
Time passed quickly, and this dinner was gradually coming to an end. Everyone had different complicated thoughts. Although everyone was still talking and laughing in the middle, they were actually separated from each other.

First of all, Roswaal hated the stumbling block of Wuchen, and so did Caiyue Subaru. The two were destined to be immortal. After all, when there was no sad reminder before "Death Reincarnation", he was slaughtered by Wuchen countless times, and even took the body. Feed the dog!This bloody feud, Subaru Caiyue has always been buried in his heart, so he always targets Wuchen, in every way.

The two are destined to be incompatible natural enemies.


After eating and drinking, Subaru Nayuki lay on the chair and rested comfortably. During this period, he chatted with Emilia, but the other party was cold and indifferent.

As for why, Subaru Nayuki knew in his heart, it was because he had falsely accused Wuchen before. After the truth was revealed, Emilia was a little alienated from herself, and Wuchen saved her. Emilia's impression of Wuchen Much has changed.

But even so, Subaru Nayuki is not the kind of person who gives up at will. Even if he loses a round right now, it is impossible for him to give up and admit defeat.

After all, Nayuki Subaru has always believed that he is a man with the aura of the protagonist, a visitor from another world, a mere dust-free, what a piece of shit!


Caiyue Subaru was burping comfortably, and was about to go back to the room to rest, but there was an angry rebuke from the opposite side: "You scumbag don't go and clean up the table for me, you want to sleep after eating, Are you a pig?"

"Why?!" Nayuki Subaru asked after a moment's surprise.

"Didn't you just say that you want to be the servant of this family? Isn't it your job to clean up your jobs?" Wuchen said gloatingly.

"I... call you ruthless!"

Hearing this, the corners of Subaru's mouth twitched wildly, and before he knew it, he seemed to have dug a big hole for himself.

"Hmph, I'll play you slowly in the future, don't think it's a good thing to be immortal." Wuchen left with a sneer, and the heavy killing intent on his face disappeared in a flash.

Before leaving, he did not forget to look at Roswaal coldly.


Time is like a white horse passing by, and in the blink of an eye, a few hours have passed, the sky is completely dark, the night is quiet, the stars in the sky are beautiful, but there is an indescribable silence.

"Ram, what do you think of those two people?"

In the quiet study room, Roswaal stared at the quiet night sky, which was completely opposite to the casual and natural clown when he was eating before. Roswaal's eyes were now deep, like bottomless stagnant water. Just by looking at this expression, he knew that it was a man. A cunning and cunning opponent.

"Both are dangerous."

Ram lowered his head and pondered for a while, and then said alertly: "That Wuchen is very powerful and unfathomable, and that Nayuki Subaru looks stupid, but actually wants to deliberately get close to Emilia-sama, these two guys are both very suspicious."

"Yes...you're right, but...I think that dust-free one is more dangerous." Roswaal's eyes narrowed slightly, shooting out a dangerous light.

"Then do you want to..." Ram didn't say more, the action of wiping his neck was self-evident.

"That's not necessary."

Roswaal shook his head lightly, still having a vague understanding of Wuchen's strength. After all, even the "gut hunter" Ersha who was hired before was crushed, and Ram's one-on-one fight against Wuchen must be the same. result.

"Then how to deal with the dust-free guy, such a dangerous guy will probably have an accident if he stays there." Ram asked with a frown, the killing intent also disappeared, and she has always given Roswaal's orders to her. Rejection, unconditional obedience.

"Just figure out a way to get him away, there's no need to tear your face, but you have to be careful in this matter, you should understand that Emilia-sama is a person who reciprocates, and Wuchen saved her, it must be I am very grateful, it will definitely not work to find an unwarranted reason to drive away the dust, and Lady Emilia is definitely not willing."

Roswaal's wise analysis said, in fact, his heart is quite a headache.For Wuchen, he really has nothing to do.

To Roswaal, Wuchen was like a hedgehog with thorns all over his body. If he approached rashly, not only would he fail to get any benefit, but his own thorns were dripping with flesh and blood, and the whole plan might fail because of this.

However, although it is said that Roswaal is unwilling to be an enemy of a broom star like Wuchen, some people don't think so. Just like in the original book, before the room without dust, an uninvited guest appeared at this moment, and he was holding Scary meteor hammer.

There is no doubt that the only person who can hold this weapon is Rem. The meteor hammer was dragged on the ground, and there was a penetrating sound of "Kakaka", which sounded extremely depressing and shocking.

If it was replaced by the idiot Subaru Nayuki, he might have already fallen to the ground.

Chapter 2300 Between a thought [fifth more]

Such a huge movement, let alone dust-free, even people who haven't slept for ten days will definitely be awakened. The "kakaka" sound from the meteor hammer rubbing against the surface is creepy, and it makes people feel deep in their souls. The fear of his heart seemed to be torn apart by the sound of a hammer.


Rem didn't hide it, but slammed open the door directly and openly, which was completely opposite to the gentle little girl who met in the daytime. At this moment, in the beautiful blue eyes, there was only coldness and indifference.

And Wuchen seems to have not seen it, lying comfortably in the quilt, and then the light is looking at a book.

"I worked so hard in the middle of the night, the guests are really attentive," Rem looked at Wuchen and completely ignored him, and a deep surprise flashed in Gujing Wubo's eyes.

"Are you here to kill me?" Wuchen heard the words and closed the book, but he didn't have the slightest fear at the juncture of life and death, but smiled instead.

"Yes." Rem nodded seriously, without the slightest excess.


Hearing this, Wuchen was speechless, rolled his eyes angrily, and said, "You are here to assassinate me? Like you? Not at all dedicated, young people today are really impetuous, doing anything casually."


The corner of Rem's mouth twitched slightly. Maybe he really doesn't have the talent to be a killer, but Wuchen is not good. Does this grinning look like a person who is about to be killed?At least you're afraid, don't be smirking.

"Am I suspicious?" After a long silence, Wuchen said in confusion, "What did your sisters ask, and what did I answer? Is this still suspicious? That stinky boy named Subaru Nayuki is even more suspicious than me."

"You don't have to worry about loneliness. After solving you, it will be him." Rem said with a very caring courage: "You will not feel lonely."


Opened his mouth*, Wuchen was quite depressed, the words that Rem said were often used on other people's heads in the past, but now Rem suddenly talks to himself like this, and he really hasn't reflected it for a while.

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