Emiya Kiritsugu dragged Jiuyu Maiya to the scene impatiently. Seeing the brilliance in his eyes, Wuchen guessed that this kid had some nasty and sinister idea in mind.

"Irisviel, why don't you go take a look?"

In the quiet corridor, Wuchen stopped in front of Irisviel's bedroom door, leaned against the wall boredly, and sighed: "This is also inevitable, your identity is destined to never live with Emiya Kiritsugu forever. Together, it is normal to have an affair... Even one day, Emiya Kiritsugu will kill you with his own hands to fulfill his wish... But, as my Master, I will naturally not hurt you, just feel at ease."

"This is fate, it has been doomed since the moment I was born." Looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window, Irisviel showed a poignant smile on her face.

As the container of the Holy Grail, the final outcome is actually doomed long ago. No matter who the Holy Grail falls on, Irisviel will inevitably die. Even if Emiya Kiritsugu is the final victor, Irisfi will not be spared. you.

"Don't be so pessimistic, there is a word called "man will conquer the sky", if you want, I can help you change your cruel fate and get rid of the shackles of the Einzbern family."

Tiredly yawning, Wuchen looked lazy, but his tone of voice was decisive.


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Chapter 1686 Despicable Emiya Kiritsugu [First More]

"Caster, please don't lie here, I'm not the Joan of Arc you said!" Saber looked at Caster's crazy eyes, her nose wrinkled, and a burst of disgust.

"No, you are Jeanne!"

Caster shook his head like a rattle, extremely stubborn, and said with great certainty, "Jean, have you forgotten me? I'm Gilles de Lace, could it be that you have forgotten me?!"

"Sorry, I don't know you." After searching the memory in his mind again, Saber was still sure that he didn't recognize the inexplicable pervert in front of him.

"Damn, damn, damn... my Joan of Arc doesn't even know me!"

Hearing this, Caster was furious, and in a rage, he picked up the child he caught before, and simply crushed his head to vent his flames!

"Damn God, is all this your masterpiece!"

Caster was furious, his face was extremely contorted, and he threw the corpse of the immature child on the ground coldly, and smashed it into blood in anger, venting the fire in his heart, and kept saying vicious words to curse God.

"You crazy bastard..."

Saber was stunned when he saw this. He didn't expect Caster to be so cruel. What he did was called the actions of a beast. Any normal heroic spirit would not attack a child. Everyone has dignity and limits, and Caster is cruel. The means were so vicious and vicious.

"If a scum like you continues to participate in the Holy Grail War, all the heroic spirits will be insulted by you, so... please disappear, Caster!"

Saber's expression froze. Holding the Sword of Oath Victory, she turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Caster's cheek.

"It's not that easy to kill me."

Seeing this, Caster jumped a few meters away, and there was a nostalgic smile on that crazy cheek, but it still looked so gloomy and terrifying, even more shocking than the distorted face just now.

A murderous devil, showing a sunny smile at you, may I ask, don't you feel chills!Even Saber got goosebumps uncontrollably.

"The devil is crooked, give it to me..."

"Stop Saber."

At this moment, a serious voice stopped Saber's actions. Looking back, it was Emiya Kiritsugu and Hisayu Maiya who had come in a hurry.

"Master, do you have any questions?" Saber looked at the smiling Emiya Kiritsugu, a bad premonition suddenly arose in his heart, and had to remind: "Master, this guy is a demon heresy, and even children are not spared. , must get rid of him."

The words fell, Saber stared at Caster again, looking at the excited look on his face, he knew that it was not a good thing.Especially the look in his eyes that stared at him, made Saber even more chilled.

"Saber, just leave this matter to me."

However, Emiya Kiritsugu didn't pay attention to Saber's opinion. It was just a mere heroic spirit. As for the corpse of the child on the ground, although Emiya Kiritsugu was sad, it was only a short moment. This world sacrifices every day, only to get the Holy Grail This all-purpose wishing machine, all disasters will disappear,

"Caster, to be honest, this guy... is your Joan of Arc!"

Pointing at Saber, Emiya Kiritsugu's words made Caster happy, but Saber stared at Emiya Kiritsugu with dull eyes, and suddenly understood Emiya Kiritsugu's plan.

"Master, please stop in moderation! I can understand your eagerness to obtain the Holy Grail, but such a despicable method is difficult for me to accept!"

The Saber ninja said solemnly, full of anger, "I am not Joan of Arc, my real name is Arturia Pendragon, and I am King Arthur of ancient Britain!"

"It doesn't matter Saber."

Jiuyu Maiya leaned to Saber's side and whispered, "Saber, this is all for the Holy Grail, you also want it to fulfill your wish? So the necessary allies are indispensable!"

"But my cooperation with Wuchen can completely defeat the other Sarvants." Saber argued with reason, despising such despicable methods of Emiya Kiritsugu.

Not to mention her pretending to be Joan of Arc, Saber couldn't help but gag when she thought about Caster's disgusting cheeks.

"We have two heroic spirits here, but one has an absolute advantage, but you seem to have forgotten one thing, what if other heroic spirits also learn from us to form an alliance? And we just got the information, Tosaka Tokiomi and the conquering king Iskan Dahl has come together... The same is true of the other Heroic Spirits, and most of them have signs of alliance with each other."

"In order to obtain the final victory, it is okay to use despicable means, but..."

A voice full of disdain fell into the ears of Maiya Kuu and Saber, and Wuchen said with extreme annoyance: "Using your wife as a bait to attract enemies is disgusting!"

"It's all for justice!" Jiuyu Maiya refuted loudly.

"Shit justice!"

He pouted, and Wuchen sneered even more. One sentence made Jiuyu Maimi's face red. If it wasn't for the disparity in strength, he really wished he could beat Wuchen to relieve his hatred.

"Take Irisviel as bait?" Saber looked blank, not knowing what Wuchen was talking about.

"So you don't know yet."

Glancing at Saber, who was unaware, Wuchen resolutely revealed Emiya Kiritsugu's old background, and said with contempt, "The reason why Emiya Kiritsugu let the three of us act alone is actually to attract other Masters to assassinate, he and Maiya hid and secretly sniped. The other party's Master, but this guy's plan was destroyed by me, and he was thrown into the Pacific Ocean by me to compete with sharks for swimming!"

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