"This dazzling light... [The King's Treasure]?" Wuchen's face showed a nostalgic look, and the ability of "The King's Treasure" was not limited to Gilgamesh.

"But it's a pity, your opponent is me." The spiritual pressure in the body tumbled, and Wuchen whispered softly: "The [-]st Break of the Dao!"

In an instant, a transparent enchantment appeared in front of Wuchen.

"This kind of thing that can be shattered with a single poke is also delusional to resist the light of this king, and it is beyond its capacity!" The street lights suddenly turned black, and a stream of light turned reality into reality. Standing on it, it was the heroic king Gilgamesh.

"The bastards who are hiding all around, get out of this king too!" His arrogant eyes glanced in all directions, and Gilgamesh's voice was like thunder, spreading within a radius of hundreds of meters.

"Who is this arrogant heroic spirit? So arrogant, how dare you sign up?" Lancer, holding two guns, had to walk out of the darkness.

"Who knows, I didn't expect that other than me, there are people who dare to call themselves kings." The rough and heroic voice was only from the sky, and the tall and strong man who rode two mighty bulls also fell from the sky.

"However, among these eight heroic spirits, one heroic spirit is about to die soon, which is really sad!" Gilgamesh arrogantly looked down at Wuchen, turning a deaf ear to the thin barrier that was as thin as a cicada's wings.

"Bang bang bang!"

The fallen Noble Phantasms all fell on the barrier. Everyone thought that the barrier that was smashed would collapse on the spot, but it was unexpectedly strong and nothing happened. Instead, Gilgamesh's attacks were all blocked.

"A so-called king is just too ignorant."

Looking at Gilgamesh hopelessly, Wuchen couldn't help but feel amused. After all, he was just a king of a narrow land. What was there to be defiant?

"You bastard..."

Hearing the words, Gilgamesh's face twisted on the spot, and his scarlet eyes were full of anger.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

There were countless ripples in the void behind him, and then a large number of golden weapons were plundered. All of them were very dazzling and sharp-edged. They were all masterpieces of masters... It is undeniable that Gilgamesh is only interested in top-quality things. won't take a look.

"This guy…"

The King of Conqueror had a cautious look in his eyes, looking at the large ray of light above Gilgamesh's head, he couldn't help showing surprise. At first glance, all of them were Noble Phantasms!

"Can you tell the origin of this guy? What era is he a hero?" King Conqueror Iskandar asked the thin young man beside him.

"Ghost knows, all in all, this guy is very strong." The young man rolled his eyes and said: "I asked you to watch the battle, you have to come out ahead of time to find trouble, and said that you will convince other heroic spirits to be your subordinates, this kind of behavior is extremely stupid!"

The young man is called Weber Werther, the Master of the Conqueror King Iskandar.

"Although I don't know what era Jin Twinkle came from, there may be a heroic spirit coming out now." Lancer looked at the gorgeous light, his face was full of solemnity, and he didn't dare to be careless. At the same time, his eyes locked on Wuchen were full of pity.

"Be careful to be dust-free!"

Saber also found the abnormal situation here, she rushed to support, but was forcibly stopped by Assassin, and the two sides were caught in the fire again.

"It seems to be underestimated." Wuchen rubbed his nose amusingly, not giving Gilgamesh a chance to attack, turning into a flash of light and appearing behind him.

The light was fleeting, and everyone didn't notice it, only to see Wuchen suddenly disappear.

"Speed ​​is power, have you ever been kicked by the speed of light? King of Heroes!"


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Chapter 1680 The King of Heroes Who Became a Laughingstock [Fifth More]

The speed of light reaches the time limit of nearly 30 kilometers per second, let alone a mere heroic spirit, even if it is a god, wanting to see the trajectory of the clear and dust-free movement is tantamount to dreaming.

"Who wants to attack this king!?"

Hearing this disdainful voice, the King of Heroes Gilgamesh immediately turned his head. However, what struck him back was a destructive light. The shaking Gilgamesh's eyes were about to be blinded, and he hurriedly closed his eyes. .

"Light speed kick!"

The hero king Gilgamesh suddenly felt a tingling pain in his face, and even his bones were about to break, and he flew out in an instant. This merciless kick kicked Gilgamesh out of sight!


The boundary hundreds of meters away trembled, and everyone saw that the miserable Gilgamesh was lying on the ground half dead, with only a faint breath left, and he could barely survive.

"The speed is so fast, I didn't see how he appeared behind that golden body!"

"Idiot! I didn't even see it, let alone a half-ass like you!" The Conqueror King Iskandar punched Webber in the head angrily, with a gloomy expression.

Originally, I thought Wuchen was going to be killed, but who would have expected this little universe to explode, crushing Jin Shining all at once.

"Is that the Noble Phantasm's ability?" Lancer was equally stunned, and suddenly he was a little glad that his enemy was not Wuchen, otherwise his fate would definitely be no different from Gilgamesh's... and not only the King of Conqueror, but Lancer actually didn't either. See how the dust-free moves.

"Asshole, asshole, asshole, asshole..."

The King of Heroes Gilgamesh touched his cheek, and in rage, he hammered the ground in anger, and his right hand was bloody and did not feel any tingling.


The heart of the hero king Gilgamesh was broken into grains of sand, which could never be healed. He touched his face, and the huge footprints were printed on his face like birthmarks... All thanks to Wuchen.

"Ah ah ah, I've become a lot more handsome."

After carefully scrutinizing the heroic king Gilgamesh, Wuchen gave a thumbs up and continued to strike: "You deserve to be called a king, your handsome face that breaks through the sky is absolutely unparalleled in the world!"

Wuchen's remarks attracted everyone's attention, and everyone looked at the cheek of Gilgamesh, the king of heroes, and burst into laughter on the spot.

"Hahaha... What's the matter with that guy? There is actually a shoe print on his face, coupled with his aggrieved expression, it's really wonderful!" The King of Conqueror Iskandar burst into laughter, his eyes overflowing with laughter DC, my stomach hurts.

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