In the conference room, looking at Wuchen sitting across from him, Tazmi closed his eyes in desperation, forgetting that he couldn't kill him. The tragedy is that even God is covered with Wuchen, and every time he can save his life with "good luck" .

"That's the root cause of my temporary holdback."

Ten minutes later, Wuchen reported the reason for his disappearance to Najeshtan. Of course, he selectively forgot about the trivial matter with Esdes, which also revealed that it would definitely be regarded as a pervert and isolated, but some Those who catch the wind still use it.

"I didn't expect Esdes to be so obsessed with you."

Leonae's eyes were bright and sparkling, and then he slapped the table and suggested loudly: "Why don't we use the dust-free color / lure that guy in Esdes, maybe we can kill her!"


Just after drinking the tea like his belly spurted out, Wuchen glared at Leone and scolded: "Esdes is not a nympho, and my charm is not that great."

"Let's put the matter of Esdesse aside for a while. She may have a huge turnaround. We don't need to anger this runaway lioness for the time being in our night attack. Don't act rashly."

Boss Na Jehitan abnormally rejected Leona's proposal. If it was before, she might have accepted this proposal, but now the situation is different. Esdes was pitted by Minister Ernest and almost died. .According to what Najehitan knew about Esdes, Ornesta and his son were bound to suffer mad revenge from Esdes.

Naturally, there is no need to participate in the night attack. It is the best to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

"Our next task is Berlik. He is the assistant of Anning Taoist sect master, but his real identity is an undercover agent sent by Minister Onesta. It is reported that Anning Tao is planning an armed uprising recently, but this Berlik is the biggest one. Obstacle, for the sake of revolution, we must get rid of him! This old guy is not a simple thing, he knows that he is the target of the night attack, and he is protected by experts like [Rakshasa Four Ghosts]."

BOSS Najeshtan happily explained that as long as An Ning Dao also followed the uprising, then the end of the empire was just around the corner, and a new country would come by then.

"Finally, we are about to kill this unsightly empire."

The members of the night attack were very excited when they heard the words. They have been assassins for so long, no matter who they assassinated or who they were protecting, they were all about destroying the empire.

Finally, the day came, and everyone was very happy.

"Yeah, [Unlimited Monthly Reading] is about to save all beings, everyone should really feel high!"


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update!


Chapter 1656 An Ning Road [fourth more]

"Damn! Damn! Damn..."

Inside the palace hall, there was an angry voice, and the sturdy minister was smashing all kinds of exquisite porcelain in anger.

"General Esders, don't kill us..."

Outside the main hall, such a startled cry could be heard.


However, what hit them back was the sound of icy body slicing.

"Shura [Sheila], useless trash! Didn't you tell me to kill Esdes? Why is he resurrected now? I really shouldn't believe you trash." Minister Onesta slapped his son. scolding.

"This old man..."

The army of [-] grass and mud horses flew past in Sheila's heart. He didn't know how Esdes came back, especially when he looked at Esdes' massacre, he couldn't help it. Aversion to cold.

The so-called troops and numbers are meaningless in front of Esdes, especially since she still has several loyal and powerful subordinates.

"His Majesty!"

Minister Onesta's eyes lit up, and he looked at the young emperor with impassioned eyes, as if seeing gold, his old eyes of despair sparkled.

"The Minister..."

The young emperor's pupils shrank, and his face was slightly rigid. The old guy's eyes made him a little overwhelmed, and he almost melted.

"You should immediately show the bearing that an emperor should have, and use the strongest [Supreme Tegu Supreme Taser] to give justice to Esdes, this traitor!"

Minister Onesta cried loudly, "If Your Majesty doesn't do anything and keep silent, the empire will be disintegrated by the traitor Esdes!"

"The empire must not collapse in my generation, absolutely!"

The young emperor's eyes turned red when he heard the words, and a raging light was beating, and he had already accepted Minister Onesta's suggestion in his heart.

"As expected of my father!" Seeing the emperor so foolish, Sheila secretly admired and despised it, and then gave the minister a thumbs up.


Sheila suddenly felt a pain in her old face, and when she looked in the mirror, it was a huge slap print, and when she looked closely, Minister Onesta gave him a slap mercilessly!

"Useless trash!"

Minister Onesta's blood pressure rose, his head was spinning, and he was greatly disappointed by this "good son".

"Damn it!"

Minister Onesta was in a hurry. Thinking about what happened after being captured alive by Esdes, the fat on his face immediately trembled. If he was captured alive, he would definitely be subjected to the most severe torture.

"Don't let me go!"

Minister Onesta drank it coldly. Up to now, he no longer expects this pitiful son to be easy to deal with by the foolish emperor.

"Esdes will be handed over to His Majesty. You should hurry up to reinforce that guy in Berlik. That guy is very important now, and you don't want to come back if he has a problem. Remember to go in secret, don't be discovered, you'd better kill it. All the members of Ye Raid, or even if you are my son, I will not easily bypass you, understand? Shura!"

Minister Onesta waved his hand, indicating that this idiot son can get out.


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