"I thought Subaru Nayuki was a tragedy, but I didn't expect that I would also get into it. It really is the impermanence of the world."

Wuchen sighed endlessly. At first, he thought that Subaru Nayuki was the unlucky one, but he didn't expect that he would be taken care of, so he shook his head, "Go, I can pretend that nothing happened, you don't have to. Worry about me telling others."

"I don't need to worry?" Rem was stunned when he heard Wuchen's answer, and then said coldly: "In the end, you still don't want to die, right?"

"Nonsense, if you can live, who would want to die? But I didn't let you go for this reason." Wuchen shook his head and raised a finger confidently.

"What do you mean?" Rem frowned, and then his pretty face was slightly angry, feeling that he was underestimated by Wuchen, and said coldly: "Do you think you can defeat Rem in ten minutes? Too arrogant, Wuchen! "

At the end, Rem couldn't help raising his voice, and sincerely felt that Wuchen looked down on himself, and defeated her in ten minutes?This is blatant and direct contempt and humiliation.

"No, no, no..."

Realizing that the girl was wrong, Wuchen shook his fingers, looked into Rem's eyes, and said lightly, "If I want to kill you, you will be killed on the spot in a single thought."

When he said this sentence, Wuchen's expression was as still as water, like what a trivial matter, his face was very quiet, but these words ignited Rem.

"Rem wants to see how you made my blood splatter on the spot!"

The seemingly weak arm waved gently, and the meteor hammer that had been on the ground was pulled over and slammed into Wuchen's head.

"You don't show mercy at all when you kill people. Am I that suspicious?" Wuchen shook his head and sighed. .

"Wuchen, you underestimate Rem too, if you can catch my attack with one hand, not yet..."


Before Rem's voice had completely fallen, the meteor hammer smashed to Wuchen, and there was no separation of flesh and blood as he imagined. I saw that the huge pop hammer was grasped by the dustless cloud lightly, as if holding a A hydrogen balloon, without the slightest weight, can even be thrown like a juggler to play...


And seeing this scene, Rem's whole body was in a bad state, Xiuquan clenched tightly, and finally understood that Wuchen would be so calm.

"Sit down, little girl."

Pointing to the chair next to him, Wuchen's face was a little indifferent.

When Rem heard the words, he originally planned to refuse, but Wuchen's words seemed to be filled with inexplicable power. Rem's head trembled, and he immediately sat down subconsciously.

"Let me guess your purpose."

Wuchen threw the meteor hammer aside and said to himself: "Do you think that my secret infiltration into this house is not good for the candidate for the throne, right?"

"Yes." Rem didn't say more, just nodded, and then suddenly stunned, surprised: "Do you know the identity of Emilia-sama?"

"Nonsense, I'm afraid even that Caiyue Subaru knows, why don't I know, you are too underestimated by me."

Nayuki Subaru, who has the ability to roll back, may have died many times and discovered Emilia's identity, how could Wuchen not know?After all, it is also a serious transmigrator!

Chapter 2301 Flickering Rem [First More]

However, it's okay not to say it. The moment these words fell, Rem's eyes changed when he saw himself. His eyes were gloomy and he looked at Wuchen without the slightest emotion. The mysterious power in his body suddenly erupted. Killing intent is locked in dust-free.

"Is this magic? Rem seems to be pretty good."

Wuchen muttered to himself, and couldn't help but look at Rem a few more times. The strength of this little girl must be weak in his eyes, but in this world, it is actually not bad, at least better than Nayue Subaru. The scum who needs a woman's protection is much stronger.

"You don't need to scare me, little girl, the enemies I have seen are countless times stronger than you, and I still have to pinch my tail and be a human being."

Wuchen looked at Rem lightly. At this moment, the girl's face was extremely scary. Bloodshots filled her pupils, and there were even glowing horns on her forehead.

"If you want to be detrimental to Emilia-sama, Rem will not let you go, even if they die together." The girl said tenaciously.

"It's crazy, don't say the word "to die together", let's not say you can't do it, if you die... your sister will be very sad, even if you don't think about it for others, at least Think about it from your sister's standpoint, how will she live when you die?"

Wuchen persuaded leisurely, and the light and indifferent tone was surprisingly effective, and Rem's cold killing aura disappeared miraculously.

But despite this, the girl was still as cold as ice, and she still looked at Wuchen coldly.

"I'm also drunk... and I don't owe you money, why are you staring at me so eagerly? In fact, I'm also very innocent, or do you want to take it for yourself because you like me?" Tucao for the grievance: "I saved Emilia, but you treat me as a prisoner, which is too ruthless."

"Hmph, that's because you were suspicious." Rem stared at Wuchen tightly, "Who knows if you are a spy sent by another king's camp? Lord Roswaal spent a lot of money to protect Lord Emilia. If your strength is destroyed by others, wouldn’t it be worth the loss? So you must eliminate these risk factors.”


Wuchen sneered again and again, maybe it's true that Rem and Ram spared no effort to protect Emilia, but that Roswaal, who violated the law and assassinated Emilia's "gut hunter" Erza, is actually Rhodes Val's hired.

Therefore, Roswaal is completely a scum who uses others at all costs to accomplish his goals, just like his appearance, a mere clown.


Hearing Wuchen berating himself so rudely, Ram suddenly became angry, and the magic in his body erupted again.

"Little girl, if I want to murder Emilia, do I need to do it? No need at all! I just need to watch it coldly, and that Emilia will be killed, right?" Wuchen asked lightly: "As long as she dies, Wang Xuan will have nothing to do, so killing her is the most direct way, but I didn't do that, but you still target me like this."

"This..." Hearing this, Rem was silent, and this was the most confusing place for her. If Wuchen wanted to murder Emilia, she would be rescued every time she had to, she just needed to be cool and on the sidelines.

"Haha..." Seeing that Ram was speechless, Wuchen smiled slowly, and continued to flicker: "No matter what, I am Emilia's benefactor, if you kill me like this, what do you think Amy will do? What will Leah think? I'm his savior."

"I think Emilia-sama will understand me." Rem looked at Wuchen firmly, but his tone was a little weak, and it sounded more like a support scene.

"From the perspective of Emilia, she will indeed understand your difficulties, but ah, she will also blame herself for the rest of her life." Wuchen said: "Emelia wants to thank me for saving my life. As a result, you killed me indiscriminately, she can forgive you, but she will blame herself and even hate herself for a lifetime!"

"This... seems to make some sense." Rem stared blankly and was speechless for a while, thinking about Emilia's character, she was really so gentle, it could also be said to be weak.

"Hey... girl, do you still want to fight with me? Don't say that I am countless times stronger than you, even if I have no power to tie the chicken, I can fool you and find it."

Seeing Rem's tangled appearance, Wuchen was secretly proud, and it was obvious that the girl had shaken her faith.

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