred eyes of Esders, the dust-free heart is as plain as water, and the wildness can be reasonably controlled by himself.Esdes exudes a strong smell of maturity, and people with a little less concentration may rush to them hungry.

"It's time to retreat"

Ignoring the dark world, Wuchen raised his right arm gently, covering the special spiritual pressure fluctuations.

This is not the spiritual pressure of the ordinary death god, the temperament is brutal and fierce, and there is no doubt that it belongs to the spiritual pressure of Daxu.Above Achucas, including Achucas-level Daxu, has a special ability - black cavity, which can open space cracks connecting other dimensions, so it is not difficult to leave here.

After brewing for a while, I saw Wuchen raised his right hand, condensing inexplicable strength, and then slid slightly.


This mysterious different-dimensional world suddenly burst, and the bright sunlight also shone in. Esdes, who had been beaten and tortured, also opened his eyes and looked at the world full of life breath, his eyes were dull and empty.

"I also expect you to take revenge on those guys from Minister Onesta, don't let people down."

Turning his head and hugging Esdes, Wuchen stepped out of the dark, different-dimensional space. The bright sky was cloudless. Although the air in the azure void was full of blood, it was fresher than the ghostly place where you could not see your fingers.

Wuchen stepped on the void and looked at the ground below. It was a humanoid dangerous species that had been massacred.

"It is estimated that Chi Tong and a few of them have retreated."

Seeing and hearing the domineering expansion, I found that within a radius of several kilometers, there was a barren, dead silence, and the dense forest became an absolute Jedi on earth, and there was no breath of life.

"It's time for me to retreat."

When Wuchen was about to leave after moving his stiff body a little, Esdes' voice stopped Wuchen from leaving.

"You'd better kill me." Esdes said weakly, her body was hollowed out, her clothes were wet, and there was a special accident.

"Although you hate me now, maybe you will come and ask me for help in the future."

The clear eyes locked on the powerless Esdes, and Wuchen waved his hand and left leisurely.If there is not enough strength in the future, Esdes will not continue to come to die.Unless she also wants to experience that unforgettable feeling once in a lifetime!

And at the moment, Esdes's great enemy, there are two more hateful objects-the father and son of Minister Onesta, who are more irritating than the two scumbags, without them, everything will be impossible. If it happens, Esdes will not be spoofed by Wuchen, and it is not necessary to be played.

The initiators of everything were the father and son of Minister Onesta, and Esdes naturally hated them to the core, and it was necessary to rush back to the imperial capital for revenge.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update!


Chapter 1655 Esdes is furious [third more]

Esdes is not a naive young girl. She knows what will happen to revenge Wuchen before she is not strong enough. This time Wuchen just deliberately disgusted her, in order to shatter Esdes' unattainable heart. The dust-free time is tired of playing, and it is completely possible to go down with one knife, and it is a hundred times.

The stronger people are, the more difficult their hearts are to figure out. One second, they can be called brothers and swords, but the next second, they can turn into smiling tigers and stab black swords in the back at any time.

"Wuchen, you and I will never die."

Esdes opened her mouth wide, gasping for breath, and was choked up by the dust-free tossing. During that time in the "Monthly Reading" space, she lived like a year, and Esdes realized the highest realm of torture. She was almost at home before.


Esdes, who had just stood up, unexpectedly fell to the ground without taking a step. Her body had been hollowed out by the hateful aphrodisiac/medicine, and she swayed when she walked, and so did Esdes herself. Very confused, people who do not understand the truth may think it is sleepwalking.

"Lord Esdes."

The happy and excited tone came from not far away, and the ghost turned his head, and the few people reflected in his eyes were the "Hunter" special police officers of Esdes.

But several people showed deep fatigue, there were obvious knife wounds on their clothes, and their faces were sallow, not much different from the refugees who suffered from famine.

"You guys are fine."

Tiredness was swept away, Esdes showed a satisfied smile, she concealed it very well, and the unfortunate things that happened with Wuchen before were all in the sky.

"By the way, what's the matter with the scars on your body? These seem to be knife wounds. Don't tell me that those dangerous species in human form can also use weapons." Esdes asked inexplicably.

"Is Esdes talking about these scars?"

Will took a step forward, bowing his head and reporting indignantly: "It's the minister's son - Sheila, when we hunted the dangerous species, that guy led an army to attack us indiscriminately, without even giving a reason. , and Porus to cover our retreats, he..."

Having said that, Lan and Will, and Hei Tong, bowed their heads in shame, the meaning is self-evident.

"Damn Sheila! Damn Minister Ornest!!!" Esdes was furious, turned into a demon, and released enough killing intent to suffocate.

Even some birds on the treetops were frozen before they could fly and became specimens.Esdes naturally knew the veiled meaning revealed by Will, Poros had been killed.

The members of Ye Raid now have a lot of resentment towards the ministers and their sons, and have lost their last confidence in the empire. Even during this period, Will proposed to join Ye Raid... and the other members unexpectedly did not object.

"Go back to the imperial capital, cut the minister into pieces and feed it to the dog!"

Lowering the brim of his hat, Esdes's tone was as cold as the cold wind. This wild beast came out with sharp fangs. It used to be aimed at the enemy, but this time it was aimed at the empire.


Night raid in the new base.

"I thought this guy was dead."

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