Shendai Li Shi flew upside down twenty or thirty meters, his body smashed against the heavy wall, a deep cracked pit was clearly visible, which was enough to testify the strength of Wuchen's foot.

"This ruthless man."

Shendai Li Shi fell to the ground in an embarrassed manner, there was still visible blood on the corners of his mouth, and his internal organs were still shaking. She was even certain that if this kick hit an S-rank ghoul, the other party might have already died. .

"You have no right to resist."

A dazzling light suddenly flashed in front of him, Shendai Li Shitian glanced at him, his stern eyes were emotionless, and he was looking down at himself with the look of someone looking down.

"Go with me obediently, don't force me to do it again." Wuchen said indifferently.


Shendai Li Shi glared angrily, but the corners of his wriggling mouth finally stopped. He first became the guinea pig of Jiana Mingbo, and now he was stared at by the moody wolf. Why is his fate so miserable.

"Also, put your clothes on for me. I don't want to be suspected of having a special hobby."

Seeing the exposed skin on Shendai Lishi's chest, Wuchen threw his jacket to her. Due to the kick just now, Shendai Lishi's clothes were kicked with a crack.

"A special hobby?!"

Shendai Li Shi's lips twitched and wrote it down. Isn't Wuchen's remarks that he has a problem on the surface, especially Wuchen, who simply threw his clothes on his face is really a shame.

"But the taste of this guy is really good... No wonder it makes me appetite, I can't help wanting to eat dust-free." Shendai Li Shi instinctively sniffed the smell of dust-free clothes, and his face showed a touch of intoxication. .

The faint fragrance is very elegant and very indifferent, especially the ghoul's nose is different from ordinary people. This kind of non-existent smell is enough for the ghoul.

"It's not good if the taste is too strong."

Looking at Wuchen greedily, Shendai Li Shi murmured to herself, full of endless desire and expectation, she used to covet the taste of Wuchen and secretly followed Wuchen, but sadly, in the end, it was the one who was crushed. The goddess Li Shi, she herself was also calculated by the old Duo Erfu and Jiana Mingbo.

"Too strong?!"

Wuchen was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look, and saw Shendai Li Shi holding his clothes, his pretty face was full of infatuation, and a rare cold color appeared.

"Idiot, the kind of smell you said is too strong is called body odor!"


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 2043 Only after a thousand years! 【Third Update】

Wuchen was speechless for a while, Nima knew that ghouls like human flesh, but it was so crazy that it made people laugh and cry, and they didn't seem to be afraid of death.

"Miss Kamidai, don't waste my patience."

Impatiently glanced at Dai Li Shi, Wu Chen looked unhappy, seeing her fiery eyes looking at him, unspeakable boredom and disgust, secretly swore in his heart, "Take you as a guinea pig, it's really good subjects of the experiment.”

After all, it is well known that the special nature of Goddai Lishi, Jieduo Erfu and Jin Muyan have her organs transplanted, so the two are different from each other. Needless to say, Jieduo Erfu is strong enough to easily crush the SSS-level 喰. Although it is said that today's Jinmuyan is relatively waste, but in the future, it will also be an out-and-out SSS-level ghoul, and it will also become the new one-eyed king.

"Better take your eyes off me, I can kill you anytime, like this."

Picking up the stone and crushing it into powder, Wuchen warned in a cold voice: "With your level, if you have to add a time limit to defeat me, it must be a thousand years later!"

At the current level of the gods, it is possible to defeat Wuchen after cultivating for a thousand years. Of course, the main reason is whether she can live for such a long time.

"This bastard..."

Seeing Wuchen's cold eyes, Shendai Li Shi was frustrated for a while, and scolded: "This man is so hard-hearted, could it be that he is made of iron? He doesn't know how to pity Xiangxiyu at all."


In a trance, it seemed that he had penetrated the thoughts of Shendai Lishi, and Wuchen immediately sneered: "Just because you are a vulgar fan of rouge, I have to consider it if you post it to me, don't think too much of yourself, just a mere ghoul."

Keeping a ghoul who likes to eat human flesh by his side, only an idiot would do this, so Shendai Lishi is still suitable for Gana Mingbo to be a guinea pig.

"You bastard..."

Hearing this, Shendai Li Shi's pretty face turned blue and white, murderous intent burst forth, and her beautiful eyes as delicate as gems were burning with anger, "Are you looking down on me?!"

"Humph! I just look down on you, so what? Haven't you figured out your identity yet? Do you need me to remind you?"

Wuchen snorted coldly, and immediately raised her little foot again, "I want me to respect you, right? That's fine, but it depends on how many feet you endure. Let me tell you, if it's not for you, it's a test. For the sake of quality, you were already dead with one kick just now."

This is not to brag about Wuchen at will. If she had the intention to obliterate the gods, she would definitely become a puddle of meat.


It didn't take long for Wuchen's voice to fall, and his right foot was covered with a huge light, surrounded by the edge of destruction.

"This bastard..."

Shendai Li Shi's cheeks collapsed, and his confidence was suddenly insufficient. There was no way. The strength gap between them really made Shendai Li Shi feel powerless in some aspects.

Even if she wanted to compete against Wuchen, she didn't have that extra strength.


He glanced at Dai Li Shi with a blank expression, and then Wu Chen left casually.


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, most of the day passed slowly.

Although it was only a few hours, it was of great significance. The situation in Tokyo was rewritten, and the huge city became a paradise for ghouls and a hell for human beings.

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