"Don't move, let me go, my lord!"

At this moment, an unexpected voice suddenly came, and he turned his head and saw that he was one of the "Six Sword Slaves". Fusu's throat.

"Hahahaha, well done!"

Seeing this, Zhao Gao suddenly burst into laughter. He didn't know where the strength came from. His overwhelmed body miraculously stood up again.

However, it didn't take long for Zhao Gao to be complacent before the tragedy.


The dust-free scorpion just slid past Chaoshen's body, followed by an incredible scene, which was immediately staged in front of Zhao Gao's eyes.

"Ah ah ah, why did my body suddenly catch fire, it's so hot!"

Just a slight glance at Chaos God, an ominous black fire burned on his body by the way.


These two words are as terrifying as they are filled with magic power. The instant they fell, Chaos God's entire body disappeared with the wind, not even the corpse was left behind, the whole person was erased, and Zhao Gao was dumbfounded.

"I don't know how high the sky is, if I were you, I would run away with my last strength, instead of staying here and threatening others. In my life, I hate those short-sighted people threatening me the most!"

Wuchen closed his eyes and muttered to himself, as if he had just done a trivial thing. In his opinion, that Chaos God was really stupid, and Zhao Gao was not just a pawn.


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Chapter 1970 Let her hang for a few days [Second]


Seeing this, Zhao Gao gritted his teeth angrily, and scolded loudly: "This trash, Chaoshen, was killed in seconds. If I knew he was so useless, I should have sent him to die early!"

Zhao Gao's cheeks were twisted, and the already pale face was even more frightening, like a ghost, a waste in the "Luo Wang" organization that didn't need to be killed in one move.


Wuchen raised his brows lightly, and sincerely felt that "Six Sword Slaves" were worthless, and a master like Zhao Gao was considered a blood mold for eight lifetimes.

"Zhao Gao, haven't you done it yet? Is that kid Fusu dead?"

At this moment, an unexpected voice suddenly came, and Wuchen and others all turned their attention to the past, and a young man with a handsome appearance and different-colored pupils came into view.

"Hu Hai?!"

Although Wuchen was a little unfamiliar, Zhao Gao and Fusu recognized him at a glance.


Hu Hai also stared at the embarrassed scene in a daze. What caught his eyes were many corpses. The scene was terrible, and the air was filled with a lot of blood.

"Greet vomit..."

Taking a little breath, the smell of blood could enter his lungs, and Hu Hai couldn't help but gag.

"Hu Hai, give me an explanation!"

Fusu's face was not good, and there was a rare fierceness on his cheeks. He used to feel good about this younger brother. Although everyone was half the same mother, they still had a lot of common language.

But what Ling Fusu didn't expect was that this usually kind-hearted younger brother turned out to be so vicious, and he was so vicious that he wanted to kill himself.

"I still have to go!"

Realizing that something was wrong, Hu Hai turned around and ran, like a breeze, and disappeared in an instant.

"Damn boy, why didn't I see you so powerful when I was practicing? Escape is the number one!" Zhao Gao was in a hurry and cursed before he looked away. If he was willing to serve Fusu obediently, he wouldn't end up like this. Terrible point.

"Hopeless fool, your speed is good, but..."

A large number of photons floated out of Wuchen's body, disappeared in an instant, and shot straight out, like a divine rainbow falling from the sky, blocking Hu Hai in front of him.

"In front of the light, there are no exceptions."

Seeing Wuchen standing in front of him, Hu Hai hurriedly threatened loudly: "Get out of the way, I'm a prince, do you know what will happen if you offend me? Be careful I will destroy your nine clans, no, destroy your ten clans!"

"Destroy my ten clans?!"

Wuchen laughed dumbly when he heard the words, and joked: "I said boy, are you sure you want to destroy my ten clans? I can tell you that the so-called ten clans are even counted as friends, and your brother Fusu is also one of my friends. One, do you want to kill him too? You're not too timid..."


Hu Hai was so annoyed by this remark that he directly raised his fist and smashed it towards Wuchen's cheek.

"However, you are also a prince, so I will give you a special treatment."

The spiritual pressure in the body boiled, and the extremely destructive edge floated out from the dust-free body, and there was a faint black light in the void, and it went straight to Huhai.

"The Ninety Black Coffins of Destruction!"


In an instant, Hu Hai's body was dismantled into eight pieces and turned into a pile of smashed flesh.

"Hmph, it's up to you!"

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