"I won't let this guy kill my comrade."

Naruto Uzumaki squeezed his fists tightly in Nine Tails' mouth, and didn't relax until he sweated a little, and his tone was also full of hysterical madness.

"Oops, it seems that Naruto and Kuo are not his opponents yet."

Kakashi, who was watching from a distance, suddenly calmed down in his heart. Before, it was still a five-to-five outcome. Now Wuchen's body has suddenly climbed [-] to [-] meters high, and the victorious Libra has faintly fallen to Wuchen's side.

An increase of [-] or [-] meters does not simply mean that it is just height, and the strength and attack of the body have increased a lot.

"At least I still have something to do."

Kakashi said in a dignified tone, after a rest just now, the side effects of his use of divine power have been minimized, his body has been intact, and the kaleidoscope can still be used.

Staring at the [-]-meter materialized chakra giant, the scattered eyes re-condensed, and the tenacious eyes did not waver.

"Kakashi leave it to me, as long as I use that, I can instantly kill that kid!"

The gaze of the command locked on Kakashi's eyes, and Matekai said: "Even if you continue to use the pupil technique, you may not be able to defeat Uchiha Wuchen."

"Enough, Kai, I still want to try anyway, this time I will use all my strength!"

Without waiting for Matekai to refute his words, Kakashi's pupils stared at Susanoo's huge body. Such a big body doesn't need to be precise, as it is easy to attack him.

The cobweb-like blood threads spread across the entire eyeball, and the space-time beside Wuchen Susanoo suddenly distorted.

The surrounding void, like a spring in the deep sea, began to twist violently, filled with irresistible gravitational force, it seemed to come to the depths of the universe, and if you were not careful, you would step into a place of doom.

"Is it the 'Kamiki' of Obito again...Damn Kakashi."

Susanohu's body suddenly stopped, his feet slammed onto the ground, and the ground suddenly danced.

The sullen eyes scrutinized the twisted space around him, the cold hairs on Wuchen's body suddenly rose, and if he was swallowed by the divine power, there was no room for turning back.


Ask for a reward, ask for an automatic request, and order all kinds of requests...at least five times a day!

Chapter 246 Susanoo Amaterasu [Second More]

The [-]-meter-high Susanoo can almost cover the sky and cover the earth, and the sword of light in his hand is slashing sharply, and it is nowhere to be found. As long as the cold light swaying so gently, the earth will shake and the mountains will shake, and the sun and the moon will not shine.

However, in the face of this strange spatial fluctuation, he was helpless and fell into passive defense.

Looking straight at the void in front of him, the space-time that came into view was completely twisted into a twist shape, and the irresistible gravitational force swept the whole body.

"It's not good to be swallowed by that...but Kakashi really tried his best."

Tightly staring at the violently twisting void in front of him, Wuchen was extremely cautious, gathered to meet the gods, and carefully looked at the different space of this "divine power", the other side seemed to be in the depths of the vast universe. Once swallowed, there is no turning back.

The writing wheel does not belong to Kakashi in the first place, and it is naturally much more laborious to use than Uchiha Obito, especially the chakra that is spent on such a large-scale release of "Shenwei" is naturally massive, and now Kakashi is obviously spelling it out. life.

Unprecedented swallowing came, and the entire sky was as fragile as paper, and shattered with a poke.


The sound of shattering bones suddenly sounded, and an unparalleled devour came from behind, and Susanohue's third arm was directly smashed into pieces by the gods.

The ferocious wounds are uneven as if bitten by a wild animal.

"It's a pity, Kakashi."

The dust-free smile in Susanoo smiled and looked at Kakashi with blood flowing from his pupils in the distance. He was as quiet as autumn water. This is the essential difference. Kakashi's pupil strength is limited, and it is not the Uchiha family. A person who is only in a single-eyed state, delusional Susanoo, who devours the ultimate body with divine power, is unrealistic.

Any technique uses his limit, and things beyond the limit cannot be shaken.

"Although an arm is broken, it's harmless, you still have no advantage." Gu Jing Wubo's voice resounded through the sky, standing indifferently.

The time and space around Susanoo was still distorted, but it was far from what it was before. He could only tear Susanoo's majestic body, but he couldn't attack directly like just now.

Obviously, the attack that tore off Susanoo's arm just now had consumed all his pupil power.

Kakashi is not Uchiha Obito. Compared with Obito, who can go three times with Yubiao Shenwei, he is too far behind. Obito not only has the bloodline of the Uchiha family, but most importantly, he is the cell of Qianshouzhuma. , greatly reducing the burden on the body and mind.

"The eyes that surpass the three-goose jade writing wheel eyes are really not something he can control."

Matekai's expression was heavy, his voice was hoarse, Kakashi's eye sockets were filled with bloodshot, the entire pupil turned blood red, and there were dark red blood stains at the corners of his eyes. It even kept falling like rain.

Enough to witness how big the burden is.

"Ow ooh..."

Seeing that Wuchen and Susanoo were still within the constraints of space, Nine-Tails immediately seized the golden opportunity, the big mouth full of fangs suddenly opened, and a huge tailed beast jade spewed out of the air.

The high-density chakra contained is even larger than the first tailed beast jade before.

"As expected of a fox, he really knows the right time."

Wuchen frowned. At this moment, he was still in the limit of "Shenwei". Almost all of Susanoo's majestic body was under the traction control of Shenwei, unable to move sensitively.

It looks like a giant target that cannot move.

"But do you think I'll have nothing to do with you... I can't look down on people like this. The mere eternal kaleidoscope is just one of my many abilities. It's ridiculous to think that the ultimate body Susanoo is my trump card."

Feng Qingyun looked at the tailed beast jade gathered by the nine tails, and Wuchen smiled indifferently, focusing on the huge giant tailed beast jade, as calm as stagnant water.

"It's stupid to release the Tailed Beast Jade with all his strength like this, it's full of flaws!"

The eyes were cold and focused on the condensed tailed beasts, and the dust-free face set off a cold smile. When the tailed beasts released the tailed beasts, they had to concentrate with all their strength. At this time, sneak attacking them was definitely the best opportunity.

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