"It was Itachi who killed the two of them, and it has nothing to do with me, Sasuke, why are you holding on to me like this." Wuchen's face was helpless, this kid's thoughts are too rich.

After a long time, he looked at Sasuke with calm eyes, and suddenly said: "It seems that you are lacking something, Sasuke."


Wen Yan Bai Jue was stunned for a moment, his pupils dilated, he looked at Wuchen in confusion, and said incredulously: "Is it possible that Lord Wuchen wants to teach this kid ninjutsu, this is a financial enemy!"

"Of course it's to teach him how to be a man. This kid doesn't take my big brother in his eyes at all. How can I bypass him." Arrogant dead boy.

When the words fell, his expression suddenly became gloomy, his eyes were extraordinarily ferocious, his fingertips were dazzling with a dazzling golden luster, and the tiny light shone through everything, obviously he was serious.

"The truth of being a human being... you don't seem qualified to speak to others!"

Hei Jue and Bai Jue all complained in their hearts, scolding Wuchen for being shameless, and their lives are flawed, and they dared to say that they would teach Sasuke Uchiha the truth and principles of being a human being!


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, ask for automatic requests...at least five times a day! ! !

Chapter 263 Lei Dun Qilin [Chapter Three]

Sasuke Uchiha was always in a state of nervous tension, his handsome and resolute face was full of prudence, especially the beam of light that the three-goose jade writing wheel eyes locked onto his fingertips, and the unremarkable beam seemed to be without threat. In fact, it can easily penetrate anywhere in his body.

"Idiot, thinking that if you stay alert, you can defend against the impact of light, it's ridiculous."

Seeing Sasuke's appearance as an enemy, Wuchen sneered again and again, and secretly said in his heart: "Is it useful... Today, I will let you, a country bumpkin who always follows Orochimaru, gain insight."

Orochimaru is very strong, but there are not a few people who are stronger than Orochimaru.


The thumb-like beam shot straight out, almost in the blink of an eye, and the dazzling light roared, close at hand, filling Sasuke's pupils.

"So fast!"

His eyes shrank suddenly, Sasuke chose to dodge sideways without hesitation, but when he pulled away, his left arm suddenly hurt, his face suddenly pale, the blood on his face was swallowed, and he was very weak.


There was a stinky blood splash in the air, and when I looked around, I saw that the golden straight luster ran through Sasuke's arm, leaving a scorched thumb-sized hole, and the wound was even steaming white steam that had not yet dissipated.

"With your current speed, you can't escape my attack." Looking at Sasuke lightly, Wuchen said calmly, the reaction of a person can't surpass light.

Wuchen looked leisurely and calm, full of [-]% confidence, Gujing Wubo's eyes never changed, he looked at Sasuke so calmly, mocking his fragility silently and invisible.

The appearance of Wuchen is obviously to say again, I will stand here still, if you have the ability, you can let the horse come over!

"You have to have a limit to get carried away. You are not even a beginner at this level."

Seeing the unwillingness on Sasuke's face, Wuchen sneered at him mercilessly, and said, "Take off my head and open the kaleidoscope writing wheel, you are still a hundred years old in the morning!"

"It's you who gets carried away!"

Resisting the severe stinging pain, Sasuke smiled wickedly towards Wuchen, suppressing the hatred deep in his heart, and in an instant, even the pain in his arm disappeared.

"The art of fire escape and arrogance!"

The long head formed by a series of firelights spit out from Sasuke's mouth, and bit it with fiery red fangs. The dense fiery canine fangs can easily tear the human body into pieces, with great power.

"You little brat, how is this ordinary ninjutsu useful to Wuchen?"

He locked Sasuke hopelessly, and a deep disappointment flashed in Hei Jue's eyes.With a sigh in his heart, he also counted on Sasuke's future pain-free meal, which seems to be a bit hanging now.

Not at all in the same dimension.

"A boy who likes power and pays attention to roughness... but this kind of ninjutsu is useless to me."

Wuchen has a natural expression, staring at the fire throat that he used for himself without fear. There is no need for him to resist this fragile ninjutsu, and there is no need to move.


At this moment, the situation changed suddenly, and the fire-colored throat that was about to attack took advantage of the situation, turned his head and rushed into the depths of the endless void, pouring into the clouds and disappearing, as if it evaporated out of thin air and disappeared completely.

"What the hell did this kid do? Could it be that technique... No, it's that technique"

Squinting suspiciously, looking at the darkened depths of the void, Wuchen pondered, feeling the changing weather in the depths of the void, and the uncertainty in his heart turned into affirmation.

"It wasn't me that he targeted in the first place."

The sharp rays of light in his eyes pointed to the sky, and Wuchen seemed to see through the void for a moment, and the violent thunder and lightning elements gathered in the depths of the clouds were all in his eyes.

"The climate in the country of Tian is very moist and it is easy to rain. Now this kid uses the fire escape to generate updrafts, and then the updrafts generate cumulonimbus clouds, and finally thunderclouds... This kid is not bad." Xiang Yuzhi Bo Sasuke cast an admiring look, and Wuchen praised without hesitation.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Another series of huge fireballs poured into the void, penetrated into the depths of the clouds and disappeared, as if being swallowed by the dark universe, into the sky.


After half a sound, the color of the gloomy and dark sky became deeper and richer, as if it was clothed with the cloak of hell, showing ominousness, dyeing the entire sky with its color.

Especially the silver light refracted from the depths of the clouds is enough to tear people's souls apart.Rolling with the sheen of lightning, it was a huge thundercloud.

"The scope of this technique is huge."

Looking at the large thunderclouds in the sky in astonishment, the coverage area is almost thousands of meters.

"It's time to go, if you continue, it will be affected." He stared at the large-scale thunderclouds in the sky, He Jue said cautiously, and couldn't help but admire Sasuke. I didn't expect this kid to have such a killer.

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