"Aren't you and who else?"

Ignoring Tazmi's sophistry, Wuchen cleared his throat, shamelessly forced dirty water, and pushed all the faults to Tazmi.

"The person who betrayed us and disclosed the news to the revolutionary army was this kid Tazmi!"

"You're framing the blame!" Tazmi refuted with a red face: "It's my word, please give everyone a suitable evidence to talk about it!"

"Yes, to catch thieves and take stolen goods, you must have evidence." One of the members, including the BOSS Na Jessitan, nodded and looked at Wuchen, expecting him to come up with strong evidence.

"Esdes, take that out for everyone to see."

Wuchen gave Esders a look, the latter nodded immediately, and under the surprised gaze of everyone, he immediately produced decisive evidence.

"Slander, this is slander, the two of you jointly framed and framed me!"

Looking at the evidence that Esdes brought out, Tazmi was like a furious lion, losing his usual composure. What if this super pit fell on his head?Absolutely can't admit it!

What's more, he didn't do it himself!

Looking along Esdes' line of sight, I saw that she took out the contents of a stack of thick envelopes. The general content was the detailed process of Tazmi's betrayal of the night attack.

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, I have a way to try it."

Wuchen stared at Tazmi with a smile, but he could only settle for the next best thing. This thing was just fabricated out of thin air, but it was not convincing enough.

However, this is enough, all the dust-free needs are just an excuse.

"I have an ability to extract other people's memories and put them on you to experiment." Suddenly, the corner of Wuchen's mouth raised an extremely evil arc.

Those whose memories are extracted by the eye of reincarnation will eventually have a result, either fall or become an idiot.

"Can this kind of thing be done?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, but Chi Tong nodded thoughtfully and said without thinking: "I remember Wuchen used this ability before, Tazmi, you can try it out, it's fine anyway."

"Experiment? Experiment, I'm not a guinea pig!"

Tazmi complained in his heart and cursed Chi Tong all over without hesitation, then shook his head like a wavy drum, and said loudly: "I'm sorry, I, refuse, refuse!!!"

Tazmi's tone was very firm. The people who were little mice were not this group of people. Of course, they could talk nonsense indifferently. What if something went wrong in the end?

And the relationship between Wuchen and himself... Thinking of this, Tazmi shivered. Although Chi Tong said there was no danger, what if there was an accident?

"Don't worry, you'll just become an idiot at best."

Tazmi's head was dizzy with the words of the dust-free wind and light clouds, and now it was a tit-for-tat confrontation, "What you said is light, all in all, I refuse!"


A cold voice came from behind Tazmi, and when he turned his head, it was the sullen Esdes, "Don't you understand it now? No matter what, your suspicion is the biggest."

"Nonsense, I've never colluded with the revolutionary army, and I haven't even seen my face!" Tazmi argued with reason, and suddenly felt that he was extremely sad and desperate.

Truly a huge tragedy.

"If you are against those who join forces with me, are there other people besides you?" Esders put his arms around his shoulders and said disdainfully, "After all, Brand died at the hands of my subordinates, so it's normal for you to hate me. "


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! !


Chapter 1667 Kill Tazmi (middle) [First Update]

Tazmi's pupils widened, he didn't expect these two guys to cooperate so well, the tacit understanding was speechless.He hated the fact that Esdes was outright, who let this guy kill Tazmi.

Of course, if Tazmi knew that Esdes was just innocent, and the real culprit who killed Brand was Wuchen, he would have choked to death!

"Hmph, I want evidence! It's the same sentence, I refuse to cooperate with the extraction of memory." Tazmi turned his head, ignoring Wuchen and Esdes.

Only idiots will cooperate. Extracting memory means that all secrets will be controlled by dust-free. Is that okay? !

"This guy……"

The members of Ye Raid glanced at each other, all secretly annoyed by Tazmi's behavior. At this moment, this guy gave people a feeling that he would not accept any conditions.

"Eh... Tazmi can't do anything if he doesn't cooperate." BOSS Na Jessitan threw away the long cigarette in her hand and stared at Tazmi with bright eyes.

"Boss, do you think I'm not an undercover agent? I'm so touched!"

Hearing this, Tazmi was full of surprises, with a bright smile on his face, listening to what Najeshtan meant, he seemed to plan to let him go and stop the absurd practice of extracting memories.

At the same time, he glanced at Wuchen, meaning to say: Look, the boss is still on my side in the end.

"Eccentric! What are the strengths of this kid? Why does Najeshtan attach so much importance to him?" Wuchen glanced at Najeshtan tangled, then stared at Tazmi a few times, with an unhappy expression on his face.

"After fighting for so long, I finally moved back to a game, it's not easy to come by!!!" Tazmi burst into laughter in his heart, with a feeling of exaltation.

He walked up to the boss Najeshtan excitedly, and when Tazmi was about to open his mouth to flatter him, Najeshtan grabbed his shoulder very abnormally.

"Tazmi, I know you are wronged, but now is a special period, I hope you can be wronged, so... please let Wuchen extract your memory!"

Najeshtan suddenly changed her face and said very seriously: "Don't worry, after ruling out that you didn't betray everyone, the other members will also have their memories taken!"


Tazmi stared straight at Najeshtan, and his interest in flattering disappeared in an instant. After listening to this, a hundred thousand crows floated across his forehead. His whole person was not well, and he almost lost control .

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