"Yo, beauty!"

Unexpectedly, just after leaving the office of Dagrey Vas, Fianna saw her lifelong enemy and foe, smiling and waving to her.

Fianna looked at the person in front of her tightly, and the young figure reflected in her bright pupils was dust-free.

"You guy..."

Seeing Wuchen walking over with a smile, she couldn't tell how chic, Fianna just said coldly: "When others are the most sad, they come out to talk to each other. It is better to use this kind of boring method sparingly. It will only cause people to dislike it."

"Catch up? You want to be crooked..."

Wuchen shook his head and said righteously: "I know you hate me, but there is one thing I have to explain again, you are still my team's younger brother, and I am your boss, you have to listen to me. Just do it."


Fiana's eyes were locked on Wuchen, and she felt entangled. A good thing came out of this guy's mouth, as if the black boss was about to summon his younger brothers to fight.

"Just tell me if you have something to say." Fianna didn't bother to bicker, knowing that she was far from being a clean opponent, and she would be humiliating herself if she talked too much.

"There was a competition recently. Although I have no interest in participating, Alice and the others have to forcefully participate. It seems that the opponent is still Alice's sister. They also asked you to participate. After all, you are also a part of it."

In the end, Wuchen spread out his hands, his face full of helplessness.

"Isn't a few of you enough? For your team, everyone else is a burden. I guess you only need one person to win the [Elf Sword Dance Festival] championship."

Looking at Wuchen, Fianna asked bluntly.

"I'm not interested in participating in that kind of competition at all, fame and fortune are like floating clouds with me." Wuchen shook his head, his tone was calm and calm, and his tone was calm and serene, and said, "It's just to accompany them for a little trouble, anyway, idle is idle. ."

"I didn't expect you to be gentle, I always thought you were a cold-blooded animal." Fianna looked at Wuchen in surprise, with some inexplicable meaning in her eyes.

"Don't look at me like that."

Wuchen touched his nose and saw that Fianna's eyes were shining like a very bright mirror that had been wiped, and said quite speechlessly: "I am also a principled person, those who always pretend to be forceful in front of me, I Sometimes I really can't stand it anymore, so I can't help but beat them up. Who made them weak chickens? They don't have any consciousness at all. I hate people with big tails the most. If I want to offend you, please forgive me. Well, ugh... that's the old one too."

At the end, Wuchen also made a helpless expression.

"You're right..."

This time, Fianna did not object to Wuchen, but nodded in agreement. Kazuya Kami and Geo have no strength, and they had to pretend to be in front of Wuchen, but they were killed, which can only be regarded as deserved. , after all, pretending to die also depends on the target, and the only way to kick the iron plate is to die.

"Hey, if you can understand me, what about this time?" Wuchen blinked expectantly.

"The past is over, and people should look to the future." After a long silence, Fianna finally left such a sentence, and immediately left Wuchen behind.

"It seems that I agreed." Wuchen smiled when he heard the words, and the meaning of looking at the future means that the past things have passed, and there is no need to worry about it anymore.In other words, Fianna no longer wanted to ask about Kazuto Kamito's death.

"Sure enough, it's good to be the bad guy."

Wuchen showed an intriguing faint smile. Sometimes, it's not a good thing for people to be too bright, and there are many constraints in doing things, which is very inconvenient. On the contrary, the identity of the villain is very suitable.

In a dust-free dorm.

"She agreed?"

Alice and the others looked at Wuchen in surprise. They didn't expect Fianna to talk so well, and she really agreed to Wuchen. In fact, when they put forward this condition, they didn't hold out hope. They all know the relationship between Fengzao Kamito and Fengzao Kamito has always been Fiana's lover, but now that he was killed by Wuchen, he should be extremely hostile to him.

But so easily agreed, the girls were really surprised, incredible.

"As soon as I go out, is there anything I can't do?" Wuchen asked calmly: "It's normal for Fianna to agree, that Fengzao Shenren was beaten by me and became a mental patient, and there is no way to treat Fianna before. The tenderness of her, I used Fianna to threaten me many times before, and even wanted to kill her. Don't forget, if it wasn't for me, that chick would have been killed. To be honest, I think Fianna still has to thank me ."

"You are too shameless."

Claire and the others rolled their eyes. If they were so mad, only Wuchen could say it without blushing or panting.


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Chapter 2244 I just like to eat soft rice [Chapter Three]

It was Wuchen who killed Kazuya Kamito, causing Fianna to fall into the darkness of her life. After all, she was her dream lover and spiritual support. It would be fine if she was framed and killed by Wuchen. Now Wuchen is shameless. It is said that Fianna has to thank herself, I ask, is there anything more shameless than this? !

"It's just a fact."

Wuchen glanced at the girls lightly, and said calmly, "If it wasn't for me, Fianna would still pursue that stinky boy. Now that she is freed, shouldn't she thank me? Really..."


Claire and the others looked at each other, shook their heads, and didn't bother anymore. Anyway, they all knew how shameless Wuchen was, and reasoning with this guy was just self-inflicted humiliation.

"But then again, as long as she can participate, we must win this competition." Rinslet stroked her golden hair, her beautiful eyes full of fighting intent.

"Get the final victory?"

Alice also chanted, and she was very different from the confident she before. She was a little confused and decadent, after all, her opponent was her sister.

"You think it's impossible?"

Wuchen looked at Alice lightly, perhaps her sister, Vilseria, was equal to a magic wand-like existence that could not be surpassed, and was still deeply buried and rooted in her heart.

"Bang bang bang."

At the same time, the dull knock on the door suddenly sounded, and the movement was so great that it was like kicking the door with all one's strength, and the explosion made Wuchen frown.

"Could it be that girl from Fianna?"

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