"You should be able to kill me quickly by joining forces with that guy, so why pass up such a good opportunity?" Lancer said he didn't understand, Wuchen's strength, he saw in his eyes, it was only a matter of time before he joined forces with Saber to defeat him.

"But even with both of you, I can hold on for a while!" Lancer added arrogantly.

"No, you misunderstood what I meant."

Saber shook his head and said softly: "If I join forces with Wuchen, it will go against the spirit of chivalry. If we really join forces, you can't resist, even that guy alone is enough to kill you, don't you see it yet? Is it? The dust-free guy has been teasing that golden glitter..."


Lancer fell silent after hearing the words, looking at Gilgamesh, who was mournful. This guy is synonymous with tragedy. He was beaten and humiliated by Wuchen, and his dignity as a heroic spirit was completely lost.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Gilgamesh roared, and the void was once again filled with countless swords, lights and swords. The golden vortex kept flickering, and the sharp-edged long sword holes shot out, all aimed at Wuchen's head, which is enough to see that this careful hero king is against Wuchen. of hatred.

"What a problem child."

Looking at Gilgamesh, whose face was full of murderous intent, Wuchen let out a long sigh. This guy's strength is second to none, but his tolerance is really uncomplimentable.

"Then... I'll give it back."

With a teasing look on his face, Wuchen waved his big hand, and the sky behind him also flickered with a large halo. The dazzling rays of light made Gilgamesh feel a little dazed, and he carefully realized the nature of the power in it. After a while, Gilgamesh He opened his mouth wide, and his exaggerated appearance was enough to fit an adult's fist.

"This kind of ability fluctuation is absolutely not wrong... Why does this bastard understand my ability?!" Gilgamesh glared, his teeth were about to be crushed.

"What's going on with this Holy Grail War! How holy is that guy, who can even use the power of the King of Heroes? Then what's the use of me wanting Gilgamesh? Damn it! Could it be that the Holy Grail will end up handing over to that kid Emiya Kiritsugu? Give in!"

Not only was Gilgamesh's jaw nearly dislocated in surprise, but his Master Tokiomi Tosaka was also stunned and locked on the dust.

When he knocked on the top of his head, the golden light was embellished, and countless magical weapons slowly protruded from it, and the range was even better than that of Gilgamesh!

"Fake, you fake!"

Gilgamesh completely forgot the appearance of the heroic spirit, and like a shrew, he pointed at Wuchen who used the "Treasure of the King" and cursed, his eyes were about to split, and he was about to be hurt by his anger.


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Chapter 1682 The King of Heroes is defeated! 【Second Update】

Gilgamesh's forehead burst into blue veins, and he was as terrifying as a ghost. He felt that his dignity and soul had been trampled on by this hateful guy in front of him.

"Shoot me through him!"

The unbearable Gilgamesh took the lead in launching the attack, and the magic weapons as many as torrential rain fell from the sky.


Wuchen naturally did not show weakness, and launched a deadly counterattack immediately, embellishing a large number of rays of light above his head, also shot out mercilessly.

"Clang clang clang!"

Sparks flew everywhere, and there were traces of shattered steel everywhere, and the weapons fired by both sides were damaged.

"Boom boom boom!"

Thousands of Noble Phantasms were fired one after another, dazzling everyone's eyes. Even Saber and Lancer, who fought in the battle, and Iskandar, the conqueror, all stared at this scene with stunned expressions of envy and hatred.

"Why do these two perverts have so many Noble Phantasms, are the thieves blind, it's not fair!" All the heroic spirits cursed and cheated in their hearts, and people were more angry than people.


Compared to the immovable Wuchen, Gilgamesh is about to jump up in anger. As the oldest king of heroes, he was originally the kind of person who was extremely conceited. Now that he has been repeatedly humiliated by Wuchen, he is already angry. unstoppable.

"Bastard, if you want to die so much, then I will fulfill you!"

The blood-red eyeball shot out a surging aura, and a huge light appeared on the right side of Gilgamesh, and a strange-shaped great sword loomed.

"No, Gilgamesh is provoked!"

In the closed room, Kotomine Kirei and Tomisaka Tokiomi secretly exclaimed when they saw this scene. They both just hoped that Gilgamesh could test Wuchen's strength, and it was best to force out his treasure. Tool.

Who would have thought that Gilgamesh was the first to lose his temper, and now that he wanted to be the first to liberate the Noble Phantasm, Tosaka Tokiomi, the Master, would naturally be unwilling.

"The idiot Gilgamesh has been provoked, it is impossible to persuade him to come back." Tohsaka Tokiomi looked at the crimson Command Spell in his hand, showing an annoyed expression.

Only by launching the Command Spell to make Gilgamesh retreat, otherwise this idiot will definitely fight Wuchen to the death!

"Even if Gilgamesh takes out the Noble Phantasm, it's not necessarily his action." His eyes were staring at Wuchen, Kotomine Kirei looked confused, and he still hadn't figured out Wuchen's origin.

"What's the reason, Kirei?" Tokiomi Tosaka asked calmly.

"This guy seems to have exactly the same abilities as Gilgamesh. If that's the case, then this eighth Heroic Spirit is really scary!" Kotomine Kirei whispered with lingering fears.

"Do you mean..." Tohsaka Tokiomi's expression changed, his face was depressed, he understood what Kotomine Kirei was trying to say, and said somewhat uncertainly: "It shouldn't be possible, Gilgamesh's EA, The eighth heroic spirit should be unavailable..."

"This... To be honest, I think it is necessary to reposition the strength of the eighth place."

Kotomine Kirei just glanced at Tokiomi Tohsaka after hearing the words, then stared at the monitor screen, analyzing: "That eighth heroic spirit, when using [Treasure of the King], seems to be more powerful than Gilgamesh. Familiarize yourself with who the impostor is, this is really hard to guess, Master! Maybe Gilgamesh imitates someone else!"

"All in all, let the King of Heroes retreat first. If this fight goes on, I guess he will lose."

Tosaka Tokiomi breathed a disappointed breath, and without hesitation, he activated a command spell to order Gilgamesh to retreat.


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