The dark fire devoured it, and in the blink of an eye, nothing left of a living person that was swallowed up. After everything was dealt with, Wuchen burrowed into the bed again and slept, with a very peaceful demeanor.

If someone else destroys a young girl, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. On the other hand, Wuchen is calm and unaffected at all.


In the early morning of the next day, Wuchen did not come to class as before, but came to a villa.

"Did they all run away?"

In the quiet villa, Wuchen used his knowledge and domineering to investigate, it was deserted and quiet like a dead house.

The gate at the gate of the courtyard still clearly reads the Aoi family.

"The old man's fighting ability is average, but his running ability is not bad." Wuchen left without the slightest nostalgia. Qingjing Yuanwu thought that if the assassination failed, he would come to find trouble, so he left early.

"But don't think it's over, at least you have to recover some interest." Wuchen suddenly stopped and turned back to throw the light of destruction at the villa, "Bachi Qionggouyu!"


In the quiet hospital, since Aoi Kazuya was abandoned by Wuchen, he has been resting on the bed to recover from his injuries. After a few days of recuperation, his body has recovered somewhat.


A black figure suddenly jumped in from the window, startling Kazuya Aoi, and when he saw clearly who was coming, he was instantly furious.

"Wuchen, you bastard... quickly disappear for me, I don't want to see you!" Aoi Kazuya's face was full of hatred, when he saw Wuchen, the broom star, he thought that he had become a eunuch, and the gods began to burn like fire again. Like a sting.

"Your grandfather sent someone to assassinate me." Wuchen said casually.

"is it?"

Aoi Kazuya responded lightly, and then closed his eyes again. Wuchen was still alive, indicating that the plan had failed.

"That old boy ran away and left you here alone..." After speaking here, Wuchen's tone paused slightly, and said in a meaningful way: "You should understand the truth of the father's debt to the son."

"What do you want?" When Wuchen said this, Qingjing and Zai shuddered all over, and their closed eyes opened instantly. Damn.

"It's simple, that's it."

Wuchen smiled evilly, reached out and grabbed Aoi Kazuya's head, "Don't worry, I'm just searching your memory to see if there is any trace of your grandfather, so I won't kill you."

"------" Hearing Wuchen saying that he would not kill himself, Aoi Kazuya breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't die, everything would be fine.


Immediately afterwards, Wuchen's words suddenly changed, and he said apologetically: "I am also old and my strength is regressing. If I don't control my strength and turn you into an idiot, don't hate me, you Don't worry, if you become an idiot, I will send you to a mental hospital to recover, and I will pay for it."

Aoi Kazuya's face changed greatly, and he roared: "You..."

Before the words were finished, Wuchen's left eye turned into a reincarnation writing wheel, and the majestic pupil power invaded Kazuya Aoi's mind.


After searching for a while, Wuchen couldn't find any trace of Aoi Yuango, so he retracted his right hand in disappointment.


Kazuya Aoi fell on the quilt, eyes empty and dull, and the most basic human thinking ability was also lost.

"Farewell, this is the last time we meet."

After the words fell, Wuchen left, and soon, Aoi Kazuya would be sent to a neurological hospital.


It was three days in the blink of an eye, and it was very tormenting for Aoi Yuanwu. After moving out of the original villa, Aoi Yuanwu lived a desperate life and temporarily lived in a dark and dirty basement.


He smashed the table angrily, leaving a fist mark, and he naturally knew the news that Aoi and Zai were imprisoned in a mental hospital.

"Wuchen, you and I are at odds!" Qingjing Yuanwu roared, I didn't expect Wuchen to be so sinister, turning Qingjing and Zai into an idiot, it would be better to kill him.

"Doctor..." Isuna handed Aoi Yuango a cup of hot water and comforted: "Since it has already happened, you should be mentally prepared. If you are out of breath, you will wake up with a smile when you sleep without dust."

"Hmph, it won't be long before he will cry!" Qingjing Yuanwu said sternly, his eyes blazing with a dim light that devoured people, like a monster.


The indifferent, like a mechanical voice suddenly sounded, followed by the sound of footsteps "Tada Tata", Isuna couldn't help but startled, this mysterious voice called Aoi Gengo her father?

"You're here, Lucy..."

Aoi Gengo turned his head and showed a charitable smile. The speed of this face change was the speed of light.

This mysterious woman called Lucy is one of the legendary Pandoras. Among the four legendary Pandoras, Lucy is the easiest to control. It is completely different from other legendary Pandora sisters. Full of human wisdom.

"I have a task for you."

Immediately afterwards, Aoi Gengo's face became gloomy again, and he took out a photo. It was Wuchen or someone else. In addition, there were several photos of Satiresa L. Bridget and others.

"This hateful man is called Wuchen, go and catch him and his friends to see me!"


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


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