Wuchen walked to Lucy's side. The girl had been hit hard by the "Round Grave Prison", her face was pale and unable to move. In desperation, Wuchen used her invisible clone to pick her up.

In addition, Wendimei also found it. Like Lucy, she was also killed by a single punch and lost consciousness.

"Let's go, go to your brother now. I used the arrogance of seeing and hearing to search for nearby places, and was hidden by the old man Qingjing Yuanwu."

Wuchen walked to Xifeng's side, at this moment she was leaning against the corner, sweating profusely.

"Sorry, I don't have the extra strength anymore." Xi Feng said embarrassedly, he was hit hard by Wendymei just now, and his body was about to fall apart.

"You are too useless." Wuchen shook his head and complained, then under Xifeng's stupefied gaze, he hugged her head with his right hand and his legs with his left.

"I can't leave you alone in the wilderness. I'll take you away with my grievance, and remember to invite me to dinner when I go back." Regardless of whether Xifeng agreed or refused, Wuchen left directly.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Unprecedented strangeness spread all over the body, Xifeng's heart beat faster, and his fair face was covered with an almost morbid blush, as if he had a high fever. It was the first time in his life that he was held by others, and he was very nervous.

Chapter 60 The heights are too cold [second more]

"Does it feel bad for me to hold you? You're about to have a fever." After walking for a while, Wuchen couldn't help but ask, Xifeng was hot all over, and his red face had the illusion of being on fire.

"No, no."

Xifeng shook his head again and again, and after Wuchen said so, his heart beat faster.

After thinking about it, Xifeng could only take the initiative to change the subject, otherwise it would be too embarrassing, so he said, "What is Mr. Wuchen going to do with Lucy and Wentimemei?"

"Actually, I don't have any ill will towards them, nor do I intend to use or tame them. To be honest, they are too weak to be my subordinates at all." Wuchen's remarks made Xi Fenglei take it seriously. It is too arrogant to say that the legendary Pandora is not qualified to be his subordinate.

But judging from the strength shown by Wuchen, there is really no need to take in his subordinates, he himself represents the strongest, why do you want subordinates?

"What's the meaning of the teacher's captivity? Are you going to hand it over to [Shubaliye] for research?" Xifeng asked nervously. She was also a test subject of Aoi Yuango, and she knew better than anyone what it was like to be treated as a guinea pig. .

It was a life of despair that could not survive or die.

Hearing this, Wuchen stopped, stretched out his finger, tapped Xifeng's forehead, then touched his cheek and said to himself, "My face looks like the kind of scum who betrays others. Is it? He's obviously very handsome!"

"Uh..." Said by Wuchen, Xifeng felt a little embarrassed, and said through gritted teeth: "No matter what, Lucy and the others were my sisters before, I hope they can live a quiet and harmonious life in the future. Down."

"Of course there's no problem."

Wuchen readily agreed, and at the same time stated his ultimate goal, "I really want to study the legendary Pandora, but I won't hand them over to the people of [Shupaliye], the name of Scarlet Ohara. You should have heard of it, right? About a few years ago, after she broke up with Aoi Gengo, she became my person, and now she is helping me study the secrets of the legendary Pandora in Alaska. With Lucy and the others, these ready-made legends Level Pandora, at the level of Ohara, the research may be successful in the near future."

"Could it be that Teacher Wuchen also intends to follow the example of Gengo Aoi, using the power of the legendary Pandora to strengthen himself, and then rule over mankind?" Xi Feng then asked, his golden eyes staring at Wuchen's eyes without moving.

People say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Once you tell a lie, you will appear unnatural and cowardly.

But after staring at Wuchen for dozens of seconds, those deep black eyes were quiet and indifferent, without the slightest sign of stage fright, they just stared at Xifeng, but she was defeated first.

Because of being held by Wuchen, Xifeng could even feel the heat coming from Wuchen's mouth, blowing hot on his face, and the calm and pretty face turned red again.

"To rule the world, what a boring thing to do."

After a long while, Wuchen finally spoke, staring at the blue sky in the distance, "Actually, standing at the top of the world alone may not be a good thing, it will be lonely after a long time, the feeling of being so cold in the heights is really soothing. People are boring, they don't even have an opponent, and they live like a year every day, just thinking about it is boring."

"I see, I'm sorry, I didn't understand Teacher Wuchen's ambition before." Xi Feng bowed his head apologetically, Wuchen's dismissive appearance was definitely not a lie, he was bored from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, it is good to describe it in one sentence, how lonely it is to be invincible!What's the point of walking alone in the clouds when you stand alone at the top and all your opponents are trampled to death?Therefore, for a long time, Wuchen is not interested in ruling the world, and it is not as interesting as playing the world.

After chatting with Xifeng for a while, before they knew it, the two walked to an underground laboratory, which was where Qingjing Yuanwu hid before, and also found a Yujin tourist who was about to starve to death. It was very miserable. The next layer is skin and bones, and maybe he will starve to death in one night.

"A step too late?"

In a laboratory of Qingjing Yuanwu, Wuchen stood in front of two containers, and there was still liquid underground. It is estimated that not long ago, the characters inside suddenly woke up, and then broke the containers and left.

"Kassandra and Teslad..." Wuchen muttered the names of the last two legendary Pandoras. The sleeping figures in these two containers were probably the two of them.

I haven't met the two in the previous battle. Wuchen thought that he was still sleeping, but now he seems to have woken up and left quietly. It is estimated that the two women also went to Wuchen to seek revenge.

Especially Cassandra, [-]% of Wuchen's hatred is deep like the sea, Aoi and Kazuya have an extraordinary relationship with her, that kid was abandoned by Wuchen, sadly became the number one eunuch in the world, and was sent to a mental hospital. , Cassandra must have hated the dust-free.

After about half an hour, Wuchen, who had nothing to gain, chose to leave. Before leaving, he did not forget to set a fire to burn down the underground laboratory.

The inside is really cruel. There are many human experiments, and even newborn babies are used for human experiments by Qingjing Yuanwu. The name is for all human beings, but in fact, it is to create more terrifying weapons.

Therefore, when Wuchen left, he directly used "Hoohuo Extinguishing" to burn up everything, which was considered to end Aoi Yuanwu's sinful life.

"Does it matter from Cassandra and Tesla?"

Sifon looked at Wuchen with a little worry, his face was haggard and powerless. Wentimemei and Lucy's soul reserves were at the [-] level, while Cassandra and Teslad's soul reserves were both at the million level. What it means is self-evident, the gap is stark.

Chapter 61 Perverted Family [Chapter Three]

"Don't worry, just wait for the rabbits, we are the prey in the eyes of others, just wait for the hunters to prey at home." Wuchen said calmly, he is the big meal in the mouths of others, and the other party will come back sooner or later to eat.

"This metaphor makes people complimented." Xifeng couldn't help laughing and laughing, and Wuchen's words gave people a feeling of eating and waiting for death.


Wuchen stretched his waist and said carelessly: "It's just a legend of Pandora, so you need to be so nervous? Tomorrow is the weekend, let's go out to travel and relax a little."

Xifeng was even more speechless, the enemies all ran away, hiding in the dark, silently watching everything in Wuchen, like a giant sword floating above his head, I don't know when it fell and stabbed you, Wuchen is still in the mood for vacation travel , this state of mind is no longer there.

Although some words were unpleasant, Xi Feng was still silent. After all, she and Wuchen were not relatives, not friends, just a simple teacher-student relationship.


After returning to Xijie Academy, Wuchen first took a good night's sleep. As for Lucy and Wendimei, she could only say sorry, and knocked them out unceremoniously...

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