Seeing this scene, Wuchen walked over slowly, and when he was about to open the door, with a "bang", the door of his house was kicked out of a hole.

"Tsk tsk, this is really arrogant."

Wuchen is still a hippie smile, but the cold light in his eyes flashes away, and if he is slapped in the face so naked, and he continues to be silent, where is his face?

Although Wuchen sometimes disdains to fight with little people, but those clowns who like to provoke themselves, especially those who are so big, must not let it go.

However, the few people who came into view made Wuchen's brows wrinkle greatly.

"Who are you... who are you?"

Seeing these unfamiliar faces in front of me, without exception, they are all unfamiliar women, and Wuchen is neither familiar nor acquainted at the same time.

"They are my sister's followers." Alice opened her mouth, a worry flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"That's interesting."

Wuchen narrowed his eyes lightly. Although the girls in front of him looked good, he ignored them and sighed, "I thought it was a distinguished guest coming, but it turned out to be... someone else's bastard!"

"What did you say?! Say it again!"

Wuchen's remarks were like detonating a super bomb, and several girls glared at each other. Since they followed Valselia, they are respected wherever they go. Now this bastard Wuchen actually calls them scumbags. No reason!

"Did I said wrong thing?"

Although there are several beautiful girls, Wuchen is not merciless at all, and sneered coldly: "Isn't it a dog leg? Don't say it once, even if it is ten thousand times, I would dare to provoke me, and I will be another day. Just get a loudspeaker and use it as a broadcast to advertise in this school every day!"


Hearing this, the girls were all annoyed, and there was clearly visible anger on everyone's cheeks. How could they have been slandered like this, who have always been regarded as the arrogant daughters of heaven?

"Pay for your stupidity!"

The girls started fighting as soon as they disagreed, reaching out and grabbing the weapon around their waists.

"Stop me all!"

It was precisely at this moment that Alice suddenly stood in front of Wuchen, which prevented the situation from running rampant.

"Hmph, do you guys just hide behind a little girl?"

Several followers of Valseria's eyes were spitting fire, if it wasn't for Alice, they might have been ready to beat up Wuchen, and beat this stinky brat with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I'm just such a coward, you bite me?" Wuchen laughed, but instead mocked: "I like to eat soft rice, I don't agree with you and ask Alice not to protect me."

"You unkind man!"

Several of Valseria's subordinates exploded with rage, how could there be such a shameless man?Even if you eat soft rice, you say such righteous words, and they are above board.

"Can't you be normal..."

Alice just turned her head and glanced at Wuchen helplessly, then looked directly at the girls, and said indifferently: "Sister sister asked you to come to me..."

"Alice go away, don't protect this guy, this kind of useless man is not worth it!" Vierseria's subordinate interrupted without waiting for Alice to finish speaking, scolding Wuchen as a waste.

"You will be wrong."

Looking at the girls calmly, Alice said plainly: "This guy is very strong, even my sister is not his opponent, and I am not between you to protect Wuchen."

"What is that?!" asked the followers of Versilia.

"It's to protect you from being hurt by this guy." Alice whispered, after all, she had seen the horror of dust-free, and maybe a few more lives would be lost.

"You look down on us?!"

However, several girls were angry, and looked at the hippie smiling faceless dusty, this guy was beautiful, his skin was like white snow, he looked very aura, a typical sissy with a little white face, where is there any strong person in the slightest Demeanor? !

"Let's go, take me to see my elder sister." Alice just shook her head, too lazy to talk nonsense with this group of people, she was too ignorant.

"Hmph, Lord Valselia didn't look for you, but this guy!" Everyone looked at Wuchen, and their eyes flashed with different meanings.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 2245 Vercelia [fourth more]

"Let's go, take me to see my elder sister." Alice just shook her head, too lazy to talk nonsense with this group of people, she was too ignorant.

"Hmph, Lord Valselia didn't look for you, but this guy!" Everyone looked at Wuchen, and their eyes flashed with different meanings.

"Find me?"

This time, not only the others were stunned, but even Wuchen was full of doubts. He only knew a small amount of information about this Valseria.

All in all, this woman is powerful and very proud, and she is defiant to everything, even her sister Alice.

Of course, this is normal. All strong people have their own arrogance. Young people have some personalities and small tempers. Although they are childish and ridiculous in Wuchen's eyes, this is very common.

"Are you afraid?"

Seeing Wuchen's brows solidified, as if she was afraid, Viersellia's followers immediately sneered: "The trash that eats soft rice is trash, you guys are really lucky to be able to get Weiersellia. Lord Ya's summoning, I really don't know where you got the blessing from this kid."


In this regard, Wuchen just smiled and passed away, Quan was a fart, did not listen, and said to himself: "What do you want to do when your boss summoned me? Could it be that he thinks I'm handsome and wants to have sex with me? One night stand, right? I can warn you, this uncle is not the kind of casual person, it is impossible for me to sleep without giving money."

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