"Since you have discovered it, I won't hide it anymore. This is the legendary Pandora, and it is my real trump card and the real Pandora!"

Aoi Gengo said frantically, full of confidence in the so-called legendary Pandora, as if he could crush the world as long as he stepped out, full of the meaning of winning.

"Legendary Pandora?" The first time I heard about this special level of Pandora, Isuna's face was full of confusion, but looking at Aoi Gengo's proud expression, she knew that these legendary Pandoras were powerful and unusual, and they were used to deal with Wuchen.

"Doctor, is this used to deal with Wuchen?" Isuna asked.

"Of course, if it's not unavoidable, I don't want this kind of Pandora to deal with human beings, but ah, Wuchen, that damn guy has repeatedly challenged my bottom line, so I can only dispatch these Pandora in advance."

Qingjing Yuanwu said in a deep voice, these words are completely true, Pandora is still his trump card to rule the world and let the Qingjing family stand on the top of the world.

"Since these legendary Pandoras are the doctor's trump card, isn't it inappropriate to expose them so early? And it will inevitably cause panic all over the world, and the doctor may become the target of public criticism." Isuna looked at Aoi Gengo worriedly.

"I know this, but do I have a choice? My grandson has been abolished, will you let me live with my breath? Absolutely not, Wuchen must pay for it!"

Qingjing Yuanwu's tone was firm and decisive, and there was no room for negotiation. He was alive and was bullied repeatedly by Wuchen, and he had already lost his belly of flames.

"Moreover, with the legendary Pandora as a guarantee, I see who dares to compete with me."

Qingjing Yuanwu had a stern expression on his face. These words showed iron and blood and undisguised ferocity. Rabbits bit people when they were pressed, let alone Qingjing Yuanwu.

Chapter 39 Zedu Isuzu [First Update]

Now that Aoi Gengo has decided, Isuna knows that it is useless to stop herself, and she can come out from that stubborn tone. He is going to fight Wuchen to the end, and the two sides are already endless.

"But then again, Doctor, now that you have liberated the legendary Pandora you mentioned, you can immediately devote yourself to dealing with Wuchen?" Isuna asked curiously. Since these Pandoras have been sealed, there are still some problems.


Qingjing Yuanwu's tone was blocked, and he said unsuccessfully: "To tell you the truth, these legendary Pandoras do have flaws, that is, their personalities..."

To say it nicely is to be simple and not understand ethics and morality, but to say something unpleasant, it is a personality defect.

"That's right."

Ysuna nodded when she heard the words, and frowned immediately and asked, "Will there be some unpredictable consequences of rushing them into revenge against Wuchen?"


Qingjing Yuanwu was silent again. He could not predict this situation. If the legendary Pandora had an accident, then the consequences would be the destruction of mankind, and the cost would be huge. Therefore, he has only sealed the legendary Pandora for a long time, and he did not dare to use it easily. Weapons that destroy the ground often hurt others and hurt themselves.

"It's better than this, temporarily hire another killer to deal with Wuchen..." Seeing that Aoi Yuango was a little hesitant, Isuna suggested: "First wake up these legends Pandora and observe for a while, if there is no accident, invest in Wuchen. It's not too late for the war."

"Makes sense."

Aoi Gengo lit up, smiled at Isuna with satisfaction, and became more and more satisfied with this personal bodyguard.


In the evening, the moonlight was like a disk, and the hazy moonlight shone down. Xijie Academy was covered with a silver coat, and the scenery was very beautiful.


A black figure with strong skills rushed into the interior of Xijie Academy, with agile and crisp movements, without a trace of excess. When passing by some people, most people would think it was a trivial breeze and did not pay much attention.

But in fact, this is the killer hired by Qingjing Yuanwu. The purpose is to kill Wuchen... No, it is not accurate to say that it is Wuchen. The order that Qingjing Yuanwu gave her is very simple, kill everyone who is related to Wuchen, such as Satilesa L, Bridget et al.

"Ah ah ah... The strongest man in the world? I'm also very interested. Is it really as invincible and powerful as rumored?"

This mysterious killer's beautiful face outlines an elegant arc. Between his eyes, a seductive meaning is quietly released, and his hot body is like a ripe flower, fragrant. In addition, this mysterious killer seems to be born Born to deal with men, I'm afraid not many people can hold her after seeing her.

The killer hired by Aoi Gengo, called Zedo Isuzu, is extremely powerful.

And it is worth mentioning that this person and Isuna are students of the same period, and Zedu Isuzu has left her with a serious shadow in her heart. When Isuna heard about hiring Zedu Isuzu to assassinate Wuchen, she was fully opposed to it. Yes, but the arms can't bend the thighs, so it's best to agree.

As a student of the same period, Isuna understands the character of Zedu Isuzu, despite her flowery appearance, she is good at grasping the hearts of others, and her personality is extremely distorted.

However, Qingjing Yuango has been driven crazy now, and he doesn't care what kind of person he uses. As long as he can kill Wuchen, an unsightly bastard, he can dance with the devil... He was not like this before, although he was also very sinister and cold. , but after encountering the broom star Wuchen, he was forced to run wild.

"Oh, oh, it looks like it's here."

The elegant body fell on a branch, and looking at the buildings in the distance, Zedu Isuzu quickly found Wuchen's dormitory. Because she is a man of the school, almost everyone knows about Wuchen, so she quickly inquired. Here comes the dust-free news.


With a slight tap on the toes, Zedu Isuzu flew out like a dragonfly, but it was a rotten golden apple inside.

"Dong dong dong."

Wuchen, who was sleeping soundly, frowned, revealing a deep entanglement, and lifted the quilt speechlessly, "In the middle of the night, my fans came to harass me too!"

In desperation, Wuchen was extremely reluctant to put on her slippers to open the door, but the figure that caught her eye made her frown. There was no doubt that the visitor was wearing the school uniform of Xijie Academy, but Wuchen was a little unfamiliar. .

"Are you... a new student?" Wuchen asked proactively, looking at the slender and beautiful girl in front of her.


The girl smiled softly, her face like a hundred flowers blooming, inadvertently let people open their hearts, and bowed to Wuchen: "Mr. Wuchen, I am a newly transferred student, my name is Zedu Isuzu, and I will be your student tomorrow, so Came to say hello, sorry to disturb your rest."

"What's the matter?"

Wuchen nodded slightly, but there was a flash in his eyes, and his heart was a little cold.

Zedu Isuzu's name, as a traveler, he has naturally heard of it, is the vicious Pandora. When he was in school, he often hooked up with other Pandora's controllers, and his private life was extremely chaotic, but it is undeniable that this woman is indeed very strong. , even a genius like Elizabeth is no match.

"Interesting, I understand a little... You pretend to be my student, you are really naive as a killer."

After thinking about it, Wuchen was relieved, [-]% of the time someone hired her to assassinate him, and in this world, the only person he offended seemed to be Aoi Yuango.

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