Xi Feng spat out blood, and her golden eyes dimmed a lot. With this blow, her body was about to fall apart.

Wen Dimei stared at the embarrassed Xifeng, raised two fingers to persuade: "You should surrender, I only played 20% of my strength."

It sounds surprising, but the result is like this. The remaining four legendary Pandoras are stronger than Xifeng. With 10% of their strength, they can be equal to Xifeng, and with 20% of their strength, it is enough to easily suppress Xifeng.

"Father, she is one of our sisters after all." Lucy suddenly pleaded with Aoi Yuango, causing Xifeng to be stunned for a moment, and then shook his head again, just now seeing the essence of Aoi Yuango clearly.

"You bastard!"

Hearing this, Qingjing Yuanwu was not angry, but felt that his head was about to explode. Why does this happen all the time, his cronies always flirt with the enemy, granddaughters Qingjing and Ye are like this, and so is Lucy.

"This is due to human nature. Don't think that everyone is a cold-blooded animal like you, even the legendary Pandora." Xi Feng stood up again, and her eyes showed endless determination. regret.

Instead of making props in Aoi Yuango's laboratory, she yearns for the bright sunshine outside, even if it's just a snap of her fingers, it's more exciting than living with Aoi Yuango.

"Really?" Qingjing Yuanwu's old face turned ugly, and he smiled cruelly: "I will cut off the bond between you and Lucy now, that kind of boring feeling, legendary Pandora doesn't need it, Wendy, kill her for me !"

Hearing this, Lucy was very nervous, but she could only watch helplessly. She didn't want Xifeng to be killed, and she also had an instinctive obedience - she couldn't defy Aoi Gengo, as if she was born.


Wendy Mei picked up the huge hammer indifferently, walked to Xifeng and smashed it with all her might.

"Is this the end?"

Xi Feng closed his eyes in despair.


With a loud noise, the falling giant hammer suddenly stopped, and everyone was surprised.

"Here's the bastard."

The moment he saw this person, Qingjing Yuanwu was furious, his eyes spitting fire, while Xifeng's eyes were shining brightly, this person actually took Wentimemei's attack with his bare hands, and his strength was so terrifying.

"This is 20% of your strength?"

The corners of Wuchen's mouth swept a slight arc, staring at Wendimei's little face, sneered, and raised a finger, "I haven't even used 1% of my strength, so you should surrender."

………… ..

Chapter 58 Killing Qingjing Yuanwu [Fifth More]

"Playing less than 1% of the strength?"

This sentence is like a depth bomb, blasting huge waves, roaring everyone's heads, is it so exaggerated?If this is the case, doesn't it mean that the sum of all legendary Pandora's combat power is not the enemy of Wuchen?

"Hmph, Wuchen, do you think you are a god? Stop bragging about yourself, you'll be beaten all over by Wendy later!" Yes, don't think that I don't know what you captured Lucy's picture, isn't it just to crack the secret of the legendary Pandora?"

"It's true." Wuchen didn't hide it, and said lightly: "However, it's not for me to crack their secrets, Pandora only has women..."

"Give it to me now!"

Qingjing Yuanwu suddenly gave a loud shout, and Wuchen immediately felt the yin wind whistling behind him, and it was certain that someone wanted to take the opportunity to sneak attack on him.


The weapon that Isuna is holding stabbed at Wuchen's head, killing decisively and mercilessly.

Looking back, Wuchen's eyes focused on Isuna's body, and her eyes exuded a fiery edge, as if flames were rolling, "Amaterasu."

A pitch-black fire burned from Isuna's body without warning. It was unavoidable. When the girl realized the stinging pain caused by the burning, the flames had already swallowed her whole body.

"Isuna, I have let you go over and over again, and you have no intention of repenting... My kindness is not infinite, so let's die with regret." Suna, Wuchen has no sympathy at all.

"It's you next."

The eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel in the state of the five-pointed star exudes bursts of surging pupil power, and the dust-free eyes move, and he locks on Aoi Gengo with a cold face, and the latter trembles suddenly.

"Don't ignore me, you bastard!" Wendymei attacked again with the giant hammer, holding the giant hammer tightly in both hands, clenching her teeth and using all her strength, a hammer bigger than a man fell from the sky.


Wuchen's body burst on the spot and was smashed alive. If it was someone else, it would have turned into a puddle of flesh, and he turned into thousands of rays of light and drifted away.

As a flash person who ate the flash fruit, this kind of attack is meaningless. When Wendimei attacked her just now, Wuchen didn't even look at her.

"Go to hell, scumbag."

In an instant, Wuchen's body was repaired again, and the ominous eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye focused on Qingjing Yuango's body, the latter's skin began to sting, and inexplicably began to bleed.

"Lucy, Wendy, protect me!" Aoi Yuango, who realized that something was wrong, shouted quickly, looking at Wuchen's terrifying eyes, trembling all over his body, just now Isuna was alive by these evil eyes burn.

"Come here for me."

At the critical moment, Qingjing Yuanwu's heart was ruthless, he still wanted to die, he directly pulled Lucy over as a shield, like a mouse shrinking behind a girl, and said coldly: "Lucy, your legendary Pandora is not only me who conquered the world. The props are still my life-saving charm!"

Hearing this, Lucy's heart was ashes. Even if there was a flaw in her personality, she couldn't help crying at the moment. All beings in the world have feelings, even cold-blooded animals. Her father used her as a meat shield to treat Lucy. The blow is self-evident, the future life is dark and hopeless.


Seeing this scene, Xifeng clenched his fists even more, remembering the words that Wuchen always said on his lips, and he was right. The most extreme people in the world are scientists who are driven mad.

"I said before that we were your daughter, but now you're treating your daughter as a human shield? Aoi Gengo, you are such a shameless scum." Xifeng cursed angrily. It was the first time he was so popular since he was born.

On the contrary, Wuchen is a lot calmer. This scene is not surprising. In the years of wandering around the world, I have seen people who are even crazier than Qingjing Yuanwu, not to mention this old boy.


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