Compared with the gentle and elegant Wuchen, the young man in front of him is the god of war who overcomes thorns and thorns.

The xiong bore exposed to the air has obvious abdominal muscles, neat and stylized, obviously obtained after a long period of hard training.

The young man's scarlet Sangouyu looked at Wuchen, hatred and complexity at the same time.

"Yo, Sasuke, it's embarrassing to be so cruel the first time we meet."

Staring at the young man who was several meters away, a gentle smile swept across his face without dust. The gentle smile gave people the feeling of a breeze. He didn't look like a villain. It was clearly organized with some murderous "Xiao" Compared.

Even Sasuke Uchiha was absent-minded for a moment, and the dust-free face was somewhat similar to Itachi.

"We're brothers, we shouldn't kill each other, just like itachi and I-"

"shut up!"

It seemed that he was remembering some terrible past, and Sasuke's face suddenly turned hideous, the grass pheasant sword in his hand was also trembling, and the scarlet three hook jade writing wheel eyes were clearer and deeper, glaring at the dust, and the endless killing intent broke through. Out, the whole body is dazzled ~ with a huge murderous intent.

"How many people has this kid killed over the years?"

Aware of Sasuke's rampant aura, Wuchen couldn't help frowning. This murderous aura was dimensionally different from his, but it also reflected that there were not a few people in Sasuke over the years, and most of them were still experts.

"Uchiha is clean!"

The eyes that are enough to make people's souls collapse are locked on Wuchen, and Sasuke's voice is particularly hoarse and harsh, like the sound of steel rubbing against each other.

"My stupid brother... Hate, escape, blame your cursed fate, the tragic child who is about to be crushed by the gear of fate, I will take your head with my own hands and open my kaleidoscope. …”


Ask for a reward, ask for a complete order, and order all kinds of least five times a day! ! !

Chapter 262 Beat me to death [Second]

Sasuke Uchiha's eyes lit up, and he looked at Wuchen greedily. In his eyes, Wuchen at the moment seemed to have become a fat beauty to be slaughtered, which was his own shortcut to open the kaleidoscope.

Holding the slender sword that shone with cold light, Sasuke's eyes turned blood red with the icy cold light reflected by the refraction of the sun, and his eyes were covered with cobweb-like bloodshots, and his cold and emotionless face was reflected on the sword.

Undoubtedly, he was really tempted to kill.

"Ah ah ah... It's rare to see such a wild kid. You are a duel with your life, boy."

Bai Jue looked at Sasuke who was open-mouthed in amazement, and his eyes flashed with sarcasm. He really didn't know whether this guy was too arrogant or too confident in his own strength. In his eyes, Sasuke's remarks were nothing more than arrogance. disgrace it.

If Wuchen was really so easy to kill, he would have been killed long ago during the Third World War, where would it be Sasuke's turn to only open the half-hearted thing about Sangouyu.

"Do you know that turning on the kaleidoscope is to kill your own relatives... It seems that Itachi has told you a lot of things."

Regarding Sasuke's wild remarks before, Wuchen just smiled and didn't take it to heart. After all, everyone has a young and frivolous time.

"But you said some nonsense..."

Feng Qingyun's pale expression solidified, the corners of Wuchen's mouth rose slightly, his eyes narrowed, and he shrugged, revealing a warm and bright smile, and one sentence directly caused Sasuke to vomit blood.

"However, these are of no use. If I refuse to accept you and kill me, I promise not to run away."

After saying that, Wuchen looked at Sasuke with a frivolous look, and the smile outlined at the corner of his mouth was full of provocation, indicating that Sasuke didn't need to stay behind and let the horse come over.

The mere three-gou jade's writing wheel eyes are not worth taking seriously. The gap between them is like the sky and the earth, they are not at the same level at all, and the dimension cannot be touched.

Hearing this, Sasuke stared at Wuchen with an even more unkind face, his murderous aura was scattered and the temperature dropped to freezing point, his body moved, and the chakras all over his body gathered on his toes, and the speed reached the limit of his body, and erupted.

In just the blink of an eye, he came to Wuchen's side, raised his knife and fell, and shuttled through Wuchen's body, but it was still directly invalidated by elementalization.

"It's useless, your fragile attack won't work on me at all."

The toes gathered a golden luster, and Wuchen jumped up and kicked away towards Sasuke Uchiha with all his strength, and the powerful force was enough to shred the mountain.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and he sensed a powerful force that was enough to shatter him from the kick. Sasuke resisted the grass pheasant sword without hesitation.


Even with Tachi's resistance, the ferocious power from the blade still kicked Sasuke flying.

"The speed is faster than before. The Uchiha family is indeed a powerful monster."

Hei Jue looked at Sasuke who was easily kicked away with interest. In the moment just now, Sasuke's own speed and strength of swinging the sword had improved. It could be seen that the previous angry reason had calmed down and turned into a beast who concentrated on fighting.

"Uchiha is a descendant of the Six Paths, and his potential is definitely incomparable, and he seems to have an advantage over Qianshou."

Recalling the outstanding figures of Uchiha's past dynasties, Bai Jue's surprised Dao, who are also descendants of Liu Dao, the Uchiha family's genes seem to be much stronger. This kind of character, now coupled with the three brothers such as Wuchen, such a luxurious lineup is a well-deserved number one wealthy family.

On the other hand, Qianshou is also full of talents, but only the first and second generation brothers, and the current fifth generation Hokage Qianshou Tsunade, are not a star.

"Really... Maybe that's why Uchiha is born evil."

Glancing at Hei Jue, Wuchen said softly, Hei Jue and Bai Jue were both created by Madara (Hei Jue was actually Kaguya Ji's will), and he naturally knew that the Uchiha family was descended from the Six Path Immortals.

"This kid's progress is really fast, how come all the good things are in the hands of these two brothers."

Looking at Sasuke quite appetizingly, Wuchen couldn't help laughing at himself. If it wasn't for the system, maybe he would have been wiped on his neck by Itachi simply saying "stupid brother".

"This guy is so terrifying..."

Wiping off the blood stains on the corner of his mouth, the sword supported the ground, Sasuke stood up and stared at Wuchen on alert, thinking to himself, if you don't use the killer, this simple attack can't hurt Wuchen at all.

"You must die!"

Gritting his teeth, he stared at Wuchen, and Sasuke's murderous aura was more pure and awe-inspiring. The crazy training that was almost self-mutilation was not just for today, but the strength of the enemy made him feel powerless.

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