"This kid..."

Wuchen also looked at Sasuke curiously. This kid's change in an instant was like coming back to life. Sasuke, who was dead and full of despair just now, is now full of blood.

Especially Sasuke's high-spirited look, full of vitality, gives people the feeling that there is no difference in being reborn from a cocoon.

"Isn't this the legendary second male protagonist's halo erupting... What a scumbag!"

The corners of his mouth twitched indistinctly, Wuchen said very speechlessly, secretly slandering in his heart, staring at the new Sasuke, at the same time a flash of light flashed in his mind, "I don't know if there will be anything when I'm about to die" The most powerful villain' halo made me full of blood..."

"Second male lead halo?"

Hearing this unfamiliar word for the first time in his life, Hei Jue looked at Wuchen with curiosity, and said with great interest, "Could it be that this is Sasuke's rebirth technique, I didn't expect that there is such a miraculous thing in the world. Ninjutsu..."

"This unheard-of technique is truly miraculous."

Bai Jue also nodded in agreement, although he did not know what kind of mysterious ninjutsu, but the technique that can bring Sasuke back to life must be very powerful.

Wuchen cast a tangled glance. This is a common term of the three-dimensional, and the natives of the two-dimensional naturally do not understand...

"Turn sadness into motivation... This is too unscientific."

Staring at Sasuke, Wuchen couldn't help laughing and crying, although his purpose was to make Sasuke stronger, and now Sasuke has become stronger as Wuchen thought, but the blackening has become stronger, just like Vortex Nagato and Nagato. Obito was like that, not now.

"Thanks to you, I can see myself more clearly..."

It seems that he could see Wuchen's confusion and entanglement. Sasuke had a smile on his mouth, but he was still as gloomy and indifferent as before. It was because of Wuchen's sudden disruption that Sasuke realized his fragility, so much so that he was wandering in the dark. Lose your goal in the dark space, stay in the dark space forever, and live on the end of the walk.

But there is a word called the extreme will be reversed, breaking the last to stand!

Perhaps it is precisely because of the continuous pressure of Wuchen and Itachi that Sasuke will have a complete mental breakdown. It is reasonable to say that after a mental breakdown, everyone should become a walking dead, such as Sasuke Uchiha, who can find another way to break the cocoon and be reborn. Also a miracle.

"This kid's willpower is really strong."

Shaking his head, the thousands of doubts in Wuchen's heart suddenly vanished, and he attributed this to Sasuke's perseverance. Although he was very unhappy with this sharp-edged boy, there was no doubt that his will was indeed very strong.

In other words, Sasuke can now correctly understand his past, which is a curse left by Itachi.

"But it's ridiculous to think that you can get rid of the bondage of fate and escape the curse of Uchiha's fate, Sasuke, it seems that you need to give you a deeper memory... You must leave a deeper, indelible mark in your heart. Only the branding can be removed!"

After saying that, the dust-free eyes spun sharply, revealing the scarlet eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, the surging and majestic evil pupil power is like a black hole in the galaxy, lingering around the irresistible phagocytosis.

"What a strong pupil power!"

Feeling that he was about to be swallowed by the dark power, the whole person seemed to be twisted and swallowed by the berserk pupil power. Sasuke was suddenly confused, and without the slightest hesitation, he picked up the grass pheasant sword and stabbed his calf.


The ruddy blood flowed down his calf, soaked the surface of the ground, penetrated into the ground, and dyed the soil purple-red. Only then did Sasuke, who looked dazed, regain his lucid color.

"It's resolute and ruthless."

Wuchen frowned, and following his line of sight, he could clearly see that Sasuke, who was in front of his eyes, was pale and sweating on his forehead, like a twilight old man who was pushed down.

"Sasuke is indeed a ruthless hero, indifferent to the enemy, and even more ruthless to himself."

Hei Jue and Bai Jue both nodded in agreement with Wuchen's statement. Looking around, they saw that Sasuke's calf had been pierced by the grass pheasant sword, and the person holding the sword was indeed himself.

It is precisely because of the unprecedented pain that he can get rid of the shackles of the dust-free writing wheel.

"But Uchiha Wuchen is really a monster. Just now, it was useless to use any technique. Did Sasuke hallucinate just by virtue of the evilness of the Shaker..."

Hei Jue thought to himself, his heart was extremely heavy. Over the years, while he and Bai Jue were performing their missions, they also secretly watched Wu Chen's strength. However, every time he only moved a little, he would cut down the enemy, and he never took it. Do your best.

"Just let you relive the old scenes of the past, and reminisce the sufferings of the past..."

A strange smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the eternal kaleidoscope of the five-pointed star was rapidly twisted, and it was countless times more powerful than the previous evil pupil.

Sasuke instinctively felt bad, and when he was about to close his eyes, it was too late.

"Monthly Reading!"

With the sound of Wuchen's magical voice, Sasuke's vision suddenly became empty, and his eyes became gray and dull. foaming at the mouth...

"Think you can get rid of the script I wrote for you and become the only transcendence to break the shackles of fate? I really don't know where you got this confidence. Who do you think is leading your life..."

Looking at Sasuke who had fainted, Wuchen raised his eyelids and cast a pitying look at Sasuke. One can imagine the tragedy of who was crushed by the gear of fate.

Without the slightest hesitation, he turned his head back, Wuchen was about to leave, and the disgusting hissing sound suddenly remembered, Wuchen turned his head quickly, and it was just an Amaterasu that was lost, without the slightest mercy.

"Ow... jerk, since this kid is your enemy, what's wrong with letting me swallow it!"

In the black flame pile, there was a miserable cry, and the eyes focused on the place where the scream sounded. What caught the eye was a huge white-phosphorus snake. There was a foul smell all over its body, and there was a little unknown liquid around it. ~The body, both in taste and appearance, is of that disgusting type.

Only Orochimaru can have this dress in the whole world.

"It's still disgusting as always. Whether it's his appearance, his movements, or the way he performed the knot, it's all so ugly that people can't watch it." Looking at the giant snake, Bai Jue had goose bumps all over his body. said coldly.

"You don't seem to be qualified to say that to others, Orochimaru is much kinder than you who eat corpses." He looked directly at Orochimaru's body white ~ Phosphorus Orochi, remembering that he often eats dead corpses Bai Jue, Hei can't help joking. .

Orochimaru wouldn't start with a useless corpse no matter what.

"But my methods are more harmonious than his, and at best it's a waste!" Like a cat whose tail was being stepped on, Bai Juehao roared angrily, blushing and quibbling, while secretly scolding Hei for not being Something demolished his desk.

Orochimaru's body, that is, the white-phosphorus snake, was devoured by the black ghost fire.

"Answer me, Wuchen, this kid is even your younger brother, but it's useless to you, this kind of character can be trained better than him if you want, why stop me! Don't tell me you There is still a ridiculous brotherly relationship inside!"

Orochimaru's hysterical and frantic screams made the scalp numb, and there was a foul smell blowing in the face, and the disgusting smell was dizzying.

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