"Do I hate you, do you still need to say that? I have no intention to oppose you, but you are making things difficult and suppressing me everywhere. Today is the time to end the grievances." His fists clenched, and Tazmi's confidence surged.

Wuchen smiled slightly when he heard the words, and said disdainfully: "You feel that you have sublimated when you grow garbage wings? It's a big mistake, rotten oranges are always rotten oranges."


Just after he finished speaking, Wuchen flashed and rushed forward with a powerful pressure.

"Still so fast."

Tazmi captured the oncoming afterimage with a cautious face, then carefully observed it for a while, and said easily: "However, this time I can see your silhouette clearly."

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Tazmi also swept out without fear, swept towards Wuchen with a fearless expression on his face, the huge fist clenched into a fist, and blasted out with all his strength.

"Bang bang bang!"

In the air, a whitish shock wave erupted, flying everything around, and the soles of the feet they were stepping on collapsed into a big pit in an instant.

"It hurts."

The two fought with pure strength, Tazmi's face was bloodless, and he tried his best to hide his arm twitching from pain.

"Small as a grain of sand."

Tazmi concealed it quite cleverly, and Wuchen could still hear his rapid breathing several times faster, "No matter how heavy the sand is and the storm is coming, he can only let it go."

The other hand was suddenly picked up and aimed at Tazmi's eyebrows, a very destructive light, condensed in an instant, and popped out, "Laser!"

"So fast!"

Tazmi's pupils shrank suddenly, and when the light flashed, something was wrong in his heart, and he moved his footsteps to the left.


Although Tazmi's speed can be called lightning, it is still slightly inferior to Wuchen. The armor on his face collapsed in an instant, turning into four or five pieces.

"I just lost like that?"

Tazmi was in shock and touched his cheek subconsciously. Although the penetrating light did not penetrate his head, it made Tazmi feel the fear of passing by the god of death once.

The feeling of almost stepping into the underworld with one foot is really depressing!

"God didn't abandon me."

Pinching the palm of his hand, Tazmi, who felt the tingling pain, exhaled heavily. Just as he was about to prepare for battle, a ray of substantial golden light rushed forward.


There was no time to dodge, and Tazmi was penetrated by the light, leaving a scorched scar on his chest.

"I'm sorry, Tazmi, I hate you so much. Maybe you will target you for me. There is no special reason. Hunters encounter wild beasts. It's just an instinct, that's all."

"You bastard... BOSS Najeshtan can't possibly order you to kill me, you will avenge your personal revenge!" Tazmi roared at Wuchen while vomiting blood, his mouth was full of traces of blood, like a vampire.

"Tazmi, tell me clearly, there are no so-called orders in my life dictionary. I follow Najeshtan's orders, but I'm just bored to pass the time. If she makes me bored one day, I can still use it. The knife kills the night attack, no one in this world can give me an order!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wuchen turned the Tiancong Yunjian with the glittering fruit a few times, and Tazmi's internal organs were instantly twisted into a state of smashing.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! !


Chapter 1669 Slashing Red Eyes Ending Article ([-]) [Third]


Severe stinging pain spread all over his body, Tazmi's face was as pale as paper, sweat was like rain, he felt the rapid flow of vitality, and a sense of powerlessness that penetrated into his soul swept everywhere in an instant.

His eyes even saw the God of Death who came to claim his life with a sickle in his hand. In this short period of lightning, even Tazmi's swarthy hair turned a lot whiter.

"If you kill your comrade, the BOSS will never let you go." Tazmi yelled with hatred on his face: "Soon, we will meet in hell and fight again in the next life!"

"Tsk tsk, your hope is doomed."

Wuchen raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Killing a companion? To be honest, your good brother, Brand was killed by me. But what is the result? I still live happily until now, but you, tsk tsk, this The deputy looks really embarrassed and miserable."

Seeing that Tazmi was so stubborn, the Tiancong Cloud Sword, which pierced into Tazmi's heart without dust, penetrated a few more threads.


The burnt wound smelled of paste, and Tazmi's flesh was charred, giving off a disgusting smell.

"Bah, this smell is disgusting, how many days have you not taken a bath?!" Wuchen kicked Tazmi out with disgust on his face.

"You bastard, even if I'm a ghost, I won't spare you!" Tazmi had a hostile expression on his face, his scarlet eyes firmly remembered the dust in his heart, and then he was still unwilling to die.

"Idiot, there are many people who hate me, how old are you?"

Glancing at Tazmi's body lightly, Wuchen's pupils shot a sharp edge.


Tazmi's whole body burned with black flames, his body was slowly swallowed, and gradually disappeared, and even Wuchen didn't even let go of his "Evil Ghost", destroying it all in one fell swoop and burning it into black residue.

"It's really ruthless, as expected of you."

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