"I hope to get along well in the future." The corner of Wuchen's mouth pursed a friendly smile, and Lucy couldn't help but nodded, then nodded silently.

"Can you still stand up?" Wuchen asked again, just now he was merciless, completely holding the mentality of hurting Lucy.

Lucy tried to stand up after hearing the words, and then fell down with a thud. The stinging pain spread all over her body. She bared her teeth in pain.

"Don't a man like you know how to pity fragrance and cherish jade?" Lucy looked at Wuchen with complaining eyes, and she learned from Wuchen the true meaning of destroying flowers with hot hands.

"Actually, I have already lowered my strength." Wuchen explained earnestly and answered truthfully: "You should be grateful to me if you didn't die. Besides, your small injury is only a flesh wound, and it is just a small problem for me."

Lucy did not deny it. Frankly speaking, it was indeed a trivial matter for Wuchen to kill her. The gap in strength was too great, and the overwhelming strength made her despair.

At the same time, there was a sudden feeling of coolness in the whole body, and Lucy was stunned. The hot body that was aching from the injury slowly disappeared, replaced by an unprecedented sense of relaxation.

"What is this?"

Lucy looked up at Wuchen suspiciously, and saw a large number of green rays of light shrouded her, and the wounds all over her body were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This is medical ninjutsu." Wuchen explained lightly, but what he said made Lucy surprised again and again. I didn't expect a violent man like Wuchen to be good at treatment.

"Try again if you can stand up," Wuchen said.

Lucy nodded lightly when she heard the words, and stood up again. Although she was able to stand up without the previous huge pain, she was swaying when she walked, as if she might fall down at any time.

"Really... women are really troublesome." Wuchen sighed helplessly, then suddenly hugged Lucy, "You're wasting time like this, go back."

The voice fell, and regardless of whether Lucy agreed or refused, Wuchen left directly. Biolet and Satilesa looked at each other, both of them were unacceptable. When they were young, Wuchen only played with them behind their backs.

Now suddenly carrying a strange woman who is still an enemy, the two women are really unacceptable and a little jealous.


Xijie College, a clean dormitory.

"Are you obsessed with sex, you bastard!"

In the evening, Satilesa stared at Wuchen with extreme dissatisfaction, while the latter just read the book silently, completely ignoring the angry girl.

"Be quiet, Satilesa." After a while of silence, Wuchen suddenly said, "I know you have opinions on that dangerous woman, but I have my own arrangements."

"I'm afraid you'll be fascinated by her!" Satilaza said still dissatisfied.

"Am I the kind of person who can't walk after seeing a woman?" Wuchen rolled his eyes and said softly, "That Lucy surrendered to me just to spy on my truth and do something for future counterattacks. The premise works... it's a miracle, isn't it said that Pandora is flawed, but this Lucy is very smart."

"Then you left that guy behind? Didn't this put a ticking time bomb beside him?" Satilesa looked at Wuchen suspiciously.

"That's because I need to know the secret of the legendary Pandora, and then make it. That guy Lucy is the most suitable white mouse." Wuchen's eyes flashed, and he said with great ambition: "Aoi Yuanwu is about the legendary Pandora. He destroyed most of the information about her, except for Lucy. Once you crack the secret of the legendary Pandora, you can be as different as she is."

"Really, can it really work?" Satilesa looked at Wuchen suspiciously, and at the same time, her tone was full of desire. She also hoped that she would be as dazzling as the legendary Pandora, and would not become a burden on Wuchen.

"Of course you can." Wuchen responded with a smile, "Don't worry, in a few days, I will send that little girl to Scarlett Ohara, in terms of Ohara's ability, to unlock the legendary Pandora's The secret is only a matter of time."

Wuchen is still a traveler, and she also has a little understanding of the legendary Pandora, which can help her.

"Speaking of which, if the old man Qingjing Yuanwu knew that Lucy was captured by me, and because of Lucy's relationship, he cracked Pandora's secret, and all the previous actions were just paving the way for me to make a wedding dress, would he be angry? ?" Wuchen smiled wickedly, already imagining the aggrieved cheeks that wanted to cry without tears after Aoi Yuanwu knew the truth.

"I have already called Ohara to inform Ohara that if that guy finds the treasure, he will send someone to pick up Lucy in a few days. It's just a few days. You can get along with peace of mind during this time." Wuchen continued, and then Thinking of Lucy's danger, "that guy slept with me in this room temporarily, she had no choice."

"Sleep together? Stop joking!" Satilaza's eyes widened several times, her tone raised several levels, her voice almost screamed, "Lonely, alone, this is a school, you are still a teacher!"

Wuchen stared at Satiresa's red cheeks in confusion, and said speechlessly: "What are you thinking about? Even if I want to fool around, do you think Lucy will agree? It's too naive, have you forgotten, I'm hers enemy."

"Uh...that's right." Satiresa's dangling heart was relieved, and then she left after chatting a few more words.

"You can come in."

After sending Satilaza away, Wuchen greeted Lucy to enter the bedroom, and said very rudely: "I have rheumatism and I am not in good health, so you can lay the floor!"


Chapter 47 Troubled Girl [First More]

"Laying the floor?" Hearing this, Lucy looked at Wuchen in confusion, blinking her big beautiful eyes and asking, "What does it mean to lay the floor?"

"I don't understand?" Wuchen's cheeks suddenly solidified, and he seemed a little surprised. When Lucy fought before, the IQ was still a normal human being.

Looking carefully at Lucy's pure eyes, they were as clear as a mountain spring, not like a lie, then Wuchen cleared his throat and said, "It's very simple, it means you sleep on the ground."


Lucy agreed unexpectedly, very readily, without any hesitation.

"Very interesting."

Wuchen nodded slightly, and got into the quilt without saying a word. Just as he was about to turn off the light, Lucy suddenly came over.

The girl did not speak, but her arms were straight, very standard, as if she was tied to a cross, her innocent eyes stared at Wuchen without moving.

"Is this...a very fashionable move?" After watching for a while, Wuchen asked strangely, and at the same time he couldn't help asking himself: I am too old to be in the age of young people?

"Help me undress." Lucy said calmly, as if describing a very sparse and ordinary little thing. "

The corner of Wuchen's mouth twitched, and he went directly into the quilt, "Ha? Do you think I am a servant? Help you undress? There is no door."

After living for thousands of years, no one dares to let themselves take off their clothes.

Wuchen was buried under the quilt, ignoring Lucy at all, not even taking off his clothes?What a joke, seven or eight-year-olds will undress themselves.

After about two or three minutes, the room was silent.

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