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Chapter 1995 The end of the bright moon in Qin Dynasty (two) [fourth more]


The villain Yun Zhongjun laughed proudly, especially when he saw Wuchen's distorted and painful cheek, which fell into Yun Zhongjun's eyes, it was particularly refreshing, it was the most beautiful scenery he had ever seen in his life.

"Finally avenged..."

Thinking of the tragic years of being bullied by Wuchen, Yun Zhongjun almost burst into tears, and sighed to himself: "After so long, I finally got it back, hahaha..."

Everyone is in a good mood when it comes to happy events, and so is Yun Zhongjun. Even because of the grievances he has suffered for so many years, he is several times higher than ordinary people and almost dances.

"Yun Zhongjun, you old bastard dare to betray me? What did you eat for me?!"

Seeing Yun Zhongjun's sneering expression, Wuchen felt strange in his heart. He didn't know what brand of poison Yunzhongjun gave him, and his stomach was tumultuous. What made Wuchen speechless, it seemed that he had eaten a bad stomach.

"This poison is not bad, it actually broke Lao Tzu's stomach!"

Wuchen noticed the strangeness of his body, and couldn't help but admire Yun Zhongjun a little. How could he say that he is also a serious ten-tailed, and his physique has already evolved into the realm of superhuman beings, and Yun Zhongjun's poison can still be used. Eating your own stomach is not easy!


Seeing the pain on Wuchen's face, Yun Zhongjun snorted proudly, "This is the poison secretly made by this old man. It is dozens of times stronger than ordinary poisons. You are the only one who deserves this honor."

"I still have something to do, I'm sorry!"

Without even looking at Wuchen, Yun Zhongjun left casually.

"Wait a minute, have you successfully refined my elixir? I'm not talking about one or two, but the number of five or six hundred I said before!"

Wuchen continued to deliberately pretend to be in pain, sweating coldly, his face darkened, and it seemed that his life was not long.

"It's so greedy. You still think about immortality when you look like this? Go dreaming!"

Yun Zhongjun snorted disdainfully and said loudly: "I have refined a thousand elixir of elixir, Wuchen, thanks to those [immortal blood] you got, the weight is very large, you can make the elixir of immortality. No chance to enjoy!"

Glancing at Wuchen gloomily, Yun Zhongjun roared: "I will go to connect with Zhang Liang and the others now, and then everyone will rebel together and overthrow the Qin state, and I will also become the new master of the Yin Yang family, Luna and Da. Si Ming, Shao Si Ming, and that Concubine Yan, you are all going to die! Jie Jie, you don't have to worry, you will not die for the time being, you will slowly die in three hours, and now you are tormented by the fear of death. !"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Leaving a wild smile, Yun Zhongjun disappeared from sight.

"This dog has finally gone and killed me. When he comes back, I will definitely cut him into pieces. Is this a fucking laxative or a poison?!"

Noticing that Yun Zhongjun's breath disappeared, Wuchen ran and scolded to the hut.

In fact, as Yun Zhongjun said just now, what he gave Wuchen was poison, but because Wuchen's body was too strong, the potency of the poison was greatly reduced, but it was harmful Wuchen ate it and broke his stomach.

"What a useless quack doctor!"

About ten minutes later, Wuchen, who had washed his hands, walked out of the thatched hut with a sullen face, while Luna and others were already waiting for Wuchen in the hall.

"How's the situation? Did that idiot Yun Zhongjun go to the farmer?" Wuchen glanced at the moon god and asked, "The old boy can't easily bypass it."

"I guess it should be."

Luna nodded, and immediately said worriedly: "What if Yun Zhongjun doesn't come back? I remember that he took the elixir that he refined."

"No, no, no..."

Wuchen shook his finger and sneered: "The old boy who eats inside and outside will definitely come back. He probably gave Liu Ji the elixir for use. The purpose is probably to curry favor with him."

Everyone wants to live forever.

"Is there anything important in Mirage? It seems that there is nothing worthy of Yun Zhongjun's nostalgia." Shao Siming frowned.

"Of course there is, and it's still a very important thing. The poison he refined, I deliberately left three hours of life, just to get that important tool."

Wuchen stretched his voice and said.

"It should be to torture you. After all, the sect master often reprimands Yun Zhongjun, and that guy probably already hates it." Concubine Yan guessed softly.

"This is also wrong, torturing me is just one of them..." Wuchen shook his head, disdain for that shit poison, it's rubbish!

"The elixir of immortality refined by Yun Zhongjun, all the medicinal materials are prepared by himself, but there is only one thing, only I have it here."

With a little smugness on Wuchen's face, he said calmly: "The so-called [Immortal Blood] I gave him is an introduction to refining the elixir of life. It is indispensable. If Yun Zhongjun wants to curry favor with Liu Ji, he will definitely not. Let go of this [Immortal Blood]."

In fact, the so-called "immortal blood" is completely pure blood, but no one knows it. Refining the elixir of life requires pure blood as a guide. Without this medicinal material, it is impossible to refine the elixir. Therefore, Wuchen concluded that Yun Zhongjun would go and return, and now he just notified Zhang Liang and the others to counterattack Song Hai.

The human heart is inherently greedy, but it has remained unchanged since ancient times.

"Also, did Fusu transfer people over?" Wuchen's eyes turned to Moon God with a questioning meaning in his eyes.

"The sect leader is Meng Tian? He has already come to Songhai City in secret, and there are tens of thousands of golden fire cavalrymen. After learning the news that the sect leader has died, the group of rebels must have no scruples. Zhang Liang and others are the first. The one attacking is probably Song Hai."


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1996 The end of the bright moon in Qin Dynasty (three) [fifth more]

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