"I am firmly against it!"

Tazmi refuted loudly, with a sullen mouth and a constipated look on his face. He just planned to flatter Najeshtan, but this guy betrayed himself in the next second!

"Come and work without dust."

Boss Na Jehitan glanced at Wuchen, then ignored Tazmi's feelings, pointed at him and said, "Quick, the next person whose memory will be extracted will be Lubbock."

"Hey... don't worry, leave it to me, it will be done in a minute!" Wuchen patted his chest confidently, locked Tazmi with his eyes shining, and walked over step by step.

Tazmi's head was dizzy when he saw this, and his thoughts were spinning. What he heard was not to fix it in one minute, but to turn himself into a super idiot in one minute.

Actually Wuchen really planned this way, to destroy this guy's spirit and make him mentally retarded!

"Release me!"

With a ruthless heart, Tazmi suddenly smashed the hand of BOSS Na Jessitan with one hand, looked at the glass window, and jumped out without hesitation under the stunned gaze of everyone.

"Hurry up and grab Tazmi, don't let him run away, this kid has a guilty conscience!" After the corner of the BOSS Najeshtan's mouth twitched, her face was replaced by Li Mang.

Afterwards, the other Night Raid members, as well as the boss Najeshtan, all joined in the task of arresting Tazmi.

"This is really a disaster. It doesn't seem to be in your plan. I remember that you just planned to turn Tazmi into an idiot, and this kid ran away."

Esdes sat lazily on the sofa, looking up at the ceiling, the snow/white meat/ball almost burst out.

"No, this is better, although it is somewhat different from my plan, but the ending is more perfect!"

Wuchen suddenly laughed strangely, and said in a cool and cold voice: "In this case, even if Tazmi is killed by an upright mistake, the others will have nothing to say."

Esdes raised his head and hummed softly: "Despicable man."


Wuchen's calm gaze fell on Esdes, nodding in agreement: "Maybe it is, but it is very despicable and dirty. But often despicable people, the more they laugh at the end, right? For example, Minister Ornest. guy."

"That makes sense."

Estes nodded after being silent for a while. It was because Minister Ornest was despicable that he lived at ease and killed all political enemies.

"Let's do it, don't let a few of them get there first, and kill that guy Tazmi for me, no mercy." The voice fell, and the dust-free body disappeared.

It turned into a ray of light and flew straight into the distant sky, surpassing Najeshtan and the others in an instant, following behind Tazmi, chasing after him, and constantly narrowing the distance between them.

Today's Tazmi is not what it used to be, and the degree of control over "evil haunted" is also perfect.

After he activated the stealth skill, the members of the Night Raid instantly became blind, and even though Tazmi was by everyone's side, he could not perceive his presence.

"Sure enough, night raids are still not suitable for me. I'd better go inside the revolutionary army. It is more suitable for me, and after becoming a high-ranking official, I can change the future of the village. Now that the BOSS and the revolutionary army have parted ways, the revolutionary army must lack a master like me. That's right."

With this thought in mind, Tazmi rushed to the base of the Revolutionary Army, ignoring the flash of light galloping behind him.


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Chapter 1668 Kill Tazmi (Part [-]) [Second]

The speed of light advancing is incredible, beyond people's perception, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as fleeting. When moving forward, there will be a huge roar, and the vibration will cause pain in the eardrums.


With such a huge movement, Tazmi immediately realized that as soon as he turned his head, he flew over with a slap!

"Bang bang bang... ka ka ka!"

Tazmi's head was smashed a few times by extremely violent fists, and he could hear the sound of "kakaka", and the bridge of his nose and teeth were interrupted by the owner of the light.

"Ouch...it hurts to death!"

Tazmi had tears in his aching eyes, covered his old face with his hands, and rolled on the ground in excruciating pain.

"Who did it? Who is it!"

A voice full of hatred jumped out of Tazmi's throat, and managed to escape from the wolf's den of the night raid. Fly to disaster!

"Tazmi, you unconscionable thing, you want to run away after taking something from the night attack? At least you have to take off the [Evil Haunted] and give it to me."

The light turns the virtual into reality, condensing the handsome appearance, the face of the visitor is like a crown jade, the gentle face is as warm as the sun, and the smile makes people involuntarily open their hearts.

Only those cold, piercing eyes were as terrifying as a demon.It is not difficult to see that this person is like a smiling tiger, moody and unable to figure out what he is imagining.


Tazmi was furious when he saw this, his eyes were splitting, and the enemy was particularly jealous when he met.

Before escaping the detection scope of the night attack, Tazmi had untied the "evil haunted" armor. Now, because of the appearance of Wuchen, Tazmi once again sacrificed his trump card, and because of the deep grievances between the two, "Evil" Haunted by Ghosts" felt the anger in Tazmi's soul and mutated.

The dazzling light spreads out, and at the waist, there are shabby wings, and there are broken marks all over it, like broken scrap iron, but despite this, Tazmi's aura has become many times stronger than before.


There were also messy cracks on the ground he stepped on.


Seeing this, Wuchen rarely showed an expression of admiration and complimented: "The willpower is good, [Evil Ghosts] feel that your anger has evolved, do you hate me so much, Tazmi."

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