
With a dull loud noise, the palace was turned into ruins, and the dark and depressing room was much brighter. Looking up, it turned out that it was a gentle light falling from the sky.


It lasted for dozens of seconds, the bright sky was dark again, and a black shadow with a height of tens of meters turned reality into reality, and the mighty and extraordinary figure was exposed to the eyes of the world.

"What the hell is that?"

The members of the night raid who raided the palace all looked up at the sky, looking at the unmatched height and domineering bearing, their scalps were numb.

"I heard the guy from Wuchen say that this is the strongest Teigu - Supreme Taser, I can't think of such a powerful force, such a terrifying height, not to mention that he is an emperor, even if it is a bug, it will turn the world upside down. !"

Chi Tong and the others were horrified, even though Wuchen had given them a vaccination before, they were also insane by Lei at this moment. The oppression brought by this super monster was too profound.

Being casually glanced at, there is a sharp edge on the back, not only the night attack, but the residents of the entire empire felt that a large knife was placed on their foreheads, and invariably fled desperately outside the imperial capital.

"Wuchen, is that the strongest emperor tool you said, and the original emperor tool? [Supreme Taser] can only be opened by inheriting the blood of the royal family? The appearance seems to be more exaggerated and taller than last time."

Looking at the behemoth, even though he saw it last time and fought once, Esdes was lost for a while and his eyes were empty.

I don't know when, she has stood by Wuchen's side.

"Hahaha... You two damned fellows, this time it's over! You must die, [Supreme Taser] will destroy everything!"

Minister Ornest laughed wildly, even dancing like a child.

"What is our result, you can't see it, and your current status is just a lost dog, don't you think you are talking too much?"

Wuchen flashed in a flash, turned into a huge light and came to Minister Ornest, staring at his fat body, and waving several rays of light very quickly.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

The blood was flying, and the ground was instantly filled with purple blood stains. He raised his head and swept away. Minister Onesta's arms and legs were cut off. The blood stained the whole ground red. !

"Ahhhh... it hurts! Your Majesty quickly avenge me and kill this bastard!"

Minister Ornest wailed miserably, and that hysterical voice was full of endless hatred for Wuchen.

"Tsk tsk, just die, it's too cheap, you old dog, Esders, I'll tell you a good way to torture people, find a large porcelain bottle, throw Minister Ornest in it, slow down the poisonous snake and Mouse scorpion, then smear the body of Minister Onesta with honey, and finally... put tens of thousands of ants in it!"


Before Wuchen finished speaking, the old guy fainted unbearably. Looking closely, his breath disappeared. From his startled face, it is not difficult to see that the old guy was frightened to death!


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Chapter 1671 The end of the cut red pupil (three) [fifth more]

This scene was so sudden that even Esders did not expect such a dramatic change. The minister Ernest, who everyone regarded as a demon, was absurdly scared to death.

"Jie Jie... The torture methods you mentioned are all good. We are indeed a kind of person, Wuchen." Esdes' mouth swept up with a charming smile, looking at Wuchen's eyes, full of expression.

"This guy……"

Staring at Esdes' evil eyes, those eyes like spring water, almost melting Wuchen's heart, very tender, but Wuchen is not happy, but a little creepy.

It seems that the means just mentioned, Esdes intends to experiment on Wuchen once!

"You, you, how dare you..."

Inside the Supreme Taser, the emperor's indignant roar sounded, followed by a crimson halo, suddenly descending into the boundless void, and the overwhelming wind and waves swept the entire imperial capital.

"Damn, that guy jumped over the wall in a hurry, retreat!"

Najeshtan saw the flash of light in Supreme Taser's mouth, and her face was terrified. The power that lingered in her heart. From hundreds of meters away, she could clearly feel the desperate oppression. overflowing from the pores.

Everyone's hearts are uneasy and full of despair. At their level, if they are bombarded by Supreme Taser, their bodies will inevitably shatter.

"Tsk tsk, how dare you take out the candlelight to show your ugliness? No wonder this country is going to end, and even the emperor is an idiot!" Wuchen sneered.

"You, this, bastard, egg."

The emperor inside the Supreme Taser had blue veins on his forehead, his upper and lower teeth were tightly clenched, and all the four words were bitten out at once. He killed the emperor's father, Minister Ornest, which was a great blow to the little emperor's spirit!

"Boom boom boom!"

The originally small energy ball suddenly became larger in response to the emperor's anger.

"Go to hell, traitor of the Empire!"


The emperor's neigh fell, and the huge red energy ball cut through the void, and the light of the world was about to devour Wuchen.

"Boom boom boom!"

The hurricane generated by the roaring of the beam has destroyed a large number of buildings, and the prosperous imperial capital is in disarray.


Staring at the falling light, under everyone's incomprehensible gaze, Wuchen raised his right arm lazily, clenched his hand into a fist, and made a gesture of preparation to attack, as if he was going to defeat it with his bare hands!

"Is this guy trying to catch it with his bare hands?"

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