The pupils twitched rapidly, and the dark irregular ghost fire swept across the dust-free sight, and at the same time, Susanoh's right arm suddenly burned with black flames.

The black flames were controlled, and the irregular state was quickly compressed and condensed, turning into a huge shuriken.

"Susanoh and Amaterasu!"

"Boom! Whoosh!"

Susanoo took a step forward, stirring up countless dust, raising his arms high, and using all his strength to throw out the shuriken formed by "Amaterasu", the strong force directly escaped the shackles of Kakashi's divine power, It roared straight towards the tailed beast jade that was ready to go.

The dark shuriken is unrivaled. It is the condensed fire of "Amaterasu" that devours all things. Anything that comes into contact with him is completely annihilated and vanishes with the wind. Now he uses "Amaterasu". Turning Amaterasu into a shuriken that cuts iron like mud, the power is obvious.


The giant tailed beast jade was forcibly torn like a strip of cloth, turned into two halves, and immediately burst open like a drop of water. Any material that comes in contact with it evaporates.

Even if the Nine Tails didn't react in time and avoided the scattered Amaterasu at the last minute, his own body might have been swallowed up by the black flames that seemed to come from hell.


Wuchen chuckled lightly, and the frowning brows were evacuated, revealing an elegant smile, which was extraordinarily refreshing. Even if it is only [-]% of the strength of the main body, it seems that it is more than enough to deal with these people.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this moment, the ground cracked open, the tyrannical air waves scattered like a hurricane, and the layers of the ground were tragically peeled off, blowing the ground bare.

Wuchen's pupils shrank suddenly, and a rare look of horror appeared in his eyes.

"It turned out to be... blue steam?!"


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, ask for automatic least five times a day! ! !

Chapter 247 Tenseigan [Third]

The earth shattered like scraps of paper, and the solid ground seemed to be attacked by meteorites from the universe, attacked by unprecedented gravity, not worth mentioning, and disintegrated into debris in an instant.

Due to the excessive consumption of Chakra and pupil power, Kakashi was also exhausted to release the limitation of divine power, the space beside Wuchen finally returned to tranquility, and the deep-sea vortex that enveloped the void finally came to nothing.

The boundless sky was finally as clear as ever, returning to its original serene appearance.

"Kai, you..."

The half-dead Kakashi tried his best to open his eyelids and looked at Kai, who was covered in blue steam with great difficulty. He really wanted to stand up and fight side by side with this friend who had been with him for many years. It is extremely difficult to speak.

This is the side effect of forcibly using the kaleidoscope, both physically and mentally, and it is not impossible to consume the vitality of human beings.

"Kakashi, you have done everything you can, and then leave it to me and Naruto."

With a warm and sunny smile, Matekai gave Kakashi his thumb up, his tone was full of confidence, and his eyes flashed bright colors.

Blue steam lingers on the surface of Matekai's clothes, and the materialized gas grinds the air into nothingness, and any substance that touches Matekai will be treated rudely.

In this scene, Wuchen, who was completely in Susanoo, looked low, and a haze appeared between his brows. Looking at Matekai, he felt a faint threat.

"Is this a Bamen Dunjia... It's really not easy."

He lowered his head, his eyes fixed on Matekai, who was wrapped in blue steam. Wuchen was secretly guarding himself. The blue steam on Matekai also meant that this guy opened the seventh door—shock!

"Boom boom boom..."

A powerful hurricane spread from Matekai. The invisible air wave was more terrifying than the material attack. The traumatized ground began to collapse, blowing the air into smoke, forming a large vacuum, which was suffocating.

"Whether it's speed or strength, as well as all aspects of the body, there seems to be a leap forward."

Sensing the power fluctuations in Matekai's body, Wuchen nodded secretly. The power of the "Eight Gate Dunjia" is beyond common sense and cannot be estimated by ordinary physical skills.

The scarlet eternal kaleidoscope stared at Metkay, suddenly remembering the guy's record.

Looking back on the past life, Wuchen still vaguely remembers that Matekai only used "Shocking the Door" three times, but each time it was unforgettable, and the big move "Day Tiger" was even more terrifying. The second time, he instantly killed the dried persimmon ghost shark, and the second time, he instantly killed the mature body of Uchiha Madara, Susanoo, to help the eight tails to clear the siege. The third time he used it, he was unfortunately cracked by the Liudao staff used by Liudaoban.

It's not hard to see how terrifying and powerful Matt Kay is after opening the "Shocking Door".

Suddenly, Matt Kay, who was exposed under the eyes of the dustless and eternal kaleidoscope, suddenly disappeared, and his body disappeared between heaven and earth like a shadow.

"So fast!"

The pupils suddenly dilated, and Wuchen's huge perception suddenly spread out, taking all the wind and grass within a few kilometers into the eyes, and not letting go of any subtle things.

"Damn, where did this guy die?"

Wuchen, who was highly concentrated, scolded inwardly, his dark pupils were as sharp as falcons, and his sharp eyes swept away to the silent and uninhabited void in the distance, bringing the surrounding forest into his eyes.

Matekai disappeared completely as if he had escaped into the void, and all traces of breath disappeared out of thin air.

"I underestimate this beast. It is indeed a beast that can penetrate six spots in the future."

Wuchen has a dark face, and uses the dynamic capture ability of the eternal kaleidoscope to the limit, but still has not found where the trace of Matekai is.

"Ow ooh..."

Seemingly seeing Wuchen's anxiety, Jiuwei took the opportunity to attack, opened his mouth, and the evil chakra wave spewed out again, and a high-speed rotating energy ball suddenly formed, intending to take advantage of the fire, watching the battle is to take advantage of Wuchen's uncertainty. Time to give the deadliest blow.

"Things that don't know whether to live or die, if you can defeat me, I have already died."

With a stern smile on his face, Wuchen thought to himself, the contempt he showed was obvious, and he looked at the nine tails of the tailed beast jade that had condensed again, his face was full of gloomy hostility, and his body was full of disdain. repressed.


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