There was another inhuman roar, and then Berserker suddenly broke the streetlight and swooped towards Wuchen and Saber.To be more precise, Saber, as for Wuchen, was simply ignored by this fellow.

"Bang bang bang!"

Berserker's strength was terrifying, and every time he took a step, there were depressions on the ground.He swept in a straight line, and there were more straight depressions on the ground.

"It's just a vicious dog, you are too self-righteous."

The devilish voice resounded in Berserker's ears. It sounded harmless to humans and animals, but it made everyone horrified. Even the two Masters who were hiding in the dark, Kenneth Elmeloi and Matou Yagan, felt in their hearts. Cool, like an invisible big knife resting on their necks.


Even Berserker's body stopped and hummed twice, as if telling Wuchen, don't mind your own business.


However, his protest was simply ignored by Wuchen, and he just glanced at him coldly, the chakra in the body collapsed, and a special red halo appeared between the eyebrows.


At the same time, in the depths of the void, there was a very cooperative movement.

"Xianfa Ming Shenmen!"

Groups of black dots, like the doomsday natural disaster, filled everyone's pupils in an instant. This exaggerated formation made people involuntarily think of the doomsday natural disaster!

"What is this? Wood?!"

Lancer raised his head to look at the sky, and after seeing what the falling thing was, he immediately took the initiative to distance himself from it to avoid close contact with this thing, feeling that a catastrophe was imminent.

"Damn, this bastard Berserker didn't obey my orders. Who let him provoke that big man at will!"

Matou Yeyan, who was hiding in the dark, cursed. He didn't order Berserker to attack Saber and Wuchen. Unexpectedly, this guy came out to find trouble.

Now the eighth heroic spirit has been angered by this coercion!


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Chapter 1684 comes to an end [fourth more]

Matou Yeyan regretted it too late. If he knew earlier, he shouldn't have brought Berserker, an idiot, and it's fine to pull hatred, and this pull is still two extremely perverted Heroic Spirits - Saber and Wuchen.

Matou Yeyan had been watching the battle just now, Wuchen and Saber's performance, he saw it, and said without boasting, it can be said to be the strongest combination of Heroic Spirits.

The fighting power of a single person can be called an invincible existence. Now that the strong combination is strong, the strength will naturally rise to a higher level.

"This idiot is really ignorant. I want him to trouble Tosaka Tokiomi, but this guy..."

Matou Yeyan wanted to cry without tears, and countless crows landed in his heart, condolences to Berserker's ancestor for the eighteenth generation, this fellow's ability to attract hatred is absolutely unparalleled!

"There is no chance of winning, let's retreat."

Glancing at the "Mingshen Gate" falling from the void, Matou Yeyan glanced at it with lingering fears, and then dragged his exhausted body to retreat.

Matou Yeyan himself does not belong to the scum-level character, and it is entirely thanks to his father that he can become a Master.

"Boom boom boom!"

All the red wood in the sky fell, and Berserker's speed stretched to the limit, but the area covered by "Ming Shenmen" was too vast, and there was no escape.

"Boom boom boom boom! Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

Massive amounts of red wood all hit Berserker's body, all his sturdy armor smashed, and his entire body was exposed to the air

"good chance."

Saber's delicate eyes flashed with scorching heat, seeing Berserker's armor crumble, she swept over with the Sword of Oath of Victory, and saw that the thick armor on Berserker's face was about to be shattered.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

However, the good times didn't last long. When the mask was about to be shattered, Berserker's body suddenly misted, turning into a penetrating black shadow and slowly disappearing.

"Don't try to escape."

Seeing this, Saber groaned and was about to pursue, but was stopped by Wuchen.

"Useless Saber, this guy's Master ordered the retreat, he can't catch it."

Holding Saber's shoulders, Wuchen smiled and said, "And this guy's enemy is not only us, it's Tosaka Tokiomi who should be the one who has the headache."

"You..." Saber turned his head to look directly into Wuchen's eyes, his jade face appeared hesitant, and asked in confusion, "Sometimes I always think, are you really a heroic spirit?"

"This is not important. All in all, I am a heroic spirit and your ally." Wuchen scratched his head and replied nonchalantly. What he did and the knowledge he accumulated far exceeded the so-called heroic spirit.

"Retreat, Irisviel is frightened enough."

Looking at Irisviel, who was sluggish not far away, Wuchen walked over slowly. She was shocked by the "Myojin Gate" that piled up the whole street.

In terms of scale, it's just astounding.

And this time one direction.

"With such a large-scale trick, this should be his real Noble Phantasm."

Through a special camera, observing the flashing red forest group at this moment, Tohsaka Tokiomi and Kotomine Kirei said in a daze, there were countless hand cramps, and it was impossible to distinguish the exact number.

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