"It's over? How could it be over? I have to overthrow Fusu as emperor! Xia Kui is also mine, the emperor is also mine, and the world is also mine!"

Tian Hu no longer concealed his inner madness, and said bluntly: "Of course, if you are willing to commit suicide now, I will spare you Shennongtang!"

"This kind of cannibalism is tantamount to setting fire to self-immolation." Gai Nie frowned, disliking this extreme approach.

To put it bluntly, Tian Hu just wanted to annex Shennongtang, and then gather all the forces of the peasant family, and use this as a benchmark to completely eradicate and disintegrate the entire Qin state.

"Ah ah ah, there are such wonderful dramas in the wilderness, which is really an unexpected joy."

The indifferent tone suddenly spread throughout the vast sky, and everyone looked at the sky subconsciously, only to see above the void, groups of flashes quickly converged, and gradually compressed into a silhouette.


Gai Nie and Wuchen are old acquaintances. When he heard this tone, he realized that something was wrong, and his face became even more serious when he saw the playful face.

"Oops, Tianming still has Shaoyu, you two run away!"

Gai Nie hurriedly urged Tianming and Shaoyu to escape, Wuchen came, he had no confidence to resist, this guy was really strong and hard to contend with.

"Can fly?!"

All the people from the farm family were dumbfounded, and the dust-free body floated strangely in the sky, and those clear eyes looked down at all things without emotion.

"It's too annoying, shoot him down!" Tian Hu roared angrily, being looked down on by Wuchen, he felt extremely aggrieved and uncomfortable.


Hearing Tian Hu's order, the disciples of the farmhouse Shennongtang immediately picked up their bows and arrows and shot them into the void. The rain of arrows immediately tore Wuchen's body into pieces.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

The dust-free body was penetrated one after another, but nothing happened. The broken wounds were repaired by elementalization, and they were restored to their original state in an instant, and they were safe and sound.

"Something that doesn't know how to live or die..."

Seeing this, Wuchen's face became colder. Originally, he disdain to see this group of soldiers. Would a giant clan fight with ants?There is no such need at all, but since some people choose to die, if he doesn't send them to hell, he really feels sorry for this group of people.


The sky filled the void with large ripples, and then countless magical weapons stood out from them.

"The King's Treasure!"


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update!


Chapter 1977 A group of idiots [more]


Seeing the light that filled the sky, everyone was stunned. Do you need such an exaggerated number?Looking closely, the entire sky is covered with a golden divine halo.

"What kind of weird trick is this? Do Yin Yang and Confucianism have such evil tricks?!"

Tian Hu was stunned. The densely packed various types of weapons and weapons were almost filled with the vast void. Even if each farm disciple needed a hundred weapons to solve it, this number would be enough.

"Farewell, trash fish."

With a wave of his hand, the divine light in the sky suddenly tilted down.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

A horrific massacre immediately kicked off. Countless peasant disciples were smashed through and attacked by thousands of weapons. How tragic was this end?

It is a great blessing to be able to keep the body intact!

"Run, that guy is a ghost!"

"How can there be such a bad ghost? He is simply a devil!"



In an instant, the disciples of the farmhouse Shennongtang were slaughtered by Wuchen, and only a small number of disciples rushed to flee, but there were wounds all over their bodies.

Everyone looked at the indifferent figure in the void in horror, and everyone's expressions were full of panic and fear.

"Damn it!"

Tian Hu was furious, his eyes spread, and he looked around. The scene was bloody and cruel. In less than a minute, Chi Youtang's disciples were killed by Wuchen.

"Yo, don't you agree?"

His body fell to the ground, and he stared at Tian Hu playfully, yin and yang attacked strangely: "Tian Hu, just because you are so stupid, you still want to be an emperor? Are you a pig?!"

"Melee, An dare to humiliate me like this?!"

Tian Hu was furious when he heard this, and Wuchen dared to call himself a pig in front of the Zhu family and others!Not to mention the hot-tempered Tian Hu, anyone else can't stand it.

"Don't be fooled, if you are provoked by Wuchen, we will be defeated one by one." Gai Nie frowned and advised, this Tian Hu is really brave and foolish.

"Break it one by one?"

Hearing this, Wuchen couldn't help laughing dumbly, with a look of contempt on his face, "I can understand what other people say, but what you said, Genie... Don't you think you are deceiving yourself too much? You should be very strong in my strength. understand."

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