Wendy Mei is also extremely complicated. Qingjing Yuanwu actually used his sister as a meat shield. It was like a knife stabbed in the softest part of her heart, and she felt distressed.

"Shut up for me, I must not die, who can save the world and be in charge of Pandora's work when I die?" Qingjing Yuanwu asked as a matter of course, but Wuchen scoffed.

"You must die!"

The eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel suddenly disappeared, replaced by the blood-red samsara writing wheel. With a slight blink, Wuchen disappeared, "Heavenly Hand Power!"

As if it was drilled out of a crack in the space, Wuchen appeared silently behind Qingjing Yuanwu, his expression was cold, and the Tiancong Yunjian he was holding fell with a knife.


Qingjing Yuanwu's head was like a watermelon. It was slashed by Wuchen with a single knife, and blood splattered in all directions.

Even if the gods were alive, they would never want to resurrect Aoi Gengo.


One does not do two endlessly, Wuchen directly destroys the corpse and destroys the trace, not even the corpse is left behind for this dead old man, the black flame from hell burns everything, and the residue of the corpse is swallowed up.


As soon as Qingjing Yuanwu died, Wendymei also knelt down with dementia and stared at Qingjing Yuanwu, who gradually turned into nothingness. Thinking of what the old man had done before, she did not feel any sadness in her heart. The only thing that confused her was, where should she go in the future?

"To get revenge, you must get revenge!"

For some reason, two huge hatreds swept up from the hearts of Lucy and Wendimei. Obviously they didn't intend to fight Wuchen, but their bodies seemed to be disobedient, glaring at Wuchen like a walking corpse.

Chapter 59 One Punch Second Kill [First More]

"There seems to be something wrong."

Xifeng also saw the difference between Lucy and Wentimey, and her brows were deeply folded together.

"Just found out?"

Wuchen glanced at Xifeng and explained seriously: "The legendary Pandora appeared before the concept of Pandora was born. The essence of the legendary Pandora is closer to Maria, and NOVA..."

"What does Mr. Wuchen want to say?" Xi Feng moved his gaze over, his golden eyes glowing brightly, keenly smelling something in the words.

"Don't you think it's strange? The legendary Pandora is closer to NOVA. According to common sense, it should hate humans more. Obedience to Aoi Gengo itself is an extremely contradictory thing."

Wuchen said in a low voice, "If I'm not wrong, what means should Aoi Gengo use to control the legendary Pandora, for example, implanting special codes in Lucy and the others' minds, etc., must be Obey Aoi Gengo, don't forget that the old man who created Lucy and others is the old man. Doing this kind of thing is not a big problem for him. The old man is sinister and cunning. He is also afraid of the legendary Pandora. , the whole of humanity will step into the end."

"It's not unreasonable." Xifeng nodded lightly in agreement, Qingjing Yuanwu himself is a shrewd and capable scientist, it may be no problem to create some things to control people, not to mention Lucy and the others are clones.

"Anyway, let's settle them first."

Wuchen walked in front of Wendimei and Lucy, with a hint of contempt on her face, "You don't have to go one by one, let's let the horses come together, don't waste my time."

"Boom boom boom."

Wendy Mei didn't say a word, she picked up the huge hammer and attacked from the front. As for Lucy, she attacked from Wuchen's back, and it seemed that she was going to attack back and forth.


Seeing this, Xi Feng was secretly anxious and tried to summon a lightning weapon. Unexpectedly, the stinging pain spread all over her body, and she bared her teeth.

Wuchen's eyes blinked slightly, and there were faint ripples in the eye sockets, "The edge of the tomb of the wheel."


Lucy, who was about to attack Wuchen from behind, was suddenly attacked. Her body flew out inexplicably and hit the ground heavily. No one knew who the murderer was.

"What, what's the situation?"

Xi Feng watched this scene like a ghost, thinking that his old eyes were dizzy, and he couldn't help wiping his eyes, Lucy was indeed knocked out, and it was unknown who did it.

Looking at Wuchen subconsciously, Xifeng witnessed that confident expression, and he was definitely inseparable from Wuchen.


Wendimei smashed again with the giant hammer in hand. The small body revealed explosive power, and the gust of wind thrown out when swinging the giant hammer was enough to shatter the solid wall.

"too strong."

Xi Feng couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Although he was also a legendary Pandora, he used completely different techniques. The gap was so big that Wentimey's 20% strength was enough to defeat him.


The turbulent shock wave spread, and the ground was blown bare. Wentimemei's giant hammer smashed to the top of Wuchen's head. Without blinking, he directly used his head to resist the huge hammer.

"Your strength is just that?" The corner of his dry mouth opened slightly, and Wuchen asked lightly: "It's so disappointing."

Staring at the giant hammer above his head, Wuchen said softly: "The armed color is hardened."

The fair-skinned right fist was immediately swallowed up by the black brilliance. It shone brightly under the sunlight, filled with an invincible edge, and it seemed that a single punch could shatter everything.

"Boom boom boom!"

Wuchen punched out, and the seemingly ordinary fist slammed onto the giant hammer, as if being hit by a giant mountain, Wentimemei was instantly thrown away.


The walls made of steel were penetrated by Wendimei, which was enough to witness how terrifying Wuchen's punch was. Looking up, he found the trace of the girl.

"You won't be killed, right?" Xi Feng asked in astonishment. This casual punch instantly killed the legendary Pandora. If you really want to be serious, wouldn't it be able to destroy the world?

"No, I know the legendary Pandora, and I don't use all my strength. If she was killed like this, it can only be said that she was too inexperienced."

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