"Are you gone?" Realizing that it was quiet outside, and Wuchen also got out of the quilt, who would have expected Lucy to stand motionless, her beautiful and clean eyes dazzling like starlight, quietly watching Wuchen ,it is more than words.

Seeing this, Wuchendan covered his cheeks in pain, sighed and said, "Okay, take off your clothes for you... Really, what the hell did I do?"

Listening to Wuchen's agreement, Lucy nodded lightly, a smile appeared on her lovely face, and she said mechanically, "Thank you."

"The stinky old man of Qingjing Yuanwu." Wuchen pulled Lucy down to his side, and cursed Qingjing Yuanwu in his heart, "I only use them as weapons, and I can't even take care of the most basic life, hateful old man."

No matter how upset he is, he has to face the reality and reach out to unbutton Lucy, starting from his neck and slowly going down.

An electric shock-like feeling suddenly swept through the whole body, Lucy blushed, "Don't, don't touch it."

"Uh... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. In the end, I blame you for being too big." Wuchen apologized embarrassingly. Lucy's breasts were too big, and it was inevitable to touch them when unbuttoning them.

After unbuttoning Lucy's coat, she was wearing a pure white blouse with a little lace on the collar. Due to the size of her chest, she directly propped up the shirt, the buttons were tight, and there was no dust. Even suspect that it may explode at any time.

"Why don't you take it off?" Lucy looked at Wuchen with a puzzled expression.

"Then take it off." Wuchen reluctantly continued to unbutton the button, the reason for hesitation was because the pale pink bra could be seen through the white shirt...

"Huh... it's really terrible." After a while, Wuchen breathed a sigh of relief, and finally took off Lucy's shirt, the upper body suddenly lighted up, only one bra was left, and the devil's figure was in Wuchen. The eyes are staring at a glance.

"I don't have your pajamas here, why don't you wear mine. Satilesa just bought it for me a few days ago, and I haven't had time to wear it yet." Everything was not well-prepared, and Wuchen temporarily borrowed his pajamas. Dressed for Lucy.

"Thank you." Lucy said still stodgy, then frowned at Wuchen and pointed to her bra, "Take this off too, I sleep naked."

Wuchen was extremely tangled when he heard the words. I didn't expect this chick to still have the habit of sleeping naked, so she had to help her untie her bra again. The career line of the bust immediately jumped out.

"Fortunately, I've already looked down on it..."

Wuchen's eyes are indifferent, and the accumulation of thousands of years has long cultivated a calm and indifferent heart no matter what emergencies are faced, so there is no special feeling.

"And my pants, take them off too," Lucy said immediately.

"I'm really drunk, this time I really became a nanny."

Wuchen couldn't help crying and laughing, and a wave of energy popped out directly from his fingers, falling on Lucy, destroying all her clothes, and suddenly she was naked, her perfect figure and graceful curves were all exposed to Wuchen's eyes, but he didn't. After reading it in his mind, he waved his hand extremely tiredly and said, "Okay, let's go to sleep."

However, Lucy still stood quietly, stared at Wuchen for a moment, and said seriously, "Help me take a bath."

The blue veins appeared on Wuchen's forehead, and he couldn't hold back his temper and cursed: "I'm so... that dead old man Qingjing Yuanwu only endowed the legendary Pandora with invincible strength. In other respects, he is a complete idiot, and he is treated like a simple weapon. , if no one takes care of him, he may starve to death.”

No wonder Wuchen is so depressed. In this long life, he has never helped anyone take off his clothes or take a bath, like a servant.

"Forget it, I'll find someone to help you. You wait here, don't run around, I'll be right back." Wuchen simply went out, put on his slippers, went out and left, and helped Lucy take a bath. Bar.

Chapter 48 Was Robbed? 【Second Update】

"Who can I ask for help?"

The moment he came out of the room, Wuchen touched his chin in confusion. Thinking about it carefully, this kind of thing is really hard to tell. You can't just say that there is a naked girl in your room waiting for someone to help. Take a shower.

"Be sure to find a reliable person."

Wuchen frowned and pondered, instinctively thinking of Satilesa, and then shook his head again, if the little girl knew that Lucy was naked and waiting for someone to help take a bath, she would be chattering about herself.

"Teacher Wuchen..." The abrupt voice suddenly came from behind, very soft. Just listening to the voice, you knew that this person was very gentle.

"It turned out to be classmate Xifeng." The moment he turned his head, Wuchen's eyes lit up, as if he saw the savior.

Seeing Wuchen's eyes glowing at him, Xi Feng couldn't help but be stunned, and asked in surprise, "Teacher, do you have something to do? I can help as much as possible."

"It's not a loss to be the president of the student union!" Wuchen gave a thumbs up when he heard the words, and at the same time smiled secretly in his heart: "I'm waiting for your words."

"Cough cough, can you help me with a girl..."

Leaning in front of Xifeng's ear, Wuchen whispered the reason, while secretly observing the change in Xifeng's expression, after the explanation, Xifeng's cheek turned dark red, and even the ear and neck were red. , the body temperature also increased rapidly.

"After it's done, consider that I owe you a favor." Wuchen added at the end, and he couldn't let others work in vain.

"What's the relationship between that girl and the teacher?" Xi Feng's eyes flashed a strange look, and he asked in a strange tone. You must understand that Wuchen is very popular in this school, especially if there are so many female fans. Knowing that the dust-free golden house is hidden, I am afraid that the whole school will explode.

"That guy..." Wuchen originally wanted to fool Xifeng, but it's okay to think about it, after all, it's not good to ask others to help her, and she said bluntly: "That's the killer sent by Qingjing Yuanwu. , one of the legendary Pandora, the strength is higher than you, came to attack me before and was captured, stay here for a while to observe, put it in foster care with others and make a mess, I am afraid no one can capture it except me Legendary Pandora."

"Legendary Pandora."

The blush on Xifeng's face suddenly subsided, and it was replaced by an unprecedented seriousness and prudence. The words were quite complicated. There were nostalgia, hatred, sadness, sadness, and unwillingness... Countless emotions were combined, after all, back then She is also one of Qingjing Yuanwu's experiments, and the plan is successful. She is also one of the legendary Pandora. A failure, after all, the conventional legendary Pandora can use only 10% of her strength to be equal to her, and the strength gap is a bit big.

However, although there is less powerful strength, there are also advantages. Other legendary Pandoras are closer to Maria in nature. For example, they cannot take care of themselves, and 99% of Xifeng belongs to humans, so her strength is not as good as other legendary Pandoras. , and is not as simple and ignorant as Lucy, almost indistinguishable from humans.

"If you refuse, I won't stop you. After all, you are also one of Qingjing Yuanwu's test objects. It is inevitable to see Lucy and think of the nightmarish past." She found that Xifeng's expression was a little heavy, and Wuchen did not embarrass her. , If I were Xifeng, I would probably hate the legendary Pandora when I thought about it as a test product of Aoi Gengo.

"Let the girl named Lucy leave it to me in the future." Xi Feng said suddenly, looking at Wuchen with a smile, feeling like a spring breeze, very comfortable, and readily agreed.

"This is the best." Wuchen nodded lightly, and reminded: "In the future, don't expose your strength until it is a last resort. Qingjing Yuanwu may continue to trouble you. After all, although other Legendary Ranks are powerful, You can't take care of yourself in basic life, there are personality flaws, but you don't have that flaw, it's inevitable that the old guy will have other thoughts on you."

"It's okay." Xi Feng looked calm, then looked at Wuchen with a smile, and said calmly: "Mr. Wuchen will definitely protect me, right?"

Hearing this, Wuchen glanced at Xifeng in surprise. She didn't expect that she would suddenly say this, but she nodded and said, "It definitely will, after all, you are my student, and the student was taken as a test subject. This teacher also has no face, and I have a bad relationship with Aoi Gengo."

"I'm very happy that the teacher can look at me in a normal way." Xi Feng suddenly opened his golden eyes, which were shining brightly. eyes, but don’t show anyone casually.”

After a few more chats, Wuchen went back to the room with Xifeng.


After opening the door, the scene that came into view made Wuchen dumbfounded.

"what's going on?"

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