The giant tailed beast jade roared, and pressed directly towards the dust-free Susanoo. The strong wind shot out of the sky roared lawlessly in the sky, and the manic air wave was oppressing the nerve endings of people.

"Pretend to be a ghost."

With a sneer, Wuchen stared at the tailed beast jade that was repaired without fear, and at the same time, the Great Sword of Light in Susanoh's hand held high, and cut it down lightly.

"call out!"

The harsh sound of breaking the sky sounded, and the earth was torn apart immediately. Immediately afterwards, a white slash shot out from the lightsaber. The white and dazzling light almost covered the entire sky, leaving narrow and long traces in the endless void.

The sky is so small and the earth is so unbearable.

"Boom boom boom..."

The whistling tailed beast jade was instantly shuttled by the golden white light, and the strong force directly tore it in half with ease.

"It's not right... The tailed beast jade is not so easy to destroy..."

Frowning, there is doubt in Wuchen's eyes, the tailed beast jade is not so easy to destroy, especially the tailed beast jade of the strongest overlord among the tailed beasts, the nine-tailed beast jade is extremely powerful, and can use its own tailed beast jade power The undefeated Tailed Beast Jade against the five Tailed Beasts explains everything.

Now it is easily torn like a bubble.

"Could it be—"

The corners of his eyes twitched fiercely, and he suddenly felt an unprecedented wave of power coming from behind him. He turned his head, and what caught his eye was the whistling Matekai.

There is also an oversized white tiger biting towards Wuchen!

Suddenly, the strong fluctuation of chakra also came from the front. Looking around, I don't know when, the nine tails have gathered a larger tailed beast jade, and the big mouth is madly spitting evil chakra towards the sky, even because of The reason why the tailed beast jade is so powerful in space is that even the sky is dimmed.

This is the power of the nine tails, dyeing everything in their own colors!

"I see, was it calculated, it was a miscalculation... Is it using the tailed beast jade to attract my attention and then pinching me? It's a ridiculous and vulgar strategy. Humans and animals can be so close to each other, it's really hard. Believe."

Wuchen sighed silently, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and Susanoo, who was [-] meters tall, also put it away. Facing such a brutal attack, his expression was calm and calm, and he didn't even make a defense.

Such a short distance is unavoidable, and Susanoo is not good at moving, and he is only passively beaten, and Wuchen does not think that his Susanoo can resist the joint attack of both sides at the same time.

Kai, who opened the seven doors, is not a common thing, his combat power has soared dozens of times, and there is a giant-tailed beast jade with nine tails on the other side.

"I didn't expect to use this to clean up the two of you. It's ironic. The content of chakra is not much. If you use this now, I'm afraid it will be consumed faster."

Looking up at the dark sky rendered by Bie Jiuwei Chakra, Wuchen shook his head helplessly. After all, this is the body after the "Elephant Turning Technique", and its strength is only [-]% of the original body. The same is true for Chakra. Just now a series of The fight also consumes a lot of Chakra.

"It's time for these clowns to see my true pupil power..."

A cold smile swept the corner of his mouth, Wuchen's right eye began to twist sharply, and the blood-colored pupil quickly converged and disappeared. What was surprising was that it did not turn into a normal human black eyeball, but a blue eye.

The irregular eyes are like snowflakes, and the blue eyes are crystal clear. Compared with the evil eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, the unknown eyes in front of him are undoubtedly much more normal, and the feeling is extraordinarily serene.

"What are those eyes..."

Matekai looked at Wuchen's right eye coldly. Although it looked bland, it was definitely not difficult to guess that it was definitely some kind of powerful eye.

Just because this mysterious unknown eye is stronger than the eternal kaleidoscope, Wuchen will use him!

"Let you all understand the horror of Tensei Eyes!"

The right eye stirred with endless killing intent, and Wuchen began to quickly form seals. The way of connecting seals was extremely strange, little known, and obviously some ancient or unknown technique.

The thin and thin body suddenly swept up green chakra, covering the dust-free body, wrapping him tightly like a protective shield.

There are several green rosary beads floating behind Wuchen, which is extraordinarily mysterious. The size is exactly the same as that of the Taoist jade. The only difference is that the Taoist jade is black, and these rosary beads are green.

Faced with such embarrassment, Wuchen resolutely burst out with all his strength and entered the chakra mode of Tenseigan, all covered in a green chakra coat.

At this moment, Wuchen is extraordinarily demonic, with two different temperaments permeating his body. His left eye is a deep blood red and dark eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, which is extremely evil and terrifying, while his right eye is a blue Tenseigan, which is ordinary and simple. There is no difference, it feels nondescript.

"Blooming, I'm burning clearly, Day Tiger!!!"

"Damn human, this old man will smash you into tens of thousands of pieces, not even the scum of the destruction of people and bones!"

As the roars of Matekai and Nine-Tails fell, the giant white tiger and the giant tailed beast Jade suddenly roared towards Wuchen.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to freeze, and time stopped there.

"It's useless, this attack can't cause substantial damage to me."

The dust-free in Tensei's Chakra mode shook his head, and several green rosary beads behind him suddenly gathered together, and the incomparably sturdy green beads suddenly became liquid, with the dust-free as the center, forming a perfect defense of [-] degrees.


Ask for a reward and ask for least five times a day! ! !

Chapter 248 Seeking Daoyu [fourth more]

Kakashi opened his eyes wide and looked hard at the white giant tiger and the sphere formed by the super-large evil chakra. Looking at the defense layer that wrapped the dust-free defense, the rock in his heart was finally. loose.

"Such a simple defense can't resist the simultaneous attack of Nine-Tails and Kai, it seems that this is the end."

A calm smile appeared on his face, and the heart that he had been holding tightly relaxed, Kakashi's face flashed a touch of relief, the pressure of the dust-free on him is too great, if you can take this opportunity to erase him, not only The honor of the country of fire, but the whole world should be worthy of laughter!

It's human nature for Kakashi to think like this. This kind of god-like enemy will be feared by everyone, so it's better to drop the dead ball in harmony as soon as possible!

However, he was destined to be disappointed in the next scene.

The black and inconspicuous barrier looks extraordinary, but in fact it has something else brilliant. The thin layer is like thin paper, not to mention the ferocious attack of the tailed beast jade, even if a child touches it lightly. It will smash and shatter, not worth mentioning.

The reality is quite the opposite!

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