Chapter 266 Look at his appearance [first more]

The power of reincarnation of the dirty earth can be seen when you think about it. In the fourth ninja war, Orochimaru even used this technique to change the battle situation. In the end, if it hadn't been for Uchiha Itachi to use "Izanami" in time, the world might have been completely destroyed. subversion.

The immortal body, unlimited Chakra, is definitely a super nightmare existence!

"Nine tails... don't worry about that kid, absolutely."

After bowing his head and pondering for a while, there was a wise light in Wuchen's eyes, indicating that there is absolutely no need to care, Naruto is the kind of person who is extremely emotionally controlled, and Sasuke is his most important fetter. There is no doubt that the purpose is for this kid.

As for the red sand scorpion and Deidara mentioned earlier, Wuchen doesn't care.

"The situation of Deidara and Scorpion is not good. Not only the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn are besieging them, but also the shadows of the four major ninja villages. I am afraid the final result..."

Speaking of this, Hei Jue also fell silent, and couldn't help sweating because of Orochimaru's madness. If the outside world knew that the body of his village's shadow had been stolen, he would probably be furious. If he didn't kill Orochimaru, he might not give up. .

At that time, it is not impossible for the five major ninja villages to form an alliance to defeat Orochimaru!

"There is no need to care about the life and death of the chess pieces. It is the ability of the two of them to survive. As for the death, they can only blame the two of them for their lack of skill and blame others."

Glancing at Hei Jue at random, Wuchen Gujing replied without any waves, "Xiao" is such a crazy organization, the survival of the fittest survives, the path is chosen by themselves, and no one forces them.

After saying that, Wuchen's eyes became awe-inspiring, piercing like a knife, and he went straight through the heavy sand and dust, and Sasuke's embarrassed scene came into his eyes.

Due to the fact that this kid spent a lot of chakra in the process of making thunderclouds before, now he doesn't have much energy and dust-free fighting.

He didn't have that strength in the first place, and everything was because of the dust-free release of water.

"It's time to leave, the two tails are not here, it's just a trap."

Bai Jue cast aside the huge barrier in the distance, and shook his head involuntarily, fearing that Deidara and Scorpion would both end up miserably. At the same time, he looked at Wuchen, his face full of doubts, and said, "Lord Wuchen doesn't seem to have killed him. mean."

Not only Bai Jue, Hei Jue also looked at Wuchen in confusion. According to Wuchen's strength, if he really wanted to kill Sasuke, he would be able to kill him in seconds.

"Kill him, why kill him?"

He smiled mysteriously, and Wuchen asked without answering. He looked at Sasuke with an indescribable color, and a faint green light shone from his pupils, as if terrifying as a beast that devoured people.

"Then let you appreciate the most beautiful scene of colors in the world."

The majestic chakra scattered, the rolling sand and dust calmed down immediately, the outside environment was clearly seen, and the line of sight wanted to swept straight ahead, and I could clearly see Sasuke gasping for breath.

Bai Jue stared blankly at the scene that had turned into a flat ground, completely confused, except for Sasuke himself, there was only the surface that was destroyed and disfigured, all devastated, and there was nothing worthy of attention.

Hei Jue stared at Sasuke silently and did not move. After a while, his eyes flashed.

"Sasuke's face is the best view!"

Looking back from Sasuke's body, Hei Jue said hoarsely. At the same time, he knew more about the viciousness in Wuchen's heart. The man in front of him usually looks very gentle and friendly, but he is actually the most vicious one!

There are countless ways to kill a person, but if you choose the most painful method, many people will feel that torture to death and causing physical pain is miserable, but it is not.

Because there is a word called life is better than death!

"Sasuke's face?"

Bai Jue was stunned when he heard the words, and looked at Sasuke subconsciously, taking all his emotions into his eyes, and never letting go.

I saw Sasuke's complex face, and his pupils stared at Wuchen fiercely, and all the changes in his emotions were exposed in front of his eyes.

Those struggling eyes are undoubtedly hatred, and at the same time there are thousands of unwillingness and hatred, including self-blame and shame, and despair all around Sasuke's face.

"Yes, Lord Wuchen is really cruel."

Hei Jue said with a blank face: "Murdering is no more than a nod to the head, but the reason why Mr. Wuchen let him live is to let Sasuke taste the feelings in his heart now, and let Sasuke understand how fragile and powerless he is..."

"The enemy with a bloody feud is close at hand, but you can't do anything to avenge it, even the enemy's footsteps can't force him to move a step... Is there anything more ironic than this..."

He took a deep breath of cold air and black Jue Road, Wuchen is really vicious, this is to let Sasuke live in the shadow of his incompetence, unable to kill Wuchen, the haze in Sasuke's heart will not collapse, forcing him to live in In the hatred, the lingering and panting like a corpse.

"You can't demolish my platform like this, Hei Jue, I feel that I am a lot kinder. Doesn't he want to become stronger? I'm helping him and making him even more crazy in the future..."

He smiled past Hei Jue's previous words, and Wu Chen stared at Sasuke lightly, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth. At this moment, he felt particularly terrifying.

"I just wanted to see Sasuke's appearance, the way he wanted to kill me but couldn't..." Wuchen laughed softly, acting very casually, making Hei Jue and Bai Jue feel chills all over.

Wuchen's idea is indeed the same as what Hei Jue thought, that is, he wants Sasuke to live forever in the shadow nightmare of his own vengeance, and create a nightmare that can't break free without killing Wuchen... For Wuchen, he Really need to see Sasuke ending like this!I also think that such a tragic end is very suitable for him!


Ask for a reward, ask for flowers, and ask for least five times a day! ! !

Chapter 267 Breaking the back and standing [Second]

As the thunderclouds disappeared, the sky gradually became clearer, the scorching sun shone down from the nine heavens, and the whole earth was bathed in this gentle luster.

All things are recovering, showing signs of prosperity, but there are exceptions.

Sasuke glared at Wuchen viciously, his sharp eyes were as awe-inspiring as knives. For the sudden appearance of Wuchen, he was eager to slash thousands of pieces, but the strange thing was that there seemed to be gratitude in those murderous eyes.

"Is this kid's head turned into a nerve by the short circuit of Wuchen's popularity..."

Sasuke, whose expression suddenly changed in despair, became speechless. This change of emotions was too exaggerated. Just now, he wanted to gnash his teeth with the man who drank his blood and ate his flesh, but now he really has the meaning of gratitude in his eyes, the speed of his face change. It is unacceptable!

"Eighty percent."

Hei Jue stared at Sasuke, who was looking as usual in an instant, and sighed that Sasuke's face was changing too fast, it was not what a human being should look like.

He used to be an undead nemesis, but now he is full of gratitude!

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