
The entire room instantly turned into ice and snow, and the cold breath lowered the surrounding temperature by hundreds of degrees.

"not bad."

Feeling the change in his body, Esdes was amazed, his strength was lost and he lost, especially he gained more power than before, and he was in a very high mood.

Then his mind moved slightly, and the cold air emanating from Esdes' body subsided.

"The control is good, is it because of playing ice for a long time?" Wuchen's eyes flashed with surprise, and he smiled with satisfaction: "Although it is not as good as Qingzhi for the time being, it should be no problem to surpass him."

"Who is the green pheasant you're talking about? It's also the one with the frozen fruit ability?" Estes asked curiously, blinking his eyes.

"Yes, but it's your ex to be exact, he's dead." Wuchen waved his hands and said, and then stared at Esdes with aggressive eyes.

"I remember you said just now that your body is mine if you let you gain the strength you once had, right? Then I will enjoy it disrespectfully."

Staring at the fragrant Esdes, Wuchen rushed forward without hesitation.

At first I thought Esdes would resist, but instead of rejecting it, this guy showed an alternative wildness, wanting to counterattack Wuchen, delusionally pressing Wuchen under him, after a brief absence, Wuchen Naturally, it will not let Esdes do what he wants, and suppress Esdes forcefully.


In the early morning of the next day, when Wuchen and Esdes opened their eyes, it was close to noon the next day.

"A night without shame and impatience." The bright sunlight spilled into the room, Wuchen subconsciously blocked the light, and used the weak gap between his fingers to examine the outside world.

"Is it noon?"

Wuchen was about to get up and put on his clothes, but his soft and boneless arms hugged him tightly.

"What's the matter, Esdes."

Staring at the delicate face, a burst of inexplicable fatigue swept through my heart, and Wuchen retracted the bed again, taking the plump body in his arms.

Closing his eyes, Wuchen said casually, "Remember, you have to cooperate with me to kill that guy Tazmi, and push his undercover identity to him."

"This is the content of the transaction, and I will fulfill it without you saying it." Esdes lay lazily on the dust-free body, the two of them were naked, and they met frankly.

"I have a new plan."

Esders flashed cunning in his eyes, and said straightly: "You are too strong, no matter how hard I seem to work, I will not be your opponent in the end."

"It's the same in every way." Esther added at the end, full of meaning, and now her body still hurts, and her fair skin also has conspicuous paw prints.

"It's good if you are interested." Holding his head, Wuchen smiled.

"so what…"

Speaking of which, Esdes was even more sly, holding his dust-free neck, "Let's have a baby, and use your genes to defeat you, isn't this a good strategy?"


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! !


Chapter 1666 Kill Tazmi ([-]) [fourth more]

"Too vulgar."

Staring into Esdes' eyes, Wuchen sarcastically said, "The idea is beautiful, but the reality is often the opposite, but it's understandable for you to think so. Although this method is ignorant, it is the only way out, so-so. ."

Wuchen also gave a fairly good evaluation.

His direct descendants will inherit one of his many powers, such as Chakra, or some pupil techniques. From this position, both his daughters are like this.

"Then let's have fun creating people!"

Wuchen, who was going to get up, suddenly became tired after Esdes' tossing and went back to the bed again, and pressed Esdes strongly.

Such an arrogant woman must not be merciful!


When I got up again, it was already sunset, and the sky was dimly darkened.

"These two guys..."

At dinner, everyone noticed the abnormality of Esdes and Wuchen. The two of them didn't say much, and they didn't make any extra explanations, but some careful people still saw the clue.

"Could it be that……"

Staring at Esdes' face, BOSS Na Jessitan's face is weird, Esdes walks vainly, even dangling, compared to the indifference in the past, Esdes is now a little more difficult to hide. Mei.

"This guy Wuchen is really capable, he was able to trick Esdes into his bed." Najehitan stared at Wuchen and muttered, secretly giving a thumbs up.

"By the way, who is the traitor among us? I will absolutely forgive him!" Najeshtan patted the table solemnly, everyone was stunned, and sighed that the main dish was coming!

The eyes of all the people also looked at Wuchen with a tacit understanding.

"of course……"

Wuchen smiled maliciously, and the strange gaze fell on Tazmi again.


Tazmi's heart suddenly stunned, and he said angrily: "Wuchen, remember it clearly for me, I'm repeating it again, don't look at me with such doubts, it's not me who betrayed the night raider!"

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