
In a flash, it was the next morning.

Yesterday's battle left a shadow on the hearts of many Heroic Spirits and Msater, especially the Hero King Gilgamesh. He didn't sleep a night all night, and his mind was full of innocent and arrogant figures.

There is no way to do this. His domineering cheeks leave dust-free footprints, which can only be said to be unfavorable for fleeting years.

Inside the castle of the Einzbern family in Eastwood City.

Emiya Kiritsugu and Kuu Maiya also rushed back from the distant Pacific Ocean. The former was tired and his eyes were empty. In the vast Pacific Ocean, Emiya Kiritsugu was chased by hordes of sharks for hours!

"Yes, you are doing well."

In Emiya Kiritsugu's bedroom, hearing about yesterday's battle, his listless and decadent spirit finally improved a lot, and he showed a rare smile, but it seemed far-fetched.

"It's just a pity not to kill one of them! If Kiritsugu was there, he would definitely assassinate the opponent's Master, instead of choosing to show off his power and offend all the heroic spirits again and again."

Jiuyu Maimi stared at Wuchen coldly, and made no secret of his dissatisfaction. This guy threw his lover in the sea and was chased by sharks, and Emiya Kiritsugu was trapped.

"Msater, with all due respect, there is nothing wrong with Wuchen! There is absolutely no need for us to assassinate each other inferiorly. With the ability of me and Wuchen, we can completely annihilate the opponent's Sarvant head-on."

It didn't matter that Wuchen was silent, but Saebr immediately stood up and argued with reason. She believed in the spirit of chivalry and sneered at Emiya Kiritsugu's despicable methods, extremely contemptible, even despised.

"Saber is very loyal."

Staring at Saber with great interest, she didn't expect her to defend herself like this... As for Jiuyu Maiya, Wuchen glanced at her and smiled in disdain: "Wait for me to take Irisviel to catch a rape one day. I hope you can still cooperate so well!”

"Boom boom boom!"

At the same time, a violent vibration resounded through the sky, and a low and filthy voice suddenly resounded through the entire castle of the Einzbern family.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 5000 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1685 The super pervert is here! 【Fifth more】

"Joan of Arc, my Joan of Arc, hurry up and meet me, I'm Gilles de Lace... After hundreds of years, we finally meet!"

The sound of a heart-piercing nightmare resounded in the sky. Looking through the window, I saw a ferocious, strangely dressed, demon-like figure appearing outside the Einzbern family's castle.

"Is this guy Caster?"

Saber frowned unexpectedly. He didn't expect this guy to be so arrogant, and he dared to call the door on his own initiative. His behavior should not be said to be stupid or arrogant or arrogant.

After all, there are two Heroic Spirits here - Wuchen and Saber, but Caster is only alone.

"It seems that you are alone and can't wait to find death?"

Emiya Kiritsugu looked thoughtful, then his gray-brown eyes swept around, staring at the large forest in front of him, as if he was looking for Caster's accomplices.

"No, it's a miracle that this guy can come to the door now. I thought he would come to the door last night..." Wuchen said with a meaningful smile: "This guy Caster is a serious infatuation seed. His obsession with love is admirable, but this time it's a pity that the object of his love is wrong."

"By the way, who is the Joan of Arc he said? We don't have such a person here." Emiya Kiritsugu asked inexplicably, instinctively smelling a conspiracy, "Maybe someone else framed the blame and tried to Use us to fight with Caster."

"The analysis makes sense."

Emiya Kiritsugu's concubine Maiya Kuu nodded in agreement.

"The relationship between these two guys is unbelievable. If I kill Emiya Kiritsugu, Kuyu Maiya will probably turn herself into a human bomb and come to me and perish."

Glancing at the two people who were so intimate, Wuchen muttered to himself, turning a deaf ear to the conversation between the two.

As everyone knows, through the open door, a bright stare silently stared at Emiya Kiritsugu, observing this scene with complicated disappointment, the beloved husband and other women whispered, what happened to the wife Alice Phil? Can you relax?

"The Joan of Arc that guy said... It's ridiculous, but it's actually Saber." Wuchen suddenly broke the news and gave an answer that made Emiya Kiritsugu and Hisaru Maiya stunned.

"Do you think we are idiots?"

Jiuyu Maimi glared at Wuchen indignantly, feeling that Wuchen was just fooling the two of them. It would be too ridiculous to admit the wrong person. Either Wuchen was bullshitting, or Caster's head twitched.

"Joan of Arc, my Joan of Arc, you finally came out to see me!"

However, the next sentence of Gilles de Lace made Emiya Kiritsugu and Hisaru Mai suffocated. I saw this guy's expression of excitement and surprise focused on Saber who suddenly appeared, and shouted loudly: "Joan of Arc, my Jeanne..."

"I didn't expect that after so many years, we still have the chance to meet again, my Joan of Arc!"

Gilles de Lace shouted excitedly, and almost stood up and danced, his eyeballs bulging out, as if it might fall out at any time, as if in horror.

"This Caster is an idiot!"

Jiuyu Maiya stared at Gilles Deres speechlessly, this guy obviously got water in his head, Saber is King Arthur, and he has nothing to do with that Jeanne d'Arc. The time difference between the two sides is thousands of years.

"It's a miracle that he was able to suppress it until he came to the door..." Wuchen added again: "However, this old guy's ability to come to his death in a hurry is really perfect... He knew that meeting the heroic spirit was the outcome of your life and death. Dare to take the initiative to come and fight, tsk tsk, the thinking of the seeds of infatuation is really hard to guess."

"Caster doesn't seem to be pretending, he really seems to think of Saber as that Joan of Arc. Could it be that they look exactly the same?"

Emiya Kiritsugu secretly guessed, staring at Caster with a bit of tears and laughter, and then a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind, as if he had thought of something, showing an excited overjoyed expression.

"Does this guy want Saber to fool that super pervert who likes to kill?"

Capturing Emiya Kiritsugu's strange appearance, Wuchen muttered uncertainly. In terms of Emiya Kiritsugu's character, he can really do such a maddening thing.

In order to obtain the Holy Grail, the sacrifice of a heroic spirit, Emiya Kiritsugu did not think it was worthwhile, the so-called heroic spirit was actually a chess-like existence.

"Maiya, follow me to have a look."

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