Seeing this, Fusu just snorted coldly. Although he was kind and generous, it didn't mean he was stupid. Fusu would not sympathize with a conspiracy to kill his younger brother.


At the same time, a large number of Qin soldiers came galloping, and the leader was Zhang Han's shadow guard.

"Zhang Han is late for the rescue, please forgive me." Forgetting the corpses all over the floor, Zhang Han knelt down on one knee in shame, with a face of self-blame and embarrassment, who asked him to be responsible for protecting Fusu's safety of.

In fact, this is not to blame Zhang Han. No one expected that Zhao Gao and Li Si would suddenly betray, and even if he came, it would not work. It is impossible to block the Six Swordsmen with his strength.

"This kid is very loyal now, but in the future, he will be a serious [Qinjian]."

Wuchen murmured in his heart that Zhang Han in history was a character with mixed reputations. He led the soldiers of Qin State to be defeated by Xiang Yu, and later joined Xiang Yu with no morals, and finally became king.

However, God is always fair. Traitors never end well. Although they were crowned kings, Zhang Han was defeated by Liu Bang, the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty. After the city was destroyed, he committed suicide.

"If it weren't for Master Wuchen, I might have been killed." Fusu couldn't help sighing, thinking of the scene of Li Si and Zhao Gao forcing the palace, and now he is still afraid for a while.

"It's too heavy to say thank you, the Yin Yang family and the Qin country are originally from the same camp, and this is an obligation." Wuchen smiled and gestured to Fusu that there was no need to say thank you.

After a few more nagging words, Wuchen hurried back to the mirage, and the next thing has nothing to do with him, the throne is undoubtedly Fusu.


However, just after returning to the mirage, there are unexpected guests visiting, and the origin is quite large.

"Tian Yan of the farmhouse?"

When I heard that the Moon God said that the farmer Tianyan asked for a meeting, Wuchen's first thought was to surrender. Most of the farmer disciples who assassinated Yingzheng were from farmhouses and were almost slaughtered by the Qin army.

Maybe Tian Yan felt that the anti-Qin alliance had no future and the future was dark, so he followed Tian Mi's example of abandoning the shadows.It's normal for Tian Yan to want to find another one. After all, she is known as the first think tank of the farm family, and her foresight is naturally not comparable to others.

"According to my guess, [-]% of them came to abandon the darkness and turn to the light again. The farmer suffered heavy losses when they attacked Ying Zheng last time. Luna, just say I have something to do, let her hang for a few days, and give the woman a slap in the face, save it. He is as self-righteous as Tian Mi, without the attitude of a loser."

Since it is surrender, you should figure out your own identity, not what kind of cooperation.


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Chapter 1971 Canglong Qisu [Chapter Three]

It's ridiculous to talk about cooperation even after being beaten like a dog.

"Why does the sect leader bully me, a weak woman? Doing so will only ruin your sect's reputation."

In the brightly lit lobby, I suddenly remembered a rather clear voice, but it sounded a little sick, the follow-up was weak, and I was very tired.

"This guy Luna..."

He glanced at Moon God rather complaining, Wuchen didn't expect Tian Yan to stand beside him.


Luna naturally also noticed Wuchen's resentful eyes, and immediately hung up the appearance that it had nothing to do with him.

"Weak woman?"

Hearing this, Wuchen rolled his eyes and said bluntly, "If I remember correctly, Miss Tian is the head of Lieshan Hall, and such an important position is not something a weak woman can afford."

"The sect leader has praised me, Tian Yan is only a first-order female class."

Tian Yan said softly, and then looked at Wuchen quietly. As the head of a hall, she sounded majestic, but in reality, it was not. She also had her own difficulties.

First of all, Tian Yan was born weak and sickly, so the life of the head of the hall was not suitable for her at all. Second, in feudal society, men were always superior to women, and it was inevitable to be bullied by others at some point.

For example, her second uncle, Tian Hu, sometimes coerced her.

Of course, these are not the most important factors. After the last war, the morale of the entire farm family was very low. Although Ying Zheng died, the farm family also lost a lot of elite disciples.

"Then Miss Tian, ​​have you corrected your identity? Don't be like Tian Mi, conceited to cooperate with me, she doesn't have the qualifications at all... Of course, you can cooperate, I hope to get something beneficial to me. "Tian Mi's figure appeared in Wuchen's mind, and he couldn't help sneering, "Tian Mi and I will cooperate with Zhang Liang's head and Rong'er, but now Zhang Liang's head is still there. I didn't take it..."

"I see..."

Hearing this, Tian Yan was stunned, and his expression was slightly loose, revealing a look of surprise.

"It's no wonder that the woman Tian Mi is so proud of herself recently. It turned out that she was on the pirate ship of the Yin Yang family, and she planned to secretly take Zhang Liang's head..."

Tian Yan pondered, not so much cooperation, but the actual essence of this is an unequal treaty.

"Of course you can refuse, please go back now, Miss Tian." He glanced at Luna slightly, and Wuchen waved his hand, motioning for her to see off the guest.

"Please, Miss Tian."

Ignoring Tian Yan, who frowned, Luna made a gesture of invitation.

"This is how the Yin-Yang family treats guests?" Tian Yan snorted slightly, and said in a slightly displeased tone, "Forgive me, the Yin-Yang family doesn't have the grandeur of the head of the Hundred Schools."


Hearing this, Wuchen snorted coldly and said solemnly, "Is it the head of a hundred schools of thought that is not said by mouth, but depends on this thing."

Shaking his fist, the meaning of Wuchen is self-evident, only the fist can measure everything, and the rest are just jokes.


Seeing that Wuchen was so ignorant, Tian Yan could only take a deep breath to stabilize his complicated emotions, and it seemed that he could only compromise.

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