All the contents of Luna's memory blurted out, and she already regarded Wuchen as the only boss in her heart.

"very good."

Hearing this, Wuchen nodded with satisfaction, then closed his eyes and said, "Go find Meng Tian. As for this, just leave it to me alone."

"Subordinates retire."

Everyone looked at each other, and everyone retreated.

No matter who comes or who comes, everyone knows an eternal truth. In this world, there is no one who can't beat the dust, and everyone who comes is courting death!


"Are you sure? Are you sure you poisoned the dust-free!?"

In the dark room where Zhang Liang and Yun Zhongjun secretly met, Zhang Liang heard that Wuchen, an eye-snocking obstacle, was finally dead, and even almost cried with joy. His expression was as excited as Yun Zhongjun before, and he almost burst into tears!

It sounds very exaggerated, but as long as you think about it a little bit, you can understand Zhang Liang.

Since the appearance of Wuchen, Zhang Liang's life has fallen into a dark period. At first, he was robbed by Wuchen as the third head of the Confucian family, and secondly, after the elder brother Fu Nian was killed, Wuchen was the mastermind behind the scenes, but put the blame on him. Zhang Liang, who even killed his own senior brother, was reviled by the whole world for this, and he ended up in a tragic end...

Therefore, Zhang Liang actually hated Wuchen in his heart, and his hatred was deeper than Yun Zhongjun.

"Of course it is certain that Wuchen is dead. If Wuchen hadn't been poisoned to death by me, would I still be alive to see you?" Yun Zhongjun said seriously.


Hearing this, Zhang Liang nodded noncommittally after a stunned moment, and agreed: "That's right. With Wuchen's personality, it will definitely cut you to pieces."

"Hahahaha, not bad!"

Yun Zhongjun was overjoyed in his heart, and immediately handed a few elixir to Zhang Liang, and said very generously: "Take it, this is the elixir that I made!"

"What? Elixir?!"

Hearing this, Zhang Liang's eyes twitched fiercely, and a rare look of greed appeared on his face, "Is it really an elixir?!"


Seeing Zhang Liang questioning himself, Yun Zhongjun quickly changed his face and scolded: "You doubt my ability? If you don't like it, bring it to me!"

The voice fell, Yun Zhongjun grabbed it with his big hand, love it or not!

"Cough, cough, it's my fault!"

Zhang Liang hurriedly changed his tune, and immediately put away the elixir of life in a hurry, and complimented: "Yunzhong Jun is a god, and this kind of legendary thing can be practiced. After a while, he should be the head of the Yin Yang family."

"Haha... I still have something to do, farewell!" Yun Zhongjun waved his hand generously, and then turned his head casually: "I still have something to do, I will go back to the mirage first and see you tomorrow."

The reason why he hurried to meet Zhang Liang was because Yun Zhongjun hoped to spread the news of Wuchen's death as quickly as possible. If so, the farmers' Shennongtang and Siyuetang would definitely take the opportunity to attack Songhai.

Most of the Qin army's main force was pinned down, so Yun Zhongjun's opportunity would come.


Raising his hand slightly, Yun Zhongjun hurried back to the mirage.

"Is it an elixir of life? It looks like a lot."

Quietly glanced at Yun Zhongjun's large jade bottle of elixir everywhere, and heard the sound of "huahuahuahua", a flame that had never existed in Zhang Liang's heart quietly burned.

"There are so many elixir of life, just give me one... You are too unkind, Yun Zhongjun... How can you say that everyone will be from the same camp in the future, so many good things should be given to me in half That's right."

For elixir, mortals have morbid pursuits. Since Zhang Liang is a mortal, he is no exception, or in other words, all living beings are like this.

Who wants to die if they can live longer?


Another direction at the moment.

"Damn dust-free, don't die."

Yun Zhongjun hurriedly ran back to the mirage, resting on the way... In fact, he was really guessed by Wuchen. Yunzhongjun left Wuchen for three hours to ask about the origin of "immortal blood".

When he first left the Mirage, the reason why he didn't mention the source of the "immortal blood", or even ignored it, Yun Zhongjun just hoped that Wuchen would understand the feeling of being tortured, so that the negotiation would come naturally.

"Cough, cough, how long has this apple been placed, the taste has changed!"

Just as he was about to enter the hall, Yun Zhongjun suddenly stopped and muttered, "Isn't this the sound of Wuchen? He has been poisoned, how can he still have time to eat apples?!"

Yun Zhongjun was puzzled and subconsciously accelerated his pace.


At the moment of the whole hall, Yun Zhongjun was stunned.

"This, this... what the hell is going on?!" Yun Zhongjun rarely swears, his sharp voice is as harsh as a eunuch.

Looking intently, Wuchen was lying on the main seat comfortably, with Erlang's legs crossed, and a big apple in one hand nibbled at him. He looked so happy and happy, and his squinting eyes were very enjoyable.


Wuchen also naturally discovered the existence of Yun Zhongjun, hurriedly threw away the apple in his hand, and hurriedly clutched his stomach and mourned, "Oh, it hurts me to death, what a powerful poison!"

"You bastard!"

Hearing this, Yun Zhongjun suddenly became furious and roared: "You have reached this point, do you still want to keep pretending? Wuchen, are you an idiot when you think of it as an old man!"

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