It's not that Wuchen looks down on them, all of these people go together, and the effect they can play is minimal.

"Mr. Kim!"

Tian Hu was too lazy to talk nonsense, he waved his hand, and behind him a middle-aged man with a gloomy face and a sullen look in his eyes walked out.

Seeing this, Wuchen raised his brows and yelled loudly: "Where did you come from doing chores, don't want to die, get away from me!"


Hearing this, the swordsman who was called Mr. Jin suddenly trembled. Wuchen's words made him very angry.Have you ever seen a junkie with a sword?No reason!

This is not the most important thing, especially Wuchen's eyes looking at the ants deeply stimulated Mr. Jin.

"Clang clang!"

The long sword came out of its scabbard, beating with a dangerous brilliance, glancing coldly at Wuchen, Mr. Jin galloped over, "Unknown junior, suffer!"


Seeing that the old man came to his death out of his capacity, Wuchen naturally would not be polite, and immediately launched a Ling Lie attack, with a dangerous energy ball wrapped around his fingertips.

"Virtual Flash!"


The golden energy ball was extremely fast, condensed and formed in a few seconds, and then popped out without dust.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a huge fireball in the void. The swordsman who was called Mr. Jin had not figured out what had happened, but his body was crushed by a merciless flash of heat. The whole person disappeared without a trace, and there was no body. Leave.


Gently glanced at Tian Hu, Gai Nie and the others, Wuchen's face was dull and boring.

"The next one, or you can go together."

Wuchen's casual disdain tone made everyone extremely annoyed.

"I come!"

An unexpected figure suddenly swept out, stepping on the snow without a trace, and landing on one foot without the slightest trace.

"It's a familiar old face again, it turned out to be Robber Zhi." After seeing the visitor, Wuchen suddenly smiled strangely: "By the way, I want to thank you for the last assassination incident, Robber Zhi."

"Assassination incident?!" Robber Zhi, who had planned to do it directly, was stunned when he heard Wuchen's words, and asked inexplicably, "What are you talking about? I don't understand."

"Oh, it's only been so long, have you forgotten it?"

Wuchen smiled gloomily, and then deliberately reminded: "A few days ago, you sneaked into the mirage and eavesdropped on me and Luna talking. This is not long ago."

"What, you found me?!"

Thief Zhi's eyes widened with a look of disbelief, and he immediately roared, "Impossible. If you really found me, you shouldn't tell Ying Zheng's tour to the east and the time he came to Songhai."

"This guy..."

Although Robber Zhi is not very clever, there are some people with extraordinary intelligence, such as Master Fan, his eyes are cloudy and his fists are clenched, and he seems to understand the conspiracy behind this.

"Jie Jie... It's rare, fortunately there are smart people here!"

Seeing the embarrassed Gai Nie, Wuchen laughed loudly: "Yes, I deliberately leaked the news of Ying Zheng's coming to Songhai. The purpose is to attract you rebels and catch you all in one go."

"Hmph, then your plan will be shattered. You should know that Ying Zheng is dead." Roof Zhi sneered, always feeling that Wuchen was shooting himself in the foot.

"Idiot, you haven't figured it out yet. The one who really killed Ying me! Could it be that you really think that God's condemnation killed Ying Zheng, a bunch of idiots!"


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Chapter 1978 History will prove everything [fourth more]

The words Wuchen said were like a huge rock that fell into the deep sea, setting off huge ripples, stunned everyone on the spot, their bodies seemed to be imprisoned, and it was difficult to move.

Among them, the most intense reflection was naturally the terrified Robber Zhi.

At first, he was still proud. After all, he intercepted Ying Zheng because of the intelligence he had spying.As for those who died because of the mission, I can only say sorry. Since it is a mission, it must be accompanied by a certain sacrifice.

All in all, to kill Ying Zheng, everything is worth the money.

"Impossible, impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible..."

Robber Zhi shook his head like a rattle, looking at the handsome face filled with sneering sneering dust, his heart was deeply shocked. He has always been proud of it. Who let him spy on the information.

But what makes Roof Zhi collapse now is that all this is a trap set by Wuchen, and the great credit has also become his greatest shame.


Wuchen pouted even more disdainfully, and said loudly humiliating: "Robber Zhi, you are an idiot, do you really think your feats are unparalleled in the world? It's so funny!"


Hearing Wuchen's harsh sarcasm, Thief Zhi's cheeks were flushed with anger, and his whole body was trembling.

"Brother Roof Zhi, you have to keep calm and don't be fooled!" Master Fan quickly reminded him, hoping that Robber Zhi would stabilize, but it didn't seem to work.

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