"It's really funny." Staring at the footprints on the face of the Hero King Gilgamesh, Lancer also had a weird face.

"Hahaha, well done, this hateful king of heroes is the best to be beaten by others, hahaha..."

Tosaka Tokiomi, who was in the same room with Kotomine Kirei, also saw this scene through a special screen. He saw the clearly visible shoe prints on the face of the hero king Gilgamesh. .

"Damn King of Heroes, it's fine for him to be taught a lesson like this. He puts on that stinky face and pretends to be disgusting all day. This guy has no sense of Sarvant, as if I owe him everything."

Tokiomi Tosaka took a sip of red wine and smiled politely. Gilgamesh's deflation is not bad, it can make him face the power of other heroic spirits, saving this guy opening a bastard and closing his mouth is another bastard.

"That heroic spirit is really strong, and he was able to kick Gilgamesh, the king of heroes, with one kick. He must have been a big man before his death... It's ridiculous that Emiya Kiritsugu is lucky, and it's okay to have Saber to help him. , and now there is such a powerful heroic spirit, even more powerful."

Kotomine Kirei looked nervous, not as happy as Tohsaka Tokiomi. In a short period of time, his Assassin army was almost wiped out.

"Let's unite with the other Masters, so we have a better chance of winning." Tohsaka Tokiomi secretly rejoiced for a while and then regained his composure. After all, Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, is also his Sarvant, so just be a little happy. Now, you must not fall into the trap, after all, you have to work together to deal with other Masters.

"You only have this level? You can call yourself a king with such a half-assed level? I think I can become a god!" Squinting, Wuchen jokingly said: "Tsk tsk, what do you think of your face? How domineering!"

"Mongrel, don't get too carried away!"

The hero king Gilgamesh stared at Wuchen with a ferocious expression, hundreds of meters of light appeared in the void, and at least thousands of Noble Phantasms were swept out of it.

"Sooner or later, this kid will use the [Deviance Sword Ea] because of my stimulation." Wuchen touched his chin. He is also the owner of the treasure of the king, so he naturally understands Gilgamesh's ability.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The cold light as much as the rainstorm all shot, thousands of weapons attacked at the same time, the scene was particularly spectacular.The conquering king Iskandar and Lancer quickly retreated, for fear of harming Chiyu.

"How can this attack be effective for me, let alone defense, there is no need to dodge." Wuchen shook his head and simply stood still.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

The body was constantly shattered by swords, lights, swords and shadows, but Wuchen did not fall to the ground, not even the most basic bloodshed injury. This scene made the hero king Gilgamesh hit hard.

The enemy is right in front of you, but you have no ability to hurt him, but you will be humiliated and ridiculed by the other party. Is there anything more tragic than this in the world!The King of Heroes Gilgamesh hated Wuchen completely. This guy despised himself inexplicably, and now he used sorcery to ignore his own attacks. He felt very aggrieved.


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Chapter 1681 Lancer sneak attack [first]

Gilgamesh's face is twisted, and it is no wonder that he is so angry. Originally, his temper was extremely conceited, and he couldn't rub the sand in his eyes. Ordinary people looked at him directly. In Gilgamesh's view, it was the biggest insult. After teaching him a lesson, Gilgamesh couldn't stand it anymore.


No matter what kind of attack, it was unable to hurt Wuchen, that calm face silently mocked Gilgamesh's weakness and fragility.

Lao Tzu is standing here to fight you, the key is whether you can fight it!

"You totally pissed me off, bastard!"

Gilgamesh's face was even more distorted, and his scarlet eyeballs bulged outwards, which could fall out at any time. He was really going to go crazy!

"I've never liked to cause trouble, but..."

Lifting his eyelids slightly, Wuchen revealed a cold light on his face, "If you insist on courting death, I won't give you a look. I really despise you, the hero king!"

"It's just you? This king tells you..."

It was a tragedy before Gilgamesh's words were finished.

"Yellow Spring Hirazaka!"

Wuchen's forehead showed a scarlet reincarnation writing wheel, and without warning, he appeared behind Gilgamesh, and slammed it mercilessly.

"Light speed kick!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Gilgamesh's whole body swept into flames and exploded again, and he was also involved in the flames.


At this moment, a sharp edge suddenly came from behind, and it was about to pierce the dust-free head.

"Clang clang clang!"

At the critical moment, a dark shadow held a sword to block the cold light of the sneak attack, like a shield defending the dustless back, and that cold cold light was also intercepted by Saber.

"You should thank me, Wuchen."

The person who came out to rescue was the dust-free ally, Saber.

"Thank you? Saber, do you think I will be solved by the rat!" Wuchen turned his head slightly and glanced at the figure who was confronting Saber. The person who caught the eye was Lancer.

"I don't think you're the kind of person who can sneak attack, is it the Master's Command Spell?" Staring at Lancer, who was in cold sweat, his face full of embarrassment and pain, Wuchen lowered his head and fell silent.

"Then... it can only destroy you."

Kicking away Gilgamesh's dust-free, his eyes suddenly fell on Lancer's head, his eyes became cold, and the tip of his thumb was already glowing with a very destructive light of destruction.

"This guy is my opponent!"

Seeing Wuchen want to intervene, Saber hurriedly stopped it loudly, using his arms to force Lancer back in an instant, and then Saber chased after him and launched a violent attack on Lancer.

"It's a woman on the outside...but a powerful lion on the inside." Lancer looked at Saber in surprise, and the powerful force made his arm go numb.

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