Esdes' body flashed around Wuchen, watching Tazmi's disappearing body indifferently, only the black flame made her feel a deadly threat.

"This man, how many unknown trump cards I don't know about..."

The bright eyes are even more lonely, Esdes is deeply powerless towards deep-sea sharks like Wuchen, and at the same time, he is more and more determined and his plan to create people without dust.

Lend your seed to destroy you!Esdes thinks this plan is quite good, at least it is the only strategy she can come up with to deal with Wuchen.

"Go back and say that this guy was killed by the revolutionary army, and Teigu was also taken away." He looked back, and finally left the dust-free to Esdes once he got back.

"I... If I expose your conspiracy to kill Tazmi." Staring at Wuchen's stern face, Esdes pointed to his chin and laughed: "In that case, you will be betrayed by everyone."

Extremely bored glanced at Esdes, Wuchen said in a firm tone: "If you wanted to report me, you wouldn't gossip here. Moreover, compared with each other, Najehitan believes me more, I can totally bite back and say that you conspired to frame me and seduced me to bed!"

"You are so shameless..."

Estes was stunned, looking at Wuchen, who was not blushing or panting. This guy looked like the kind of person who used to lie, and his calmness was outrageous.

"It's time to end, immediately destroy this rotten excess, and show you a whole new world."


The ruined base of the night attack, in a temporary room.

"Is Tazmi dead? It's a pity that he has served us for so long in the night raid." Hearing the news of Tazmi's death, Najeshtan's face was full of regret, but she was not too sad.

"Yes, he wanted to join the revolutionary army and was caught by me. In the end, he couldn't bear my torture. He told all his plans to frame us, and his body was eaten by the dangerous species."

Wuchen spoke earnestly and carefully, very deceiving, and it was obviously made up, but everyone was immersed in the scene and witnessed the scene of Tazmi's betrayal of the night attack.

"Hmph, it's just a traitor, death is not a pity!" Maine curled her lips in disdain, smacking her lips, all with disgust and disgust.

"I'm blind." Leonai also had a dark face, gritted his teeth angrily, wishing to strip Tazmi alive, if Tazmi was placed in front of her at this moment, he might whip the corpse.

"I didn't expect him to be a traitor... I should really bury him myself." Chi Tong's Emperor Gu pulled out his scabbard.

"I can't see that that guy Tazmi is actually an undercover spy. We are all careless." Chelsea was holding a lollipop in her mouth, and the cold light in her eyes flashed away.

For traitors, no matter who, there is no favoritism.

"Forget it, Tazmi's matter is over, the next step is to destroy the empire. We plan our own plans. In the future, the night raid and the revolutionary army will be the enemy!"

When she said this, the boss Najeshtan's tone was full of confidence. Although there were only a few people in the night raid, Lun was a soldier of the night raid or the empire, and was not as powerful as the members of the night raid.

"In terms of our strength, we can completely kill the army of the empire, and then annihilate the revolutionary army... There is no strength that can stop the advance of the night attack."

Speaking of this, Wuchen's tone suddenly stopped, the empire and the revolutionary army were finished, and a new ruler was necessary to control the empire.

There is no doubt that this person is the most suitable person without dust. After all, the person with the big fist has the final say, but he is not interested in being the emperor, so let's release "Infinite Moon Reading" and continue to destroy the world!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! !


Chapter 1670 The end of the slashing red pupil (two) [fourth more]

At this moment, the imperial capital, with its waning days, is in stark contrast to the unprecedentedly prosperous city of the past. The revolutionary army set fire everywhere, and the empire is already crumbling, and it may collapse at any time.

If the only thing worthy of consolation is that the members of the Revolutionary Army and Ye Raid did not rush to attack and disintegrate the imperial capital, this also gave everyone a little comfort, at least Minister Ornest was extremely happy.


Inside the palace, the luxury was undiminished, and Minister Ornest still had dinner with the emperor as before, especially Minister Ornest's speed of eating meat was more exaggerated than before, for fear that he would not be able to eat meat in the underworld in the future.

"Your Majesty, you don't need to worry, it's just a problem for those rats who dare to provoke the empire to be suppressed by your divine might. [The strongest emperor - Supreme Taser] is the ultimate existence like a god, stronger than General Esdes That kind of person will also be defeated by you in the end."

Minister Onesta was flattering while he hurriedly swept/sweeped the dazzling array of food on the table.

"I hope so."

This time the little emperor frowned. He was not as easy to fool as before, and said in a timid fear: "But now, except for the imperial capital, we have lost all the other territories of the empire! Sooner or later, I will become the sinner of the collapse of the empire!"


Minister Ornest was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect this stupid emperor to say such a thing, so he could only continue to flicker: "Your Majesty, you don't need to pay attention to those troublemakers, as long as you control the [Supreme Taser], you can run over them. Suppress everything, just like suppressing the traitor General Esders, and defeat all enemies!"

"Destroy all the enemies? Boom boom boom!"

The sound of dead silence fell, and then a black shadow descended from the sky. Inside the luxurious palace, there was a sudden tremor, and cracks appeared around the walls.

"Breaking into the palace to find death? Come on, cut this guy down for me."

The frightened Minister Onesta roared, and the moment the shock flashed, he got under the table in an extremely embarrassed manner, losing face.


Minister Onesta cast his eyes in anger and anger. After seeing the visitor, he immediately cried and called his mother: "Your Majesty, this evil person called Wuchen is the culprit of the collapse of the empire!"

"You guy..."

The young emperor stared at Wuchen, his ignorant eyes, obviously being deceived and manipulated by Minister Ornest... No, for today's little emperor, Minister Ornest is his biological father!

"Tsk tsk, in the huge palace, all the guards have been wiped out. If you have any skills, you two will take it out and give you a short-lived chance to apologize with death!"

"Let me apologize with death?"

Hearing such an arrogant and arrogant tone, the emperor was furious, and special energy fluctuations appeared on his body, and the room immediately quivered/shattered and collapsed.

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