Chapter 42 Powerful Strength [First Update]

Staring at the man in the photo, Lucy's eyes were empty, and after a while, she nodded mechanically, her beautiful eyes remembering Wuchen and others deeply in her mind.

"This guy sent Kazuya to a mental hospital. It's a shame for our family. It must be washed with clean blood!" Qingjing Yuanwu's face was hideous.

"I act."

Leaving a simple sentence, Lucy left abruptly.

"Is it really okay to leave it to her?"

Isuna looked suspicious, always feeling that Lucy's IQ was not enough.

"I don't know either." Aoi Gengo shook his head and said regretfully: "To a certain extent, these legends of Pandora are not perfect. Their characters are flawed, but there is absolutely no problem with their strength. Don't look at Lucy like this. , but compared to her sisters, she is much more normal!"


Isuna was silent, and after a while, she said, "Why don't I follow her to see?"

"Alright, just be careful."

After careful consideration, Aoi Gengo nodded lightly. It was the first time that these legendary Pandoras had been put into actual combat.


On a hot summer day, the scorching sun shone down from the sky, mercilessly baking the earth, just like being in an oven, and many people suffered from heat stroke.

"Really, has Jun Wuchen not come yet?"

In a playground in a park, two blond girls stood in the shade of a tree to escape the summer heat. They had golden blonde hair, and their bodies were also hot and plump. Now, both women are wearing white long skirts, and their snow-white jade legs are exposed to the air, and many passers-by are looking at them.

With the face of an angel and the figure of a devil, these two slim girls are really attractive. The two are Satilaza L Bridget and Biolette L Bridget.

"Sister Biollette, you don't need to complain, don't you understand that guy Wuchen? He's a busy guy..." Satilaza seemed to know Wuchen very well, and her tone was very positive.

Hearing this, Biollette's thin lips pursed slightly, as if he was suffering a lot of resentment, "That guy is really, I finally found a holiday to invite him out to play, and he was late..."

"It doesn't matter to me. That guy is a busy guy. He is often entangled by the girls in our school. Not to mention that if he comes out to play like this now, he will be late for class sometimes." Satilesa is used to it, her tone Extraordinarily calm.

"You two..."

A mechanical voice came from behind, and Satylessa and Biolet turned their heads to look at each other, their faces showing doubts, this strange girl did not know each other.

"Your friend?" Biolette looked at Satilaza.

Satilesa looked at the mysterious girl for a while, then shook her head, "I don't know, maybe I'm the wrong person."


The mysterious girl had no expression on her face, and she took out a photo in a calm manner. It was a group photo of Satilaza and Biolet. The two girls were stunned when they found it, and they both looked at this taciturn girl curiously. .

"Are you Satilaza and Biollette?" The mysterious girl asked indifferently, giving the impression that she was very cold, and she didn't look like a normal human being if she refused to be thousands of miles away.

"Yes." The two women looked at each other and nodded lightly.

"That's right." The mysterious girl's beautiful eyes flashed with a ray of terrifying aura.

"Sister, get out of the way!"

Satireza felt the danger immediately, and immediately stood in front of Bioret, her face tightened, and she asked solemnly, "Who are you?"

"Lucy Raynor." The mysterious girl introduced coldly, that is, the legendary Pandora created by Aoi Gengo.


After the introduction, Lucy suddenly attacked, not even using the lightning weapon, and the speed was extremely fast.

"So fast!"

Satylessa couldn't help but change her face. She hadn't seen clearly yet. This mysterious girl named Lucy came to the front. She didn't even have time to release the lightning weapon. past.


Lucy raised her small hand slightly and easily grabbed the incoming fist. The movement was very casual and simple, and she just threw it out.

"Boom boom boom."

Satilaisa was thrown twenty or thirty meters away, her body smashed several walls, and she lay half-dead under the rubble.

"This monster... is it still a human? Why is it so powerful?" Satilaza stood up with difficulty, her beautiful eyes were horrified, she saw Lucy approaching Biolet, and hurriedly shouted: "Lightning weapon!"

The moment the voice fell, a few rays of light spurted out from her back, and then a sharp knife appeared, which she held tightly in her hand.


Satiresa swept out from the depths, and appeared in front of Lucy in an instant, and the light of the knife swept out and slashed towards her head.


Lucy directly grabbed the incoming cold light without blinking, giving the illusion that it was as simple as catching a fire stick...

"How is this possible?!"

Satiresa's voice has increased several times. It could be regarded as a coincidence just now, but can it still be a coincidence now?


The beautiful eyes flashed fiercely, and Lucy's clenched fist slammed into Satilaza's head with enough force to shatter a building.

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