"Teacher, won't you invite me in to sit?"

Zedu Isuzu said with a smile, the soft voice made everyone unable to refuse, this woman is a born fairy.

Chapter 40 I have a habit of cleanliness [first more]

"You can come in if you want, don't regret it, maybe you won't be able to get out again after you come in." Wuchen shrugged leisurely, Zedu Isuzu was not afraid, and he had nothing to care about.

In the dark room, Wuchen turned on the lights, and the furnishings were very simple and casual, almost the same as Zedu Isuzu imagined.

"Is something wrong, Zedu-san?"

Wuchen sat down and poured himself a cup of hot water, without any intention of entertaining her.

"Can't I talk to the teacher if I don't have anything to do?" Zedu Isuzu sat down and deliberately leaned on Wuchen's side. In the laughter, there was endless spring, and said softly: "Could it be that the teacher just doesn't wait like this? see me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zedu Isuzu picked up Wuchen's right hand and squeezed it lightly. It was soft, warm, and quite comfortable. He subconsciously placed it on his face, "Teacher's hand is really..."

"Feel sorry."

Wuchen pulled his hand back with brute force, and said coldly, "I am a person who is obsessed with cleanliness."


Zedu Isuzu twitched the corners of his eyes when he heard the words, and the cruel anger flashed away. Isn't this disgusting himself for being dirty?No reason!

"Please come back if you're okay, I have to rest, and I have class tomorrow, classmate Zedu." Putting down the teacup, Wuchen unceremoniously issued an expulsion order.

"Do I have no charm at all?" Seeing Wuchen's grim appearance, Zedu Isuzu was puzzled and began to doubt life, and finally said with a smile: "There is something wrong with rashly disturbing, then , that teacher is free on weekends?"


"What about next weekend?"


Zedu Isuzu's heart twitched wildly, Wuchen always doesn't give face, it's too bullying, looking at this face fiercely out of the corner of her eyes, she always feels that Wuchen is intentional, she really wants to kill Wuchen directly, but she has a heart Unwilling, Zedu Isuzu was extremely distorted in his heart, not only trying to conquer the other party physically, but also crushing the will of others mentally.

For example, she always likes to play with other people's controllers, conquering her body and mind, and finally getting tired of playing with them and hurting them.

The same is true of Wuchen now, especially the appearance that he doesn't care, but instead arouses the ambition of Zedu Isuzu. In this way, let Wuchen fall in love with himself, and then trample his dignity ruthlessly.


Taking a deep breath, Zedu Isuzu's surging killing intent subsided, and he continued to smile: "It's cold outside, it's still dark... I'm not in good health, it's better, it's better..."

Having said that, Zedu Isuzu stared at Wuchen, with tears rolling from the corners of his eyes, which obviously meant that he was going to sleep here tonight.

"It really is this woman."

Wuchen kept silent all the time. At first, he was a little afraid of recognizing the person, but when he found the coquettish appearance of this woman, he immediately concluded that it was the deity of Zedu Isuzu. This person has a quirk. If the enemy is a female Pandora, and there is a ruler , then you must first sleep with the opponent's controller, and only after you are satisfied can you trample the opponent.

"Want to sleep with Lao Tzu? There is no door, you are so beautiful, and you don't even look at what you are, a rotten orange." Wuchen sneered in his heart, and instantly understood the woman's intentions, and the goose bumps suddenly disappeared. In one place, this kind of strange taste, a woman with a twisted heart, has already been ridden by thousands of people, so dirty!

"Go back." Wuchen's tone was still very cold, refusing people thousands of miles away, and he repeated loudly again: "I said, I have a cleanliness addiction, especially the kind of woman who looks nauseous, such as you!"


These words were like a sharp knife, piercing into Zedu Isuzu's heart, shattering all her dignity.

"That was me for disturbing, sorry."

After finishing speaking, Zedu Isuzu resolutely turned and left, the tyranny in the pupils appeared, and the eyes were bloodshot, which was quite terrifying.

"Give me death!"

The moment she turned around, Zedu Isuzu suddenly turned her head. I don't know when it started, a sharp knife appeared in her hand and stabbed at Wuchen's head brutally. At this moment, Zedu Isuzu really revealed her true nature.


The sound of the body being chopped up suddenly sounded, and Wuchen was safe and sound. On the contrary, Zedu Isuzu looked down in disbelief with a pained face.

"When exactly... when did it start?"

I don't know when it started, a golden laser sword had pierced into her abdomen, piercing through Zedu Isuzu's entire body.

"Stop talking nonsense. Let's talk about something meaningful while you are still breathing."

Wuchen pulled out the Tiancong Yunjian with the condensed fruit, Zedu Isuzu fell to the ground with a bang, and couldn't help looking up at Wuchen, there was no pity or sympathy on that cold cheek, she deserved it all.

"You already knew I was a killer?" Zedu Isuzu looked at Wuchen unwillingly and clenched his fists.

"I did see it through, but ah, if you don't do it, I won't kill you, but unfortunately you kill yourself, who can you blame." Wuchen shook his head with a sigh, and said indifferently: "Regardless of Qingjing Yuanwu How much benefit it has given you, it is nothing compared to your life."

"Hehe... Don't think you won, that guy has other trump cards." Zedu Isuzu closed her eyes in despair and quietly waited for death. The blow just now had destroyed her heart.

"Other trump cards?"

The corner of Wuchen's mouth grinned in anticipation, "Is it the legendary Pandora? Tsk tsk... I'm really looking forward to it."

Chapter 41 Don't blame me for turning you into an idiot [Second]

Gradually, Zedu Isuzu's vision became more and more blurred, and her heartbeat became slower and slower, which could be ignored. She understood that this was a sign that the end was coming.

"Damn man."

With an unpleasant murmur, Zedu Isuzu gently closed his eyes, and his breathing stopped completely.


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