The streets and roads are full of human corpses, and they look like they are eaten... Of course, the casualties of the ghouls are also huge. After all, some CCGs are quite capable.

All in all, the whole of Tokyo is now bloodshed and turned into a hell on earth. Even because the sun is too hot, the corpses thrown under the sun already have a peculiar smell, which is filled with stench, which is disgusting.

As for the CCG, the end was even more miserable. The entire CCG was almost completely defeated. Except for some lucky ghoul investigators, all those who encountered the dust-free group were almost completely destroyed and collapsed.

It is worth mentioning that CCG is also finished!

Because of the reason that Wuchen was obstructing it, the director of CCG and Xiujishi were the reason for the ghouls, which spread to the whole of Tokyo like a storm in an instant.

Let me ask, the directors are all ghouls, how credible is such a CCG?Therefore, CCG has also become the object of everyone's shouting and beating, and all of them have become the object of everyone's disgust.

All in all, today's Tokyo belongs to a state of no-ownership. It is not what the CCG said, and the ghouls do not rule over human beings, falling into an extremely strange state.

Most of the CCG members complained about this, and they hated the bastard and Xiujishi in their hearts. Of course, the members of the council were also the object of hostility.

Some people even suspected that the Hexiu family was secretly pretending to be a ghoul, which also led to the outbreak of the civil unrest in Tokyo. After all, the Hexiu family had a lot of connections in the political world and controlled a lot of armed forces.

For example, the V organization is one of them.

The Bronze Tree's sudden offensive crushed the balance that was maintained, and the members of the Xiujishi family became the target of everyone's shouting and were severely destroyed. Even some government personnel were extremely surprised to find out. , Although there are many human beings among the members of CCG, there are also ghouls!

This is not an injustice to CCG. For example, Arima Guijian is an out-and-out half-human bloodline ghoul, with half of human blood flowing in his body. The same is true for Jiutuo Erfu, but he and Kaneki Ken are in the same situation. It is a modified one-eyed.


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Chapter 2044 Clown Organization [fourth more]

This is how life is. When there is no mistake, everyone treats each other with courtesy, but when they are on the verge of life and death, their ugly nature is immediately exposed, and they begin to accuse CCG... For example, other members of CCG, although there are ghouls mixed in them. , but there are indeed some human beings who have made great achievements, but at this moment they are treated equally by angry humans as ghouls, and they have become street rats that everyone shouts and beats.

"They've all left Tokyo."

Above the desolate high-rise buildings, Wuchen looked at the desolate city below and shook his head. Since the outbreak of the "CCG members are all ghouls" crisis, the huge and prosperous Tokyo has become an empty city in an instant. After escaping, the slow-running humans wished they could put on a pair of wings.

"And what about you... stay here trying to kill me?"

Suddenly looking back, Wuchen stared at the strong figure behind him, and said with great interest, "Your name is Akatsuki, right? Did you come to seek revenge on me?"

Looking up, the young girl with blond hair and blue eyes was as tall and straight as a stone pillar, motionless, and her charming and stern cheeks were full of unquestionable determination.

"I didn't come to seek revenge on you..."

Akatsuki Shinto stared at Wuchen with deep eyes, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm here to find you to draw strength, and I have to pay the bloody debts of those bastards!"

"Those bastards?!"

Hearing this, Wuchen's brows slightly raised in the world, and then he glanced at Poro's Tokyo calmly, and couldn't help but muttered in his heart: "The so-called bastards, shouldn't they be bronze trees?"

It is precisely because of the bronze tree that it has become a hell on earth, a paradise for ghouls.

"To be honest, I want to take revenge on those despicable guys from CCG!"

Akatsuki Mato spoke astonishingly, his eyes flashing with hatred, and he said with disgust, "That group of abominable villains turned out to be ghouls, and my father and I have been loyal to them for so many years..."

"I see."

Wuchen was stunned and understood Akatsuki's mentality.

Mato Akira respects his father very much - Mako Wu Xu, Madoor Wu Xu is extremely hostile to ghouls and will kill him when he sees it, but it is ridiculous that the CCG that Madoor Wu Xu is loyal to turns out to be the biggest den of thieves , isn't that the greatest irony?

"But challenging them just because of your state is courting death..."

Staring at Zhento Wei with deep meaning, Wuchen encouraged him: "You don't want to kill CCG people in your life, to be honest, that Arima Guisong and Jiutuo Erfu are the strong ones above the SSS level. You, especially that old Duo Erfu is the most unreliable, what can you do with a high-level investigator?!"

The superior investigators are good, but trying to defeat the powerhouses that surpassed the SSS ghouls is a fool's errand.

"So I'm here to find you!"

Looking directly at Wuchen's eyes, Mato Wei analyzed wisely: "You should have noticed that I was stalking you long ago. The reason why you didn't kill me means that I am useful to you, right?"

"Zizuzui, what a sharp woman..."

Wuchen nodded noncommittally, then stared at Zhento Xiaoxie with a smile: "You have to understand, you are making a deal with a murderous demon, are you sure to do this?"

"I have no choice!"

Shaking his head, Mato had a resolute look on his face, and his firm tone had a feeling of giving up.

"In this case, it happens that I am short of experimental materials, so you can replace it, Akatsuki Mato, don't you want to wash away the shame for your father? How about being transformed into a one-eyed by me first?"


Inside the spooky laboratory.

"How's it going?" Staring at the haggard girl on the hospital bed, Wuchen asked indifferently, "Don't disappoint me, Jiana Mingbo."


Jiana Mingbo wanted to cry but had no tears. It was easier said than done to transform a human being into a one-eyed man. The odds were [-] in [-].

"I'll try my best." Garner Mingbo said embarrassingly.

"Do your best?" Hearing this, Wuchen's eyes pierced with icy cold light, and he kicked Jiana Mingbo away with a "bang", "I can tell you clearly, if you fail, you don't have to continue to live."

Leaving a grim warning, the dustless flew away.

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